
Sadness and Sorrow

{Still in flashback}

"S-so, this is where you will be living for next few years of your life?" Stuttered jack with a dumbfounded expression. At the same time, he could feel his eye twitching while looking at the scene in front of him.

You might be wondering, what was he looking at? Well, the answer is simple. It is a pack of wolves, or more accurately, a tribe or even a village of wolves. There were way too many wolves to call them a pack anymore, so I went with the term tribe instead.

Anyway, humans are not very fond of beasts, nor war beasts fond of humans, but to Jack's eyes, he had found the person who might figure out a way to create a status quo.

While yes, the wolves weren't doing anything to harm them, the glares were menacing enough. The glares did die down a little after they saw me, but it did not stop them from surrounding us with inquisitive expressions on their wolf faces.

"Atlas?" A voice called out from behind us, however, I knew exactly who it was.
