
Chapter 2

When she is washing her body she notices a small-ish plum coloured diamond tattoo on her chest, in the same spot that she was hit in last night. She has a strong feeling that her powers and memories coming back are related to this but has no way to confirm it. Her body is slightly malnourished because of the lack of food she recieved from the servants so she takes out few beautifying elixers and chugs them down, causing her body to improve at a rate visible to the naked eyes.

Once her body is warm and clean she exits the bathtub putting it back in her inventory, and grab out an enchanted pair of pants and shirt that can reduce the strength of attacks 90% and stands infront of her body length mirror. Shining silver hair, milky white unblemished skin, red tinted lips and large plum coloured eyes. She looks absolutely stunning.

She starts thinking up a plan. She want's to explore this new world that's filled with magic and other creatures instead of staying in a home where everyone ignores her existence. She could sign up as an adventurer for starters since the legal age to sign up is 10 years old. She has enough money saved up from when she playing in her last life, probably the same amount as the royal family.

With her hightened senses, she can hear steps approaching her door. She quickly jumps under her old blankets and pretends to be asleep. The maid doesn't even bother to knock and shoves the door open.

"Tsk tsk, not even up. Honestly, why is she even living here. Honestly. Just a waste of space."

Kaya ignores the small comment from the maid, everyone here is like that. Since the Duke and her brothers ignore her, the servants treat her like a burden, they don't help her dress like they should, they don't listen to her, they give her cold and leftover food, and sometimes they don't even give her food.

Guess she should be glad that they don't hit her or anything. A clatter sound appears next to her accompanied by the sound of footsteps getting further away. Kaya peeks from under the blanket before sitting up.

She can just imagine the suprise if the ignored youngest child of the Duke appeared super healthy and beautiful. She feels the breathe of people in the air and finds no one near the south wing. She grabs a navy blue robe and covers her body with it before jumping out of the second floor window.

She dashes around the buildings carefully avoiding people and jumps over the black iron fence before taking a relaxing walk the rest of the way.

~At the adventurers guild~

Kaya walks through the wooden door of the guild and navigates her way through the way through the groups of people, eventually arriving at the counter. A blonde and green eyed beastkin welcomes her.

"Hello, what can I do for you today?" She asks in a kind tone.

"I would like to register." Kaya's voice is very enchanting and sounds adorable because she is still a child.

"To register, you will need to get a guild tattoo. You can customise it to show whatever you want, including your magic, name, age, rank and other information if you wish. But once your information is put down it can't be changed so think carefully."

Kaya thinks of what she wants and nods her head.

" Okay. Where would you like it? "

Kaya stretches out her left arm with the bottom facing upwards. The counter lady presses a shaped mana stone to her wrist, when she lifts it away the outline of the guilds logo is tattooed on.

It's like a small planet with two crossing rings circling around it.


Name: Kay

Magic: Light, ice, fire

Rank: F

Completed: 0


Since Kaya's not good with naming things she just chose a shortened version of her current name.

"You should be able to see your information now. Only you can see it, and you can show it to others. Everyone starts off at rank F and builds their way up. You start by completing the tasks from the F rank board and then hand in your task paper and your goods, you will move up ranks depending on the amount of tasks you complete. "

As she explains, Kaya makes sure to properly listen and not miss anything. Once the conversation is over, Kaya picks three plant picking tasks and one horned rabbit task.

Once she leaves city, she takes out her all seeing glasses, a legendary rank item that allows you to see the rank and name of things at will, doesn't matter if their plants or people.

First she completes the plant finding tasks before moving on to the horned rabbit task.

A rustle comes from nearby Bush, Kaya immediately lights a fire in her hand, ready to attack.

The Bush rustlers a bit more then a white horned rabbit jumps out. Kaya shoots the fire at it but misses. She shoots a couple more times but only manages to hit it once, it continues dodging her fire as it hops closer.

Kaya starts panicking and starts firing larger amounts of fire at it. The fire leaves scorch marks of the ground, as the rabbit takes a higher jump, Kaya uses that chance to fire straight at its body.

It falls straight to the ground and doesn't move even when she pokes it with her foot. She takes out a sharp dagger and cuts off it horn.

She doesn't dare to look straight at it because of the amount of blood spilling out. Once she's done, she washes it with water and puts it straight in her inventory.

"Great. Another 19 to go."
