
Chapter 240 - Cold and warmth

 Eric happily wiggled his toes in the warm water. It really contrasted with the cold snow that was piling up on his shoulders. he patted the soft snow off with a frown "why is she taking so long…." He worriedly gazed back.

while he was not looking something soft rubbed against his shin.

With a shriek, he pulled his legs out of the attract and crawled a bit far from the edge of the pool. He had been in a similar situation similar before. It was one of his initial exorcisms. He met a water ghost of a young woman who had drowned to death.

Unsuspected he had placed his hand on the beautiful lake enjoying the cooling feeling. The ghost had grabbed onto him and pulled him in. back then he did not even know how to swim. he practically drowned. but thankfully Yuna came to his rescue and he was resuscitated back to life.

the same was repeated once again.
