
Chapter 14


The drama has ended and the story has passed. Viola and the wedding whisperer are little more than a memory and the odd meme that pops up on social media here and there.

Trish’s divorce case has been settled. There wasn’t much chance for Eric to fight given the evidence against him. It’s been one of my easiest cases ever and I’m glad it’s over.

I can’t stop thinking about Viola though. Not because I feel sorry for her but because I want to see her. I want to be with her. I’ve tried calling her and sent text messages but she doesn’t answer. I’ve driven by her house a few times.

I know it’s creepy but I don’t care.

A ‘For Sale’ sign has been hammered into the beautifully manicured front lawn. It tells me she wasn’t lying but then I never took her for a liar. All I saw in Viola was a woman who had nothing but the best of intentions in her heart. She believed in what she did. It was her passion to create beautiful days and memories for couples that made her happy.
