
Chapter 192 - Serial killer at lose

Joo Haolei waited for what seemed like an hour before the force arrived. everyone was perplexed on how to enter the house with the two sniff dogs.

"Just climb over the walls." He shouted at them.\fist the two dogs were lowered into the house by tying a cloth around their torse.

As soon as the pups saw him, they all happily jumped on him.

"whoa Pepa you have gown and you too ruth," he cheerfully played with the pups.

Soon five men jumped into the house.

This was his team.

special crimes division. They were in charge of investigating any special crimes like this.

A tall young man with a botched yellow dye job walked over to him grumbling under his breath. "Yo man, you called her out to the country side for this?"

"You took your sweet time getting in," he patted Lai Tsu's slouching shoulders.
