

Rictus smirked as he watched Mirajane and her companions fawn over their new gear. Smith had been torn away from the aetherium forge so he could personally make new equipment for everyone. It took quite a bit of persuading since he claimed he had almost figured out how to make some aetherial amor, but once he found out he would have all those dragon corpses as materials, Smith wasted no time getting to work. Not only that, Morrigan had also enchanted all their equipment, for a modest fee of course. A few free items from the aetherium forge was all it took to make her happy.

Falla and Marcurio received dragon scale armor since they could only manage the light armor. Falla's armor was focused on protection and evasion since she was the most vulnerable of the group defensively. She also received a prototype aetherial staff which could summon a dwarven sphere as well as a couple other staffs of more destructive spells so she could have some more versatility. Marcurio's armor was enchanted for destruction spells and mana regeneration which would greatly increased his firepower. He didn't take a weapon since he said his magic was the only weapon he needed.

Mjoll had been given a massive set of dragonplate armor which greatly increased her defenses and health regeneration for sustained combat. She also had been given a prototype aetherial shield which had a very interesting enchantment. Any creature stuck by the shield while the user channeled some mana into it, would become ethereal. The more powerful the enemy though, the less time it would affect them. Interestingly, Mjoll figured out that using the shield on herself was more efficient than against enemies since it would make her invulnerable for a few moments. She declined any additional weapons in favor of her personal sword, Grimsever.

Inigo also wore a set of dragonplate amor since he claimed he had already reached his quota of new scars this adventure. Since he preferred a lot of movement in combat, his was primarily enchanted with stamina boosting effects as well as a couple enchantments for better aim with his bow. He also received a bow strongly enchanted with shock damage as well as twin swords of absorb health.

Mirajane had the most interesting armor. Hers was made of dragon scales with bones placed in strategic areas for additional protection. It provided more protection compared to just dragon scales, while also allowing for greater levels of flexibility and speed. Rictus was pretty sure Smith shed a tear as he gave away his crowning achievement. While the others had mostly declined on weapons, Mirajane got them in abundance. Three daggers enchanted with each elemental damage bonuses. A sword enchanted with absorb mana and health combined with an ax of absorb stamina and health. The most interesting weapon though was her bow. It had an enchantment called Chaos damage which gave the weapon a high chance of dealing fire, frost, and shock damage simultaneously. Normally, this enchantment only worked around 50% of the time for each element, but Morrigan had put some serious effort into this one and that chance was closer to 90% for each element now. Not only that, but Morrigan took the time to enchant a full quiver of arrows which dealt an impressive amount of shock and penetration damage. Mirajane had spent a few minutes just cradling the bow and arrows while whispering sweet nothings. A little strange but everyone had their own obsessions.

They all went through some exercises with the new equipment as they familiarized themselves with it. Normally, taking new and untested weapons and armor into a conflict was not a good idea, but these were different. Everyone felt like they had been using weapons and armors for years, and that they were specifically made for them, which they were. Smith was simply that good at what he did that the items felt completely natural to use without a second thought.

It didn't take long before all of them had gathered back around Rictus. Mirajane simply nodded at him and spoke in a grave voice.

"It's time."

No more words were needed as Rictus stood and led them to a teleport array. Once they were all there, he wasted no time at all before teleporting to where his journey first began. Moving up the stairs in the hidden basement, Rictus felt a little bad about his neglect of the Breezehome. It had been where his journey started, and where he cast his first spell. Since then though, he had barely spent any time there at all. There were plans for some renovations, but nothing had been started just yet.

As he stepped out of the house, he heard a gasp. Turning around revealed a small girl in a nice yet worn outfit followed by a well-groomed boy.

"You shouldn't go in there. That place is haunted."

Rictus looked at her in confusion as Falla was the first to respond.

"What makes you say that? It is just a normal house like any other."

The little girl adamantly shook her head in disagreement.

