
370. Remake

Ben has returned to Magnolia after he officially becomes the 1st Rank Wizard Saint, the Strongest God of Ishgar. Magnolia is obviously very excited by it that the town holds a festival to celebrate it. Although Fairy Tail Mages are troublemakers, they are still the pride of Magnolia.

So having one of their Mages inaugurated as The Strongest in Ishgar surely makes them happy. The townspeople are very fond of Ben, after all. He has brought many good changes in the town and even made it the safest town in Ishgar.

Even when dangers kept coming to the town, it still stays safe because of the defense mechanisms that Ben made a few years ago. Well, Ben kept improving the town's defense throughout the years as his knowledge & power also increased.

Ben even has the confidence that the current level of Magnolia's defense system can even block Acnologia's Dragon's Roar a few times. With that level of defense, Magnolia will stay safe even if all Wizard Saints were to attack it.

The defense system also works as the town's security system. It is connected to Jarvis, so the AI can survey the whole town and alerts the guards when something happens. Jarvis can even use magic attacks that Ben has programmed in the system to stop the criminals when needed.

Even the Royal Family is very jealous of Magnolia and has requested Ben to make the same defense system for Royal Capital. But Ben refused because he can't make the exact defense system to avoid leaking the AI system, and it was too much hassle.

So instead, he made a defense system that doesn't use AI in Royal Capital. It's enough to protect the Royal Capital from most attacks. Even if Alvarez Empire attacks, they will need time to break it, so it's still a great defense.

The celebration in Magnolia lasts for 3 days because everyone is delighted. Ben also treats this as entertainment while taking a break. He hasn't rested for quite a while, so this is a good chance to rest from his busy life.

His days return to normal after that. To his surprise, his new position as the 1st Rank in Ishgar doesn't affect his life that much. Maybe the other Wizard Saints are being considerate of him, but that doesn't matter because that really helps him.

Ben now can focus on improving his guildmates' power. He knows that Zeref is targeting their guild because of Fairy Heart. So his guildmates will need to get stronger because Alvarez Empire's power is greater than Ishgar.

"What are you thinking so seriously about?" asks Mira while she & Ben are about to sleep.

"Our guildmates' progress is good, but their battle power is quite low. Only a handful of us can optimize our power in battles. The others aren't good enough and they often waste their power," says Ben.

"That means they just need more experience, right?" asks Mira.

"Yeah, but there aren't enough jobs that can help them. We can't monopolize the jobs or the other Guilds and even the Council will complain," says Ben.

"So you're thinking of how to improve their battle skills without the need to take jobs, huh? Hmm, it will be good if there are a lot of strong monsters for them to fight. It will be better if we can also grade everyone so they will know what they need to improve," says Mira.

"Grades, huh? That reminds me of the Pandemonium event in Grand Magic Games. The monsters were graded based on their power, so it really looked like a game," says Ben before his eyes suddenly widen in realization.

"That's right! I can just make the monsters instead of finding them in the wild," says Ben as he gets up excitedly.

"What do you mean by making them?" asks Mira confusedly.

"I can just recreate Grand Magic Games' Pandemonium using Arc of Embodiment. It will be quite easy because I have scanned that whole building and all its monsters. The only thing that needs consideration is the magic power consumption. But that's not a problem for the current me," says Ben while grinning.

Mira smiles seeing Ben finally gets an answer and then she says, "That's good. Now, why don't you lie down and sleep? You won't let your wife sleep alone again, right?"

Ben stops what he does and immediately goes to sleep with Mira. He can make the Pandemonium tomorrow, but he can't make his wife mad tonight or he will sleep on the couch later. Even the Strongest Mage in Ishgar is helpless against his wife.

The next day, Ben goes to the big river outside Magnolia to survey the location to build the Pandemonium. If he builds it above the river, then it won't disturb anyone. But he doesn't build it right away because the townspeople will freak out if they suddenly see such a massive building appears out of nowhere.

So he prepares everything he needs first like telling everyone in the town and especially the Pandemonium concept. He doesn't want to make it exactly like the one in Grand Magic Games. That thing has some flaws if it will be used to train people, after all.

He works on those things immediately so he will be able to finish faster. He still has other things to do because it's not just his guildmates who need to get stronger. The one who really needs to get much stronger is him because he will surely face the strongest opponents in the future.

But when he is busy preparing the Pandemonium, he gets some annoying information. A Dark Guild that has made some scenes after Tartaros' destruction is making another problem. Ben is too busy to handle that, so he asks Mira to handle it with their guildmates.

"Avatar has gotten too big in the last few months after the whole Balam Alliance gets destroyed. So we need to stop their growth before it goes out of control," says Ben.

"Do you mean we need to destroy them?" asks Mira.

"Yeah, you can use any method and strategy you think are best. They have many members, so this will be a good chance to improve yourselves by fighting Mages. I will wait here and prepare my project while you guys destroy Avatar," says Ben.

"Is there a time limit?" asks Erza.

"No, but the faster the better. The Council hasn't made any move yet, so this is our best chance to reap everything. I will handle the aftermath, so just do everything you need. But remember, if you destroy villages or towns, then it's your own responsibility," says Ben.

The ones who often cause problems look away guiltily. Ben has taken care of their messes so many times that he even lost count of it.

"Hey, just curious, but how long would it take for you to take care of Avatar?" asks Laxus.

"Hmm, I know all their bases, so if I calculate the distances, then I think I could finish it in a day," says Ben.

"All their bases?" asks Cana confusedly.

"Yeah, Avatar has a lot of branches all over Ishgar. The one you need to take care of now is the one located in Fiore, the Mikage Branch in Mikage Forest," says Ben.

"What about the other branches?" asks Freed.

"I will take care of them later if they are still around. You need to know that Mikage Branch is one of the strongest Avatar Branches. When you attack them, there is a high possibility that other branches will get involved, at least the ones in Fiore. So you need to think that you will go against the whole Avatar Guild," says Ben.

They all nod seriously because this is more complicated than they thought. But Ben isn't worried at all about them. Avatar might be big, but it's a weak guild compared to Tartaros. It's just that the Dark Guild has a lot of members. Although it shouldn't be a problem for Fairy Tail that has destroyed the Balam Alliance that has Tartaros in it.


You can read up to 35+35 chapters ahead of my fanfics and more pictures on my Pa_treon page if you are interested.

Voting for this book is highly appreciate. Cover image is the MC, artist's ig: @fatmaqn_

I've uploaded:

1. Chapter 405 of Fairy Tail: Sun Eater

2. Chapter 416 of Transcended as Lord Buggy

3. Pictures of both stories (ex: bounty poster & magazine cover) by fatmaqn_


(the web didn't use _underscore_, it's to avoid censorship)
