
A Little Bit Of Himiko


It's been a few days after our little adventure with Kaga, seeing Small Might, defeating a small-time villain, and even humiliating some heroes.

Though surprisingly, the heroes in question did a public apology and stated that they will only prove themselves once again through their actions, which eased the criticisms on them.

However, the notable thing that happened that day was about me and Izuku!

'Hah...his determination to become a hero that oozes off of his body haha~', I still remember my first meeting with him.

I was just passing through some random park but a scene caught my interest, it was basically Izuku fighting off some thugs who came to disturb the local people.

He won against the five low-life thugs with ease, seeing his serious face as he goes to strike them with various elbows and knees onto the various vital parts of their body was quite a sight to see!

I don't know what caught my interest with him but it's just his smell, it's just different from everybody else.

Kaga had the smell of a free bird, doing what she wants.

Shoto's smell was something like that of an aloof person wandering through life, making Kaga and him perfect!

Some had the air of stench, pride, happiness, but I mostly chalk it up to their overall character and attitude.

Izuku for me had that burning feeling, like his drive for his dreams creates this burning smell for me, it wasn't bad...it was actually unique...an acquired taste to be exact.

With this interest of mine, I began to bother the green-haired teen almost every day after school, I even told Kaga that I won't be hanging out with them for some time since I found someone interesting.

Every time I meet him he would always be training, his muscles that were screaming in pain and especially with that face of his...that was scrunching in pain.

It almost made me think he was a masochist who loved pain to the point that he'll train himself to reach that sort of ecstasy. Hitting two birds with one stone too! Feel the pain and get ripped muscles!

Of course, I soon found out why he was training, and apparently, he wanted to be a Hero. But it still didn't answer why he was trying so hard but I soon found out why...he was quirkless.

I was pleasantly surprised, aiming to be a quirkless hero is basically asking to be killed early, I mean heroes with quirks die so how will a quirkless stand straight in that sort of environment?

At this point my interest in the person skyrocketed since I have never seen someone so determined, he knew the risks yet he is still training his way towards it?

How crazy is this guy!?



From that day on I began visiting Izuku and just stayed by his side as he continues his training, we talked about things in life but all of a sudden it went to the topics of quirks.

With the topic of quirks, I wanted to sway the conversation but decided not to since he'll know about it eventually. I then began giving him a short detail of what my quirk entailed and that I needed someone's blood.

At the back of my mind, I was prepared for him to give me that 'face', the face that everyone gives me once they learn about my quirk.

I mean, my only true friends are Shoto and Kaga since they didn't discriminate against me, in fact, Kaga helped me when I was younger even...still happy about that...I don't know where I'll be now if I wasn't saved by her.

Though surprisingly he was actually interested in it rather than treat me like some sort of potential villain. Which made me rather happy that I found another person other than my adoptive family and two friends who didn't view my quirk as villainous.

But back to the present, here I am wondering in park with Izuku if I should reveal my other side to Izuku, would he still accept me?




I was pulled out my thoughts by Izuku who has been waving his hands in front of me, I guess I was staring of to space.

"Yes?", I responded and looked at him but I guess he can sense that something was on my mind.

"Well, it's just that you were zoning out and thought maybe you have something on your mind?", hmm...I guess he can.

"Sigh~", I released a heavy breath to prepare myself if he would leave me and if he does, I wouldn't blame him, he is after all just an ordinary guy with determination so high to become a hero. And now he has inherited the power of the Symbol of Peace.

"Nee, Izuku, imagine this scenario. A villain murders 10 people, what will you do? Send him to prison or will you kill him?", I asked while my head hung low...I have feeling that I was swayed by my feelings after Kaga and Shoto became a couple.

I'm happy for them, it's just that maybe I'm also finding someone for myself now too? Maybe I did...but I think I rushed too quickly, I mean Izuku doesn't know the real me nor do I know him yet.

All I know is that we somehow click...or maybe I'm just too forceful and Izuku is just naturally weak to girls?

I went out of my thoughts to see Izuku...but it seems he's rather startled of my question since it's something that correlates with his view about a hero.

After some minutes he finally gave me an answer, "I haven't been in that situation before so I wouldn't really know what I will do, but why are you asking me this?"