"It most definitely is too haunted. Everyone saw the bright lights streaming from the house not too long ago after a mysterious stranger first moved in. After the weird lights of all the colors appeared, the stranger disappeared, but not before people heard him laughing crazily and then screaming."

Rictus could feel his face turning red at the implications. He never would have dreamed his first attempts at magic would have turned into an urban legend. When Mirajane ignored the kids and started walking away without saying anything, Rictus felt some relief. Behind them, Rictus could hear the little girl taunting the boy about how much closer she could get to the house than him.

They had made it to the steps of dragonsreach when another familiar face made an appearance.

"Well met Rictus. It has been quite some time since I last saw you. I hope you have been keeping up with your training."

Rictus smiled and clasped hands with Vilkas.

"Ha of course I have. I haven't forgotten the lessons the Companions taught me."

Before Vilkas could say anything else, another more infamous face appeared.

"Ugh. There're more of you brutes now? I had hoped you people would have stayed gone after the old man left."

Nazeem looked down his nose at them as he strutted down the stairs. Rictus was actually quite curios for more details about the old man, which was obviously Kodlak, leaving. He remembered some report about the Companions going on an expedition, but he hadn't followed up on it.

"Hmph. It seems like you are going to the Jarl for something. As I advise the Jarl on political matter, since my insights are invaluable, I can go ahead and say whatever fool request you have will be rejected."

Vilkas's hand tightly gripped his pommel while considering if he should just cut the annoyance down. Rictus noted almost everyone else acted the same towards him. Inigo was different as he stepped towards the most hated character in Skyrim history.

"Every time I see your head I want to twist it off."

Nazeem paled at the blatant threat. It was at this moment, he realized he was surrounded by heavily armed and armored warriors covered in scars. Not only that, everything they wore looked pristine and for a moment he thought some of them wore actual dragon scales, which was preposterous. One's stare made him feel like he was being looked down on by a dragon, while the amused look of the larger man made him shiver in fear. He started fidgeting as he tried straightening out his clothes.

"Oh…I see. Well, that won't be necessary. Gold solves most problems, doesn't it?

Inigo moved closer baring his fangs while everyone else slightly drew their weapons.

"Not this time. I am starting to lose my temper. Run away. Now."

Backing up with his hands raised in surrender, Nazeem tried calming them down.

"I assure you that this is all a misunderstanding."


The Khajiit's yell caused him to fall down on his butt in surprise and fear. When Nazeem looked up, even he could feel the bloodlust and power emanating from these people. Seeing the look in Mirajane's eyes, he felt like he was staring in the face of death.

"Ahh! Help! Someone help me!"

Nazeem started crawling away on his hands and knees. He tried standing up but kept stumbling over himself in his haste to run away. Everyone shared a look before they all burst out laughing. Inigo gave them a slick smile as he pointed towards something trailing along behind the insufferable fool.

"Hehe. I think he wet himself."

This just made them laugh all the harder at it. Rictus could see some of the tenseness leaving his companions from the welcome distraction. As they wiped tears from their eyes, Rictus turned towards Vilkas.

"Unfortunately, we really must be going. Maybe later you can tell me about that expedition Kodlak and the others went on.

Vilkas nodded in understanding.

"Of course. I imagine they will be back relatively soon. Kodlak did mention something about making a stop in Solitude since it had been so long, but after that, I imagine they will come right back here."

After saying their goodbyes, they quickly made their way up the stairs and into Dragonsreach. Thankfully, there were no more distractions as they approached Jarl Balgruuf the Greater. He was lounging on his throne, watching them approach the whole way. His housecarl, Irileth, stood stoically at his side. Seeing Mirajane in the lead, he nodded his head amicable.

"May the gods watch over your battles, dragonborn."

She wasted no time on pleasantries.

"I need your help. I need to trap a dragon in your palace."

He just stared at her blankly before shaking his head with a small smile.

