
No traces of life

After dinner, I'm sent to relax.

The maids come to fetch me, and I follow them towards the room I'll share with Ignis. We don't have a choice now, since everyone knows we're married.

While getting out, I notice how Tobin joins the two men. He bows his head when he sees me.

«Oh, Sir Tobin, you're here as well!» Fernard says.

His voice is light and joyful, just like always, but it seems like there's some hidden respect in his words. So, Tobin did make this journey with Ignis in the past as well.

After the attack in the forest, I understand why travelling alone is not a safe option.

«Yes, milord. I accompanied the couple here,» Tobin replies.

«Oh, sure. I didn't doubt you would!»

Then, the door is closed, and the sound is cut off.

«Please, come this way, my Lady,» the maid says while showing me where to go.

I follow them, and we reach the room I'm supposed to share with Ignis.

«Is this where your young master stays when he comes back home?» I inquire, trying to find out what they think of Ignis. Oh, he's so handsome that I wouldn't be surprised if a maid or two tried kicking it off with him.

I hope they didn't succeed, though.

The maids stop talking all of a sudden, and they stare at each other for a long moment. They seem confused and frightened, so I drop my curiosity and return thinking about what it means to relax.

Somehow, the look they exchange reminds me of the guards in the Palace.

«I've prepared a bath, my Lady,» the older says. She wakes up first and starts running around me. «Let us help you, please.»

While they take the clothes off me and hold my hand while I enter into the tub. The water is at the right temperature, so I sigh and relax.

I just have to remember not to heat the water with magic when it starts cooling down.

While soaking in the aromatic water, I observe the room. It's so impersonal. Just like a guest room.

There's nothing, literally nothing, reminding of him. Are there even clothes in the wardrobe?

Ignis doesn't spend time in his own home, does he? If he didn't leave anything, he has never stayed here for long.

Even before leaving for the capital, he should have left his things here.

Either these things were all thrown away, which is simply cruel, or they have never been here, to begin with.

I sigh, displeased. The maids misunderstand my emotions and stop rubbing my hair. Oh, she was doing just right...

«Am I making some mistake, my Lady?»

«No, I'm content with the way you work. Please, continue a few minutes more.»

She returns to clean my locks, delicately rubbing the tips and applying some scented oil. The other maid pours hot water when it starts cooling down.

She then takes the sponge and starts rubbing my arms and back. She observes my nails before cutting them a bit.

«Does my Lady prefer longer nails?»

«No, I don't,» I say when she wonders how much to shorten them.

In the end, they do their job flawlessly.

Once I'm deemed clean, they help me get out of the bath and dry myself.

«My Lady, we prepared some clothes for you. Do you wish to wear them?»

«Yes, of course. The clothes I brought with me are to be washed.»

«We already took care of that.»

«And where is my nanny?»

«The servant that travels with you, my Lady?»

«Yes, her.»

«She's resting in the servants' quarters. Shall I call for her?»

«No, you shouldn't. I won't need her now since you two are here.»

«We're glad to be of help, my Lady.»

«I'd like to wear a nightgown now. I'm tired even if it's not that late.»

«Sure, my Lady. We prepared a comfortable nightgown for you!»

While getting dressed, my thoughts wander to Ignis again. Will he come here to sleep as well? Or he'll use his insomnia as an excuse not to?

I would like him not to avoid me, but how can I tell him? Also, after kissing, I fear what I could do when we're alone in a room.

I wish we could do that again. It was interesting and enticing.

But, if I ask Ignis to kiss, he might misunderstand. He might think I'm asking him as a wife, and he would feel pressured by his duties.

That is not what I want, though. I want him to freely choose.

«Ah,» I sigh while sitting on the bed.

«Anything is not to your liking, my Lady?»

«No, it's fine,» I murmur. «You two can go. I'll just sleep. I'll call if I need anything.»

«Yes, my Lady. Have safe dreams.»

As they leave the room, I see Ignis coming in. He's fresh as a rosebud. He washed as well, I guess.

«Why are you looking sad?» he inquires while sitting on the bed, on the opposite side of me.

«Because I'm tired,» I reply. «Nothing much.»

Now, how can I ask him?

Oh, wait... If I kiss him, then I won't be able to sleep. What a difficult choice...

«Then, sleep,» Ignis says. «You sure deserve it after the long trip.»

«Is this your room?»

«Why are you asking?»

«Just curious.»

«I sleep here when I visit the manor, yes.»

«There aren't many traces of you.»

«It's because I don't spend much time here.»

«Still, you should have had toys as a child. Am I wrong?»

«Not really,» Ignis chuckles. «I didn't grow up like your brother. My parents didn't buy me just everything.»

Oh, right. His family started loving him just recently.

Somehow, knowing it makes me dislike the Falco father and son.

If they couldn't see Ignis's worth before he became a Royal Guard, then they don't deserve him.

They shouldn't blame me if I take him away from them.
