

“Ah Shun, I am glad you picked up. Why didn’t you pick up my call earlier?”

Wen Dong’s purple eyes saw the flush across his friend’s cheeks and blue eyes looking off to the side. He heard the nervous laugh and Shun scratching his temple looking away.

“I got distracted, sorry,” Shun coughed, “Oh! Congrats on winning. Your performance was good! You both are doing so well.”

“Thank you gege,” Ping smiled and tried to look around Shun, “Where are you?”

“Uh, no… nowhere,” Shun stutter pulling the phone closer to his face.

“Eh, we don’t wanna see up your nose!” Wen Dong stuck out his tongue, “I already know it’s gross in there.”

“Ah Dong!” Shun laughed and sighed smiling softly at his friends, “Don’t worry. I will be fine.”

“Yea, judging by that mark on your neck, you are just fine.”