"I must have misheard you. I thought you just asked me to help you trap a dragon in my palace, but that would just be insane."

"You did not mishear. This is necessary for ending the dragon threat."

Jarl Balgruuf rolled his eyes at the blunt request.

"What you're saying is insane. Impossible even! You want me to let a dragon into my home? In the heart of my city? During the middle of a war? Do you hear what you are asking of me? Not everyone is the famed dragonborn and able to kill a dragon. What happens to my citizens if you fail in trapping the beast or if it just enters the city a different way? I'll tell you what happens. It will slaughter my people and burn my city to ashes. Then when we are weakest, either Ulfric or General Tullius will attack. They are just waiting for me to make one wrong move, and letting a dragon into my city would definitely count as a wrong move!"

Mirajane weathered his tirade without flinching. Rictus noticed her nails digging into her palms though. It was plain the Jarl was also stressed, and not necessarily just at Mirajane. Before the argument devolved into something not very productive, he stepped forward and address Balgruuf.

"Jarl Balgruuf. This is not something we would ask if it was not necessary. The reason we must trap the dragon is so that we can use him to find where Alduin is hiding. We have already battled and defeated him once, and we must do so again if we ever hope of a future. Please, let us use Dragonsreach as it was once used by Jarl Olaf One-Eye. The dragon skull above your head is testament that this fortress is the only one we can use for our needs."

Rictus's calm words and explanations seemed to get a lot further than Mirajane's basic request. The fact they came from Rictus who Balgruuf knew better than the fabled dragonborn also didn't hurt matters. Still, Balgruuf shook his head.

"I am sorry Rictus, but I just can't risk it with the war going on. If I didn't have to worry about them making a move, I would happily help with this dragon trapping scheme."

Everyone saw through his flimsy cover for getting them to end the war. Falla was the one to step forward this time. Rictus was curious to see the Skilled of Speech at work.

"Jarl Balgruuf, I respectfully disagree with your outlook on this."

He gave her a hard look at such blatant questioning of his words. She didn't give him a moment to respond though.

"Trapping a dragon would actually be the best thing you could do to stop them from making a move."

He looked intrigued at her words now while motioning for her to continue.

"Just think about it. Both sides of the war have suffered under the attacks of dragons. If you showed them you had the power to trap one, how much impact would such a feat have on the moral of their commanders, not to mention the soldiers and common people. The very monsters which have ravaged their armies and supply lines, trapped like a rabbit by Jarl Balgruuf the Greater. Not only that, if we do not stop Alduin now, he will only get stronger. Alduin does not care there is a civil war going on. Our weakness only makes things easier for him. He will kill us as well as you and everyone you hold dear. We must stop him now, and we need you for that. Wouldn't you rather be known as the reason the dragonborn could stop Alduin and save the world, than as the last Jarl of Whiterun and the doom of Skyrim and all of Tamriel?"

Falla's persuasive words broke through to the reluctant Jarl. He realized how selfish he was being by denying the request. Watching the casual way Falla had persuaded the Jarl intimidated Rictus a little bit. Sure, her words were pretty decent, but it wasn't that great of a speech. Still, it got the Jarl to completely go back on what he had just said to Rictus and Mirajane, two people he knew could squash him as easily as a bug. Rictus made a mental note not to anger Falla and be more careful around her in the future. He was glad she seemed less inclined to use her powers for evil. Suddenly, the Jarl stood up and looked over at Irileth resolutely.

"Prepare your best. We have a dragon to catch."

Things exploded into action after his words. Orders were called out as preparations were made for catching the dragon. Word spread rapidly as everyone did anything they could to help. Determination and purpose filled everyone as they knew they were part of something greater than themselves. The annuls of history would show that when the dragonborn called for aid, the people of Whiterun responded.

Soon, they all stood upon the Great Porch of Dragonsreach. Jarl Balgruuf nodded his head at Mirajane.

