
Chapter 238 - Do you know who I am?

Eric and Yuna walked out of the client's house with a huge sigh of relief. The case was much simpler than they had expected. The spirit was not that powerful but since it had been in the woman's body for so long it had taken a toll on her body. As if now the possessed woman was too weak for them to perform any kind of exorcism. They had to give her a few days' time for her to replenish her energy via iv drips. As for now, they just put a damper on the evil spirit inside of her.

Eric cracked his neck with a grimace. The long sleepless fight really left him tired as hell!

"Come on my dad's hotel is close by. Well crash there until we are done with this case," Yuna dragged him back to the car cheerfully. She helped strap him in. "sleep. We'll be there in an hour or so."

"can't we stay somewhere close?"
