
The secret of marriage

Time passes fast while I learn how to become a Queen.

It's not too hard because Marchioness Crasso skips a lot of lessons. She knows our priorities, so she doesn't insist on useless matters.

I hate etiquette, but I kind of manage to learn how it works. Thankfully, I'll have advisors counselling me about these matters. I won't be alone, as Ignis already pointed out.

As for the nights... Oh, the nightmares stopped. Thankfully.

It was painful to wake up after that scene, but I never dreamt about Ignis again. My wish to see him seems concentrated during the day, especially when I'm not studying.

The idle time is always the worst, but it's even more painful to miss someone I have just met.

How in the world did I fall in love with him? He has swindled me so well that I wasn't even too angry when I found out about his lies.

What was it, again? His charms, his talents, or just his looks?
