
A Little Talk


I had a lot on my mind currently.

The moment I stepped into U.A. my views on Heroes were being tested constantly, am I truly as Kaga says? Am I naive?

Right now I'm following All Might to his office, from what I can see he has a lot to tell me, but I have a lot to ask as well.

As soon as we walked into the office, he went out of his buff form but the form he is currently in is healthier, or at least that's what it looks like. What's weird is that he didn't say anything and just prepared his bento and gave me some tea as I had refused his offer to share the bento.

"So, how's U.A. going for you? From the look of things, you're constantly worrying about something? What is it?", All Might asked me as he ate and questioned me.

'No, spraying of blood and coughing?'

"To be honest, everything I do is being questioned, my skills, my view, and everything, I guess? Well, I'm the one questioning myself to be exact.

Truthfully when I received your power, I thought I would instantly be one of the top students, however, that doesn't seem to be the case currently.

My view is also being tested, I don't quite understand, isn't killing a villain wrong? But why is it when I say it's wrong, a lot of people call me naive for it?"

I said what's truly been bubbling within me, I needed advice from All Might, the one who entrusted me this power.

"I guess it came sooner than expected...well...it's true, you are naive but because you are still inexperienced and young. The topic about killing? I'll be straight with you, Young Midoriya, I have killed in my career as a Hero.

Do I feel guilt over it? Who knows, but what I do know is that I have saved a potential victim, though I don't go out of my way to kill villains...it's more of an 'it just happens' moment"

What All Might said to me shocked my image of him, this was something I couldn't instantly wrap my head around, "Do you know why you're thinking of these things?" All Might said.


"You watch too much TV and not see what's real. Asakura, Todoroki, and Kan...those three have already seen the darker parts of society, that's why when they speak, the words they say have a lot of weight in them. Compared to your weight that came out of watching heroes through a screen."

"Darker parts? What do you mean?", I curiously asked. "Would you believe that Heroes are capable of crime?", All Might responded.

"I guess? Minor ones at least", I couldn't really answer confidently, I mean moments ago I didn't even know there was a darker part of society that was related to Heroes.

"That's where you are wrong...Heroes and Villains...they're both humans at the end of the day, one is just praised while the others are ostracized. And them being Human is the reason why some Heroes commit crimes too, it's just not seen or told to the public.

The villains too, in rare moments you might be able to see them help an old lady cross a street or just a random act of kindness. What I'm trying to say is don't be too narrowminded, you have the heart of a Hero, but your mind is that of a Judge...not flexible"

What All Might said made sense, maybe I really am too narrowminded...now that I think about it, isn't that what Himiko asked me before? She asked me if a Hero kills a murdering villain, what would I call that...but I said Villain.

And during class she said she has killed before...then wasn't she technically asking me if I would consider her as a villain!? I should apologize later.

"All Might...I see what you're trying to say now...though I don't think I still have the heart to kill when absolutely needed, but I will at least not judge others hastily.", I said to All Might as I looked at him in the eye.

All Might nodded in approval, "Now, any other questions you'd like to ask? Your break is about to end soon."

I pondered for a bit then I remembered, "You look significantly healthier after exiting out of your buff form, what happened?", I was genuinely curious since All Might has already told me that Japan has tried everything to preserve his life as much as possible...and now he's standing strong.

"It's evident when I exit my buff form but, someone healed me enough so that I can continue with a normal life after One For All fully goes to you, and this is something you should never disclose. The power behind that healed me will know...and they're not afraid to lose a Symbol"

I was stunned and amazed, someone with the power to threaten All Might, "Nor afraid to lose a Symbol? What do you mean?", I wanted more details to answer my curiosity.

"Sigh...you won't understand it yet Young Midoriya, it's a political problem that all of you will face once you and your classmates become prominent Heroes...especially you. One For All is a quirk that has the highest potential to bring you to the top no matter the Generation.

Anyway, before you go, in the Sports Festival, all I can say is use this chance to shout to the world that YOU. ARE. HERE!"

As All Might said that determination burned bright within me and I steadily walked back to class...with an empty stomach.




As I was walking back to the class, I saw Himiko with her two other friends, Asakura, and Todoroki. 'Be a man Izuku. Be a man Izuku. Be a man Izuku. Be a man Izuku.'

I walked up to the front of them and faced her, before they could ask what I wanted, I bowed in a 90 Degree Angle. "I'M SORRY! Only now did I notice what you meant all those months ago, and no, I don't think you're a villain!"

I didn't raise my head until Himiko said anything so I just waited, "I see, well thank you for apologizing, but it was just a matter of a difference in perspective...no major harm done~", she said.

"Though I do hope you could have done this privately rather than apologizing with a bunch of eyes around", as soon as I heard this I quickly raised my head in embarrassment, "Sorry!"

"Ara~ If you held and gave an envelope, I would think you're asking Himiko out on a date~", the voice of Asakura sounded.

"N-No! I'm not asking Himiko on a date!", I said trying to erase any notion of it.

"What? You're too good for our Hi. Mi. Ko.-Chan~?"

"Th-That's n-not what I meant! She's a good girl!", I was getting flusttered and spilling things out.

"PFtttt~! Kaga, stop teasing Izuku already, he might turn into a tomato, especially with his green hair", Himiko chided in to stop Asakura from going further.

"Whatever you say...'Good Girl'...HAHAHA", now that I think about it...that was quite the embarrassing thing to say.

Soon enough, they left while I trailed behind and headed the same direction, our classroom.

'Hah...I better start training harder and analyzing the quirks of my classmates, they have trained and grew up with their quirks their entire lives, while I only had it for mere months.' I thought to myself.






AN: Alright fellows...the question regarding the Jurassic Park thing...Kaga will essentially just open one up and have its own little arc, it won't have any drama within it like dinosaurs on the loose. Cliche.