"We are ready, Dragonborn. My men stand ready. The great chains are oiled. Just say the word, and we will act."

A small smirk adorned his face.

"Now that it is upon us, I'm rather looking forward to the challenge. I bet I will be more famous than Olaf One-Eye. Just make sure you do your part. I am putting my city and the lives of my people in your hands."

Mirajane nodded solemnly. It was time. Most of the excess guards and followers were ushered out of the area so that there were only a few of the most important people left. She moved to stand at the edge of the Great Porch before looking towards the Sky. With a deep breath, she Shouted.


All was quite and everyone was tense as they waited for something to happen. Nothing did though, which was a disappointment. A couple of guards moved to the balcony while looking around, hopeful for spotting the dragon first. Suddenly, a powerful roar could be heard which shook the stones around them. Out of nowhere, a giant red dragon flew up and over the balcony, grabbing two guards in its talons.

People began shouting as the dragon flew off for a moment, dropping the poor guards to their death. Mirajane stood resolute though. As Odahviing roared and swooped down towards them, she Shouted at him.


The dragonrend Shout tore through the air and impacted the dragon. He let out a surprised roar before falling towards the balcony. Everyone quickly moved out of the way of his fall as the ground shuddered from the impact. Mirajane steadily moved backwards as Odahviing glared at her.

"Dovahkiin! Here I am!"

The dragon stalked forward as it started preparing its breath attack. Mirajane nodded at Rictus who telekinetically tossed her into the air. Looking down at the dragon, she released a powerful Shout of unrelenting force.


Odahviing's head was slammed down into the floor, cracking the stones beneath him. As he slowly lifted his head, Mirajane shouted towards the Whiterun guards.


The great chains were released as a massive rune carved beam fell forward right upon the dragon's neck. As it hit the neck, metal reinforced wood shot out and wrapped around the dragon's neck like a yoke upon a beast of burden. Feeling trapped, Odahviing let out a few more roars before staring at Mirajane. Rictus was a little surprised how smoothly this all went. Odahviin had barely put up a fight at all. Almost like he had wanted to be captured by the dragonborn.

""Zu'u bonaar. You went to a great deal of trouble to put me in this... humiliating position. Hind siiv Alduin, hmm? No doubt you want to know where to find Alduin?"

Mirajane looked cautiously at the trapped dragon, wary of its easy compliance. Still, she did need to know Alduin's location.

"Yes. Where is he hiding?"

Odahviing nodded while humming to himself.

"Rinik vazah. An apt phrase. Alduin bovul. You are surely wondering why this has been so easy for you when you were expecting something more. I will admit that I came to your call as a test of your Thu'um. Many of my brethren have begun to question Alduin's lordship, whether his Thu'um truly is the strongest. Mu ni meyye. We are not fools though. None of us are yet ready to openly defy him."

Rictus was intrigued by that bit of information. Seems there was a bigger rift among the dragons than he thought. He wondered if that could be exploited somehow. Mirajane wasn't distracted by it at all though.

"I don't much care about such things. Where can I find Alduin?"

Odahviing shook his head at her impatience and his ramblings.

"Unslaad krosis. Innumerable pardons. I digress. He has travelled to Sovngarde to regain his strength, devouring the sillesejoor... the souls of the mortal dead. A privilege he jealously guards... His door to Sovngarde is at Skuldalfn, one of his ancient fanes high in in the eastern mountains. Mindoraan, pah ok middovahhe lahvraan til. I surely do not need to warn you that all his remaining strength is marshalled there. Zu'u lost ofan hin laan... now that I have answered your question, will you allow me to go free?"

She was shocked at his words. How in the world Alduin had a door to Sovngarde was beyond her. She didn't even know such a thing could exist. The fact he was absorbing the souls of the brave warriors there kindled a fire within her though. Odahviing could see the rejection before she spoke which made him speak once again.

