
Sky Egg Part 3

While inside the theatre of the Sky Egg, Captain Celebrity began telling everyone to point their cameras his way, or more specifically his phone screen.

His phone showed the picture of his wife and first son that was just born this year, he kept bragging how the baby has his eyes and the rest were his wife's...except the picture tells a different story. His son only has his signature wavy hair.

"Kaga, don't you think his baby looks more like his wife?", Himiko asked Kaga as she was pondering about the Hero's earlier statement. "Indeed, the baby looks more like his wife", she agreed wholeheartedly.

"What's the difference?", Shoto asked clearly not into the finer details of things.

"Shoto...you shouldn't judge since you barely even change your facial expression, you probably only change it when you slurp cold soba", Kaga interjected Shoto.

With a sagely look Himiko agreed as well and also rubbing her imaginary beard to sell the act, Shoto could only sigh at their antics.

While the trio conversed in their own little world, they were brought back into the event when Captain Celebrity called for attention once again.

He apparently called his wife over the phone, their conversation was funny since the wife had no idea that she was talking to over 60,000 people.

He then began slowly revealing the detail about how he is sharing the photo of her when she just newly gave birth to their son, showing a disheveled state of her...with a smiling husband or Captain Celebrity.

"My god...I would probably stab my husband to death if he showed such a picture to over 60,000 people", Himiko casually commented and not caring for the stares she suddenly got from the people near her.

Sad to say...everyone could hear the Captain's wife blasts him over the phone and that was only when she found out that her photo was shared with some people.


The moment she found out that he was actually showing it to about 60,000 people, her voice shrieked across the venue which annoyed Kaga's ears since she was highly sensitive to high-pitched sounds.

After that, the Captain kept asking if she was still there only to find out that she hung up already, and with that, the next part of the program started!

The first part was them showing the Turbo Hero: Ingenium performing gravity-defying stunts with his agency, Team Idaten.

It showed him boosting off a ramp and going through a hoop that was being carried by the sidekick, Enigma, her quirk transform her into a towering blob of...something...paired up with her usual straight face.

For the next performance, they started showing Best Jeanist use his quirk on the female heroes that attended, and they walked the runway with his created clothes on. Though it seems a lot of people were focused on Midnight...sideboobs are a powerful thing.

Even Shoto was staring intently which was caught by Kaga, "Must you stare so hard? Glimpses is fine but your stare mixed with your stoic face is too much!", she commented making the young teen blush due to being caught.

For the next act, it simply showed Snipe and Edgeshot showcasing their accuracy with their long-ranged weapons, although it seemed rather stupid due to the simple fact that their target was rather big. ass. balloon.

What came next annoyed Kaga to the extreme, it was just Present Mic singing in a loud voice with the occasional, "YEAHHHHHH!"

The next performances were just your occasional dance performances like the Wild Wild Pussycats and Wash making Gang Orca float with the manipulation of soapy water due to his quirk.

Everyone cheered and laughed as some of them were blasted with the white stuff coming out of the Laundry Hero: Wash!

"Hahaha~ This soap smells a whole lot better than the ones sold in stores!", Himiko began laughing as she sniffed the white contents on her clothing.

Kaga however immediately stopped it, "Himiko, STOP! That came from inside the person...so don't just randomly sniff it!", she said...but she does admit that it smells even better than theirs!


The crowd as usual clapped for every performance since it was evident that everyone was having fun, even the Heroes are!

"Kaga, Himiko, want to go to the observation deck? I want to sit down", Shoto suggested since it has already been nearly an hour since they were standing.

""Sure!"", the two agreed since they wanted to take some pictures of Tokyo while they're at it.

Making their way over, they were greeted with the wonderful scenery of Tokyo and its skyscrapers, the trio was also genuinely surprised to find Captain Celebrity, just about to sit down.

Kaga who was a genuine Hero fan asked for an autograph of the free Captain Celebrity merch they came across, namely a jacket.

"Thank you!", she said while slowly making her way over to another bench that was quite far from Captain Celebrity since he was going to be making a call.

