

The two were caught off guard for a moment. They hadn't expected that the favor Aberardus wasn't to ask would actually be meant for them. This was, indeed, a surprise. 

Before, they thought that maybe Aberardus had been exaggerating Ryu's involvement in his breakthrough… But maybe? 

Wynhorn's gaze flashed with interest. For the first time, even considering the moment Ryu spoke out, she looked toward Ryu, eyeing him up and down. 

"Aberardus, you must know that I have certain rules of my own when it comes to forging. If someone cannot meet my standards, I won't light my forge. Also… I do not forge spears. If that is what your…"

"Friend." Aberardus smiled. 

Wynhorn was taken off guard once again, as were the others. They had expected to hear the word disciple, but to think Aberardus would choose this form of address. It made them even more curious about exactly what was going on here. How had this happened? 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