"Hmm... krosis. There is one... detail about Skuldalfn I neglected to mention. You may have the Thu'um of a dovah, but without the wings of one, you will never set foot in Skuldafn. Of course…I could fly you there, but being imprisoned like this would make that very difficult."

"Do you expect me to take your word for that? It could all be one trick to set you free."

The dragon actually looked offended at that remark.

"You wound me, Dovahkiin. I may not tell the entire truth, but I am no liar like some lesser creature."

Conflicted, Mirajane looked over at her companions for support. Inigo, Marcurio, and Mjoll all looked lost yet determined to follow her lead. She was a little surprised that Falla nodded her head at the dragon. Indicating she agreed with the beast. Finally, she turned towards Rictus who simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders while mouthing 'your choice' at her.

Knowing that time was of the essence, especially if Alduin was consuming the souls in Sovngarde, she decided she would trust the dragon. She consoled herself in the knowledge she could just kill the beast if it was lying to her.

"Okay. Promise to take me to Skuldafn, and I will set you free."

Odahviing gave a toothy smile as he looked at her.

"Onikaan koraav gein miraad. It is wise to recognize when you only have one choice. And you can trust me. Zu'u ni tahrodiis. Alduin has proven himself unworthy to rule. I go my own way now and your interference would only be a benefit. Free me, and I will carry you to Skuldafn."

All the other people started muttering having heard the conversation between the two. Most were saying how bad of an idea this was and they couldn't believe what they were hearing. A glare from Mirajane shut them all up. Hearing about how she could Shout was one things, but seeing her casually bring down a dragon with a Shout was an entirely different matter. Without a word of protest, the great yoke lifted and freed the dragon.

Odahviing shook the stiffness out of his neck while glaring around at everyone present.

"Faas nu, zini dein ruthi ahst vaal. Fear not, my honor holds my rage at bay."

He then lumbered over towards the balcony and open sky. Mirajane gave all her companions a longing look before nodding her head. Before they could speak, she quickly moved to the dragon. The two shared some quick words before she mounted the great beast, and it quickly took to the sky with a roar.

Her companions stood there in shock at the sudden departure. They couldn't believe they had been left yet again as she tried to run off and be the hero. Didn't she remember what had happened last time? She would have died without them to support her. A cough pulled them from their thoughts though.

"Restored Airlines would like to thank you for your patronage and is now open to all boarders. Please quickly find your seat so we can be off without delay."

Rictus stood there with his flying metal bird looking at them expectantly. The four shared a look before Falla let out a laugh and quickly mounted the construct while motioning her friends along. Once everyone was on, Rictus couldn't help but chuckle at them.

"You all really didn't think she actually left you all behind, did you? Didn't we talk about this very scenario? I thought everyone knew there was a good chance she would have to ride the dragon to wherever Alduin was hiding."

They all looked a little embarrassed as they had been so caught up in what was happening they forgot all about the plan. Rictus just shook his head at them.

"No matter, we have a dragon to catch and a world to save, so hold on tight. Once we leave, there is no second guessing so if you want out, now is the time."

Seeing their determined looks, Rictus nodded at them. He couldn't help adjusting the metal framed glasses on his face.

"I can see the ending."

"What did you say? And since when did you wear metal glasses frames?"

Rictus quickly stored his fake glasses as a slight blush came over his face. He had thought he said that quiet enough no one would hear him. So much for trying to be cool. Ignoring anything else being said, they took to the air, quickly following the outline of a dragon off in the distance. The end was near, and being late wasn't an option.


[AN]: And we are off! The final confrontation is getting closer and closer! I wonder what is going to happen to our Heroes?? (I actually do know…at least for the most part.) Tune in next week to find out!

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story.  I would love to hear what you think about it, and I really appreciate any comments I receive.  For those looking for some boring fact, I got you.  Around 75% of adults in the USA use some kind of vision correction.  That’s a lot of people with crappy vision.   

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