"Nee Nee~ Never knew you were a C.C. fan?", Himiko stated since she has never seen her best friend wear any merch of the Captain.

"Well...I'm just a Hero fan overall, haha~", Kaga explained in a good mood and just stored the signed item in her storage space, which the two already knew of but they knew that it was not something to share.

Later on, Kaga soon heard a young man calling for Captain Celebrity's attention, probably a staff member.

"Hey, Captain!"

"They need you upstairs."

Kaga who was curious looked over to the young man and widened her eyes in surprise, "Ohhh, it's the Crawler!", she accidentally exclaimed due to shock of meeting a manga protagonist.

Koichi was shocked to find out that someone actually knew him despite not wearing his disguise outfit of an All-Might hoodie and paired with arm and shin guards.

"U-umm...nice to m-meet you! But please don't say it out loud or else I'll get caught", Koichi reasoned to the fox lady who was actually stunningly beautiful to his eyes.

"Sure~ Sure~", Kaga said as she did a zipping motion on her mouth, but all of a sudden she turned her head in curiosity after hearing the heavy flapping of wings. The moment she saw what's the cause of the flapping she became serious.

"Himiko, use up ALL of your readied blood from Shoto NOW!", Kaga ordered not wanting to be question at this time as she was currently seeing a flock of Nomu heading towards their direction, and it was 10 of them!

Himiko immediately listened and took out 10 Pills made out of Shoto's blood in case of emergency, since Shoto's quirk was quite powerful after all.

The blood pills were something Kaga thought of so that Himiko didn't need to actively suck someone's blood to gain a quirk when she is in a pinch.

Himiko has also learned to not transform into the said person and instead, just the quirk which came with the blood, effectively lengthening her time since transforming into the person uses up more blood.

In short, she became something like Monoma but runs on blood instead of a timer.

Shoto also readied himself and enveloped his whole body in a coat of fire, effectively looking like Human Torch from Fantastic 4!

Koichi was rather shocked at the sight of the young teens in front of him suddenly using their quirks, but following their view, he was stunned nonetheless.

"Those're...just like the one at Christmas!", he shouted


Kaga immediately conjured a wall of ice from the windows as one of them was planning to dive straight at their floor!



Kaga who didn't expect an explosion from those flying nomus was quite shocked, and it was quite a strong one too!

Though thanks to her ice, she prevented Koichi who was originally supposed to fall and latch onto a wall in the manga!

Her wall of ice did hold up but was riddled with cracks and was already crumbling. Meanwhile, Captain Celebrity has already headed out by busting through the ice wall to deal with whatever is causing the explosion.


As Captain Celebrity flew out he already punched one to smithereens after completely but it still exploded when he punched it, yet he could easily tank the damage!

But while this happened, a huge one clung onto the bottom of the observation deck and immediately self-destructed itself, causing the Sky Egg to rattle and tilt slowly.


Due to this, Captain Celebrity had to go under the observation platform in order to support its weight.

Chunks of flesh scattered throughout the area and dropped to the ground floor, painting some parts of the white support beans red with blood.

"What on Earth!?", Kaga exclaimed as she regained her balance after the explosion settled down, 'Did this happen in the vigilante manga? I didn't read much into that!', she thought to herself but didn't mind much further and instead proceeded with a plan.

"Okay, here's the plan, Shoto you go outside and fly and keep those flying things at bay. You're faster than them so you're safe.

Himiko, you're coming with me, we'll be covering the broken parts with ice to fill in the gaping hole that was chucked out from the explosion."

The two nodded since it was a sound idea, then Kaga turned towards Koichi and said, "You go beside Captain Celebrity and be his sentry, from the vids you can throw some sort of ranged damaged right?"

Koichi could only nod at how the younger girl in front of him even knew his quirk's power.

With everything planned, Kaga made a flat platform with railings for her and Himiko to stand on, the railings are there since she didn't want some cliche slipping off the platform moment and dramatically having to catch someone slipping off or in midair!

"Well then, let's GO TO THE NEXT CHAPTER!"






