
386. A Little Show

Ben's small threat makes the Mages flinch because a threat from someone of Ben's caliber sounds very different. Also, it can be interpreted as he will get more serious and probably start using his magic that hasn't been shown in this game.

They are correct, Ben will start using his magic to make this game more entertaining. He only used his physical power so far, but he always planned to end this game with magic. Besides, just physical power won't be enough to defeat these elite Mages.

Ben extends his arms to the sides and makes a grabbing motion. The Mages are getting ready to face whatever Ben will do now. They don't know what Ben will do because even the Fairy Tail Mages never saw Ben doing this motion.

"Almighty Pull!" chants Ben as his hands get covered with a dark purple aura.

The Mages suddenly feel their bodies getting pulled by an invisible force. They try to resist it, but no one has the power to resist the pull completely. The most they can do is slow down the pulling for a few seconds before they all finally fly toward Ben.

All the Mages are flying toward Ben at quite a high speed. When they get quite close, Ben raises his left leg before slamming it to the ground along with throwing his hands down. Right when he does that, the flying Mages suddenly get slammed strongly onto the ground.

Ben hasn't done yet as he covers his right hand with a dark purple energy ball. He crouches and then punches the ground using his right fist. A strong impact gets created from the punch and then the ground vibrates strongly.

The vibrations spread through the ground with Ben as the center. Then the ground starts exploding in circles as the vibrations move away from Ben. The Mages get hit by the explosions and thrown quite far because of the strong impacts.

Just this attack has taken out half of the elite Mages. Ben uses such a strong attack even though his sisters are among the Mages. This is a battle, after all, and his sisters are ready to face him seriously like everyone else, so he also treats them as real opponents right now.

Besides, they are strong enough to face this kind of attack and they prove it by not getting eliminated by this attack. They know Ben's capabilities the best and they've prepared themselves to face things even worse than this.

Ben raises his right hand and taunts the surviving Mages with it. "Come on! We have just gotten started."

The Mages grit their teeth before they move to attack Ben. Those with strong long-range spells attack him from the back. While those with shorter-range spells move toward Ben to attack him from a closer distance.

Ben grins before he covers his left hand with black solar energy. He is using his Sun God Slayer Magic which he very rarely shows to the public. Then he swipes his left hand horizontally around him and makes a circle.

A circle of black solar energy appears and it moves away from Ben while getting bigger and bigger. The circle of black solar energy hits the incoming spells and destroys them. It doesn't get destroyed though and keeps moving toward the Mages.

The Mages do their best to evade it by either proning on the ground or jumping very high. Some people try to block it, but it's a very big mistake because none of them has the power to defend that. They get blasted and defeated instantly by the black solar circle.

"So that's the true potential of God Slayer Magic," says Orga with a stunned expression.

"Will I be able to reach that level one day?" asks Sherria in wonder.

Ben takes out some of the remaining Mages and now only 43 of them are left. That's still a rather high number, so Ben reduces it again. He puts his palms on the ground and covers them with dark red solar energy.

"Sun Devil's World: Surfacing Hell!" chants Ben before the dark red solar energy on his hands spreads everywhere.

The dark red solar energy spread at a high speed and the Mages try to defend themselves as best as they can. This spell is not as strong as the previous one, but it has a much wider range and size, making it very difficult to evade because it spreads everywhere and it's very high like a tsunami of fire.

All the remaining Mages get engulfed by the dark red solar energy for quite some time until Ben dispels it. In the end, some Mages are still surviving even though they get some injuries. But Ben is satisfied because it means there are still this many people strong enough to face such a strong attack.

Of the 8 teams, Orochi's Fin and Scarmiglione have been eliminated completely. Quatro Cerberus only has Bacchus left, Blue Pegasus only has Ichiya, and Mermaid Heel only has Kagura. Lamia Scale still has Jura, Lyon, and Sherria. Sabertooth still has Minerva, Orga, and Sting.

While the Fairy Tail team is still complete because they flew very high to avoid the previous attack. Also, there are still some Mages from their Guild who isn't a part of the team. Laxus, Erza, Freed, Cana, Elfman, Natsu, Gajeel, Gray, and Juvia are still there.

The 4 other Wizard Saints are also still there, so all 5 competing Wizard Saints including Jura are still in the competition. That means there are 27 remaining opponents for Ben to fight. If Mira & Gildarts were here, then there will be 29 left, but Mira wasn't interested in this game, and Gildarts is still on a journey.

This result is good enough for Ben because he is sure that his previous attack will take out all of them if they did this last year. That means they have grown a lot this 1 year, so his program is working very well. This means they are more ready to face incoming danger.

"Alright, show me what you've got!" says Ben while smirking.

The remaining 27 Mages immediately make their moves. They can't waste any time because if they stop even for a moment, Ben will use that time to attack them, and they will get wiped out completely. Their only chance is by attacking first even though their teamwork won't be good.

Everyone is going all out and using their strongest attacks. Laxus even enters his Dragon Force mode which he rarely used even in dire situations. He flashes toward Ben and reaches Ben's position ahead of everyone.

Laxus sends a full-powered lightning punch at Ben who grins and counters his lightning punch with a fire punch. Their punches clash and create a strong shockwave. The ground even shakes, showing just how strong their attacks are.

"You've improved, Laxus. But it's still not enough," says Ben before he pushes Laxus back.

Laxus gets flung at a high speed and slides on the broken ground. The 5 Wizard Saints arrived after Laxus and they attack Ben from 5 different sides. Jura uses his Earth Magic and Jessica uses her Plant Magic to catch Ben's body to stop his movement so that the 5 of them will be able to hit him.

The 5 Wizard Saints use their strongest spells to attack Ben at a very close distance. Jura and Jessica keep surrounding Ben using their Earth and Plant Magic that they'll explode later. Ellie is using her strongest Cut Magic spell.

Then the other 2 new Wizard Saints, Fabian and Elrich are using their strongest spells too. Fabian creates a massive energy sword above Ben using his Blade Magic. While Elrich creates 6 basic elemental balls around Ben that will create a massive explosion.

Ben just grins when they execute their spells. Ellie's Cut Magic and Fabian's Blade Magic hit his body directly. Then Jura's Earth Magic, Ellie's Plant Magic, and Elrich's Elemental Magic explode at the same time. A very massive explosion that even pushed all the Mages there including the 5 of them and shakes the city and mountains violently happen.

The spectators are speechless by this scene and so are the other Mages in the arena. This is the power of Wizard Saints who can shake this continent. Such an explosion will kill most Mages on this continent, but Ben is not like most Mages.

"Did we get him?" asks Fabian.

"You wish," says Ben from inside the explosion smoke.

Everyone widens their eyes as Ben appears again. He just stands there calmly without any injuries or even traces of damage. His body is covered by golden solar energy that must've protected him from the Wizard Saints' attacks.

Ben looks at the Wizard Saints with a gaze that makes them shiver and he grins while saying, "It seems I need to increase your training. This isn't enough to face the Spriggans.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 421 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 432 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)
