
Chapter 17: The Calamity of the Planet [1]

I should've worn a thicker cloak, Ardyn thought to himself as he cautiously stepped onto the cobblestone streets. The wind brushed through the alleys, the sight of the deserted streets making him feel uneasy.

The waves were surging in a turbulent pattern, a sight that sent alarm bells in his head. It was probably because of that object that fell from the skies.

At the thought of it, he shivered and ran quickly through the city, his every step echoing in his ears.

It was scary how he remembered how alive this town had been the night before, but now there was not a soul in sight. The area was completely abandoned, with confetti, papers, empty tables and chairs, and unlit lanterns everywhere. Ships and boats were docked nearby, but without passengers.

Again, he heard a distant rumbling. Startled, he quickly crouched behind a wooden table, panting heavily.