I was disappointed with his answer but I continued, "Let me finish my questions first.", with my straightforward tone he knew that he had to shut up, for now, was I too harsh? But seeing his expression is quite fun too~

"If a Hero kills a murdering villain, what do you call him?", I asked.

"A villain too, right? If a Hero killed a villain then that means the Hero stooped to their level", he said it without a stutter, as if it was the most logical and genuine thing in the world.

"I see.", at this point, I was disappointed entirely...it just shows that I rushed for comfort without knowing the person yet, would he call me a villain too if I were to say I killed someone?

'It's fun while it lasted...maybe it'll work after he sees that not everything about a Hero is saving, for me a hero is someone that sacrifices, what do they sacrifice exactly?

They sacrifice what they can sacrifice to save others, their life, time, family, or dirty their hands in blood to permanently exterminate the villain while others keep theirs clean'

I thought to myself and from the corner of my eyes, I could see Izuku even more confused.

"Izuku, I think we shouldn't be together, for now, it's only been a few days but I don't think we're compatible yet? We're just too different for now. Basically what I'm saying is let's start over as acquaintances, okay?"

My words seemed to have short-circuited him, "W-wait wh-what's going on all of a sudden? You were just asking me about questions, h-how did it tr-transform to this!?", he stuttered seeking for an explanation.

'I can't really tell you that I and my friends kill villains with no qualms, can I?', I answered him mentally...hah...maybe I'll call Kaga for ice cream and ask a bit of her blood. Her's is the good stuff!

"Maybe in the future, you would understand, but for now you're just too green", I replied to him but praised myself mentally for that little pun of mine.

I didn't wait any further since it was starting to get awkward so I hastily stood up and left Izuku to his thought.

And with that, I left and as I left I called Kaga and told her to meet me at my house for ice cream, she immediately agreed probably sensed the uneasiness of my voice.




Long story short, I am now resting on the boobs of Kaga...it's amazing how big and soft they are, mines are in the category of "Medium is Premium" while Kaga's are "Oppai is Truth".

"So, what did Izuku say that made you leave him? Is it a permanent leave or temporary?", she questioned as she patted my head, 'Hah...always treating me like a small sister...but I'm not complaining~'

"He said Heroes who kill are something like villains too since they stooped to their level...but temporary for now, I guess?", I said while eating blood-flavored Ice cream...Kaga flavor to be exact.

"Well...how about this...let's beat him up on live television, I know once we reach U.A. there'll be a sports festival. And I happen to acquire the blood of someone who can manipulate blood, so what do you say?"

As she said that I happened to look up and saw the most demonic smile I have ever seen, "I guess it's time for me to drink pools of blood once again then!"

I agreed instantly since right now I just want to beat Izuku so bad to see his beautiful pained face right now!

And my quirk has evolved crazily too, I have super regeneration and to finally complete it I will train to get blood manipulation...though I just have to drink pools of that person's blood, but Kaga can regenerate the blood anyway and in turn create more!







Alright...so how does Himiko's quirk work in this fanfic? Her quirk lets her transform into the said person, right?

And after evolving, she can manifest their quirk too, which is canon.

But in here she can fully integrate a type of quirk fully as her own as long as there is enough blood of the person, and we're talking about pools of it so that it can become permanent.

The quirk has to be blood-related though, like the first villain she killed, the guy had Super regeneration and uses blood to heal. The drawback is that the user gets thinner after regenerating until they become like a withered tree.

And with the super regeneration, Himiko was able to train even harder surpassing a human's limitations.

And now she is going to be drinking blood from a person who can manipulate blood!

Btw, people are forgetting my earlier description of Jin Taejin, he is publicly Quirkless, PUBLICLY.

Ryu already stated that Jin's family genes have the ability to surpass the human body's limitation easily, the Jin family just keeps it under wraps cause if the public were to find out unethical scientists would want to experiment on them or try to make a clone of them.

So please don't mistake him as quirkless, it's like how All Might isn't revealed to have been quirkless before and the secrets of OFA too. Since if the public finds out a lot of people will start presenting themselves as a 'future' candidate of OFA.

