
An agreement

«Magic doesn't involve the soul but the body,» Adelphium says. «It's a predisposition one is born with, not a curse acquired through sins. As such, it's unfair for anyone to decide who has the right to throw spells and who hasn't. It doesn't mean that Mages can commit crimes thanks to their abilities... But simply using them isn't worth a trial.»

He steps forward and glances at the crowd.

«Some of us have other talents. Think of a blacksmith... Their strength and precision should be frightening, am I wrong? But we don't fear blacksmiths because we know most of them are good people... Think of the guards. They carry weapons, but most of them are good people. Mages are also good people, mostly.»

He fixes the sleeve of the white robe he's wearing, and his charms are slowly restored. Looking weak is just a memory now that he has everyone's attention.
