
Chapter 41: Fairy Godmothers

[Tech Venture Capital, Marina One West Tower]

Marjorie saw Henry’s caller ID appear on her phone screen.

*Ah, finally, some news.*

“Hi, Henry. So, how did it go?”

“Hi, Marjorie. Oh, I found out what the problem is… You wouldn’t believe it!”

After Henry explained the situation to Marjorie, she was rather shocked.

*Bob having a love affair? A rare emerald necklace? A South African hunk named Arno? Oh, my, this is turning out to be such high drama!*

On the other end of the line, Henry let out an exasperated sigh over the phone, rolling his eyes heavenward.

“But I guess it’s not for us to judge. We have no way of telling what really happened, or if these are just some made-up stories. When it involves big bucks and family reputations, anything and everything is fair game, if you ask me!”

“I can’t disagree with you there, Henry. I can’t help feeling it’s all just an unfortunate misunderstanding. Do you think they can resolve it?”
