
Let The Battle Begin

Before them were the mentors sitting behind a long desk. Beside them was a man… the screen man… the host of the show. Shun just felt like he was hit with a spell for a moment. Shaking his head of the witch's game, he tried to concentrate on what was being said.

"For the Dance Battle, the mentors will rate you on song choice, synchronization, strength, and flow. We have randomly chosen which team would go first," the host paused, "Bottom floor will go first."

Shun cheered for his fellow bottom trainees. He watched them get into position.


The song started and his friends hit the moves with power and their facial expression were good. He could see they were not all in synced at some points of the dance. He glanced over at the mentors to see them writing down on their notes. Ah, he hoped they were good things…

Next up was the 2nd floor's team.

He saw Taemeng and Kaiden stand in position with the other trainees. His hope plummeted a lot because those two were top levels. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he knew this was going to be great.

"Ready, begin."

Shun was wrong. It was not great. It was mind blowing. They looked like a witch placed a spell on them! Their eyes were like fire! Their steps felt like they were stomping on him. The way they hit the moves were so good, he felt the wind knocked out of him.

The song they chose was the same as the ones his dance team chose.

They absolutely failed.

"Judges: Manager Bon, Producer Ryoshi, Producer Jie, and Choreographer Miniji. What are your thoughts?" The host asked.

"I'll let Miniji speak first," Producer Ryoshi laughed leaning back on his chair.

"Well," the famous choreographer started, "I would say the 1st floor tried, but only two of them actually were in synced the entire time. You, what is your names," he pointed to the ones he said did well.

"Dom Shi," one trainee answered and the other, "Liang."

"Yes, you two were the best, but the 2nd floor," Minji leaned back with a pleased smile, "That was a performance! Each step was powerful, each move was perfectly hit. Very good. I can see a team just from them," he mentioned looking at his fellow judges.

"I agree," Producer Jie stated, "You can tell their faces were in the song. They were far better than the other group, but maybe it was because they have 2 longtime dancers."

"Kaiden and Taemeng, right?" Manager Bon questioned and the two trainees nodded, "We can tell. What do you think Ryoshi?"

"Like everyone said, the top floor was ready for a battle. Bottom floor, you have to fight harder if you want to make it to the top. Understood?"

Those trainees nodded.

"Winner for today is: 2nd floor. Well done. 1st floor, go to the elevator and return to your level. Tomorrow, the 2nd floor and 1st floor will be battling once more. This time with singing. Be ready."

Shun was about to leave, but he suddenly found his body wrapped tightly by a small boy. Laughing, he hugged back just as tightly.

"You do good, Ah Ping. I will see you on top."

"When?" The boy pouted, "You should be with me on the 2nd floor already."

"Be sure to brush your teeth and watch your health, okay?"

"I know," Ping held him a little longer before letting him go.

Smiling, he pinched the boy's cheeks before heading to the elevator. Some of the dancers representing the bottom floor were crying and he inwardly sighed. Patting them on their backs and saying they still had a chance at the relay, they entered the bottom floor. Heading to the training room, he looked at the television.

'Prince Peter,' He stretched, 'Did you say I reached Level 3 in singing?'

"Level 3: Singing- Wider Range reached."

'Alright, that's good. What are the tasks again?'

"Available tasks: 1. Added 24/100 pictures to Instame. 2. Win competition."

'No new tasks for a while,' Shun hummed to himself.

Looking over at the trainees filtering in, he nodded to himself that he will succeed. He will move to the top.

"Hey, let's practice our singing," he smiled and prepared themselves for the next challenge.

Later that night, Shun had stayed up memorizing the entire song. He only had a very small line, but it was good to learn the whole song in case anything were to happen.

Like right now.

Here they were on the roof in front of the mentors again. The bottom floor was chosen to go first and they were doing well, just like they practiced. However, when it got to Heeang's part, the boy was frozen. Shun could hear the seconds ticking by in his head as the melody played on. Heeang's part were 3 lines and doing what he felt was right, Shun began singing the boy's part.

As he sung that part, his fellow trainees looked at him and he looked at the frozen boy. Heeang finally caught up and began singing, so Shun slowed himself and waited for his part. Their turn ended and they bowed at the mentors, before stepping off the stage to their side.

Shun watched as Ping and Kiki were part of the singing group for the top floor. He thumbed up and sent a proud smile at the young boy, earning a grin. As he listened, he could tell Ping had improved in his vocals. He wondered if they were getting singing and dancing lessons on the top floor, while those on the ground floor had to work harder.

'That wouldn't be fair…' Shin frowned rubbing his scalp.

The top floor ended and both singing groups returned to the stage.

"2nd floor has good singers," Producer Jie pointed out, "You… Ping Ping, right?"

Shun perked up and glanced at his friend.

"You are the youngest here. Your voice is good, but there could be improvement. Example, the way you hold your notes should be more steady," Producer Jie continued, "And you, uh Danny, you look like an idol but your presence is lacking."

Shun felt his back sweating. The female producer was blunt and did not hold back on her words. They weren't aimed at him, but Shun felt every criticism like needles pressed to his skin.

'I hope Ping isn't upset,' he worried looking at his friend to see Ping blinking too quickly to be normal.
