
390. Trapped

3 Alvarez ships are getting closer to a coast on Fiore. Ben got the information about Alvarez's attempt to send some spies first, so he waited here. His informants are very reliable and their information is very accurate.

The 3 ships are moving fast toward Fiore and Ben is getting ready to move before he suddenly gets a call. He sighs deeply before picking up the call that comes from none other than Wolfheim who also waited near the coast with Draculos and Warrod.

"What is it, old man? I'm just about to start having fun," says Ben frustratedly.

"Having fun? What do you mean? Have they appeared?" asks Wolfheim confusedly.

"So you can't see them, huh? I guess their illusion is great, after all," says Ben while looking at the 3 ships.

The ships look very clear in Ben's eyes, but no one else can see them, even the old 3 Gods of Ishgar. It's because the ships are hidden from their sight by high-level illusion. Too bad though, their illusion utilizes Light Magic and no Light Magic can affect the current Ben, so he can see them clearly because Ben is immune to any kind of light alteration.

Ben closes the call and grins, "Well, this will be interesting. Especially if they don't expect any attack now."

Without waiting anymore, Ben flies toward the ships at a very high speed. He crashes onto the one in the middle almost in an instant after he flew. He is so fast that it looks like he teleports there, but the crash is proof that he actually flies instead of teleporting.

The ship is destroyed and everyone is alerted by the sudden crash. Many people on the middle ship are taken out by that crash because the impact was very powerful. Everyone then looks at the culprit who caused that. They look at Ben who stands above the destroyed ship warily.

"Is Zeref really sending you guys to infiltrate Ishgar under my watch? Damn, he's either looking down on me or trusting you too much. But no matter what the case is, I will stop you right here right now," says Ben while grinning.

"Y-YOU ARE... BEN COOPER, 'THE SUN EATER'. W-WHY ARE YOU HERE?" shouts a soldier panickedly.

"Oho? Sun Eater? Is that how you called me in Alvarez? That's a cool name, better than Ishgar's Sun's Child. I guess Zeref has a better naming sense than those old bastards in the council," says Ben while rubbing his chin while smiling after hearing such a cool name.

He is quite pissed though because his informants never told him about this. Maybe it's not that important for them, but it's absolutely important for Ben. Such a cool nickname should be used and spread, after all.

"Well, that's that, it won't change the fact that you all will either sleep in this cold sea forever or behind the cold bars in Ishgar. Don't be too easy though, I came here myself because I have high hopes for Alvarez's soldiers' power," says Ben while smirking.

"We won't disappoint you then," says a man before suddenly the sea freeze at high speed, trapping all the ships.

The ice spreads on the destroyed ship and even climbs Ben's feet until it covers his whole body. But Ben doesn't fight back and just grins as the ice keeps covering him. In the end, he is encased in thick ice while standing on the destroyed sea.

"I-is this it?" asks a soldier.


All the soldiers scatter to do whatever it is they have planned. A man who stands beside the Ice Mage suddenly throws a lacrima ball at Ben. The lacrima ball breaks and many runes come out of it to stick on Ben's frozen body.

A rather big transparent white dome also appears on the new ice land. It's a space barrier to prevent anyone inside from coming out and vice-versa. They want to trap Ben here and prevent anyone from helping him.

The ice that covers Ben's body suddenly cracks and it breaks in a short time. Ben comes out unscathed, but then he frowns a little when he sees the runes on his body. These runes are different from the ones he knows, so it seems Alvarez has different runes than Ishgar.

"You came prepared, huh? No, you came expecting me to come and stop you. Zeref knows me quite well, doesn't he?" asks Ben jokingly while smirking.

"Hahaha, you've fallen into our trap. Now you won't be able to use your magic," says the man who threw a lacrima ball at Ben arrogantly.

The runes that stick on Ben's body are made to seal his magic. So now he can't use his magic because the runes disrupt his magic power's flow and disperse it when he tries to use his magic.

"Well, these rune formations are impressive. Who made them?" asks Ben curiously.

"Hahaha, of course, they are impressive. They are made by none other than Madam Irene. Even you won't be able to break it. Now, you are trapped here with us who still can use our magic freely," says the arrogant man.

"Irene, huh? I've heard rumors about her and I really want to fight her. The first Dragon Slayer, I want to know how strong she is. Still, although this whole trap is good, I need to tell you that you are wrong. I am not trapped here with you, you are trapped here with me," says Ben while grinning and getting into his battle stance.

Ben jumps onto one of the ships and he reaches it in one jump. It surprises the Mages because they never expected a man who can't use his magic to do this. But Ben just grins and sends a side kick to the arrogant man who pisses him off.

The man has a good reflexes so he can defend himself by crossing his arms and creating a crystal shield on his crossed arms. Ben's kick hits the crystal shield, but the man still gets flung back quite fast and crashes onto the space barrier.

The soldiers are surprised to see one of their leaders get hit like that by a man who can't use magic. Ben still has his grin while he looks at the surprised soldiers. He raises his left hand a little and makes a taunting motion to all of them.

"Come on! Show me what Alvarez can do," says Ben with a mocking tone.

The Alvarez soldiers grit their teeth in anger before attacking Ben together. But Ben just calmly waits for them and fights them using just his physical power because his magic is sealed. He could even defeat Ishgar's Wizard Saints & S-Class Mages using only physical power, so these soldiers don't have a chance at all.

It doesn't need that long for Ben to defeat all of them. The leaders who are still conscious can't hide their surprise because Ben singlehandedly defeated them who are in full power while unable to use magic. Their levels are too far apart, it's like facing the final boss.

Ben grabs the Ice Mage's head who is the highest authority in their group. He lifts the man's head by pulling his hair while crouching. Then Ben looks at the man's eyes with a serious expression before it turns into a mocking expression.

"Did you have a good time watching? I know you were watching the entire battle, Spriggans," says Ben while smirking.

The Ice Mage widens his eyes in surprise because Ben knows the Spriggans watched this through him. But then he suddenly loses consciousness because a Spriggan is taking over his body to communicate with Ben.

"It seems August didn't exaggerate it. You are really a monster," says the possessed Ice Mage.

"Who is this?" asks Ben.

"The one who prepared this trap," says the possessed Ice Mage.

"Ah, Irene, is it? I must say I'm impressed with your plan. But you are looking down on me too much. Do you think this level of trap is enough to stop me?" asks Ben while breaking the runes on his body.

Irene is more surprised now because Ben breaks her runes so easily.

"I am a runemaster myself. Just because you use different runes doesn't mean I can't destroy them. So you better improve yourself before you come here, or you'll die too fast. Ah, also, tell Zeref that he better clean his neck before I chop it off," says Ben with a menacing grin before he makes a massive explosion from his body, destroying everything around him.

The only one left there is Ben, he doesn't spare anyone here because he knows they won't give any information if captured. They are suicide squads, after all, so they rather die than leak information. Anyway, Ben now knows that the war will probably come in a few days, so Ishgar needs to be ready.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 425. Dragon Annihilation (Fairy Tail: Sun Eater)

2. Chapter 435. Escaping Impel Down (Transcended as Lord Buggy)

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)
