
Testing Testing 1 2 3!


I laid on the frozen cracked floor thinking about the fight that just occurred recently, well it wasn't really a fight since Sensei wasn't even that serious.

'I did pretty well, I didn't boost the blood flow within my body nor brain to increase my perception, so I basically fought Sensei in my base form.', I thought to myself and decided that I should practice in base form since I could still see him...just barely.

During the fight, I made the terrain to my advantage and even weaponized my limbs including my tails, and froze the tips of it into ice in the shape of spears and claws. Basically, I planned to use my tails as a whip and spear since they can increase in width and length!

As I finished my preparations, I probably looked like some kind of ice beast that you'd find in a fantasy world, that is trying to prey on an elderly buff man. Finishing this form of mine, I stared at Sensei, ready to attack.

During that short moment of stand-off, I didn't move nor showed any movement that I was going to suddenly summon a pillar of ice right underneath his chin to try and knock him off balance.

But alas...not everything is easy, is it?

The moment I conjured up an ice pillar, he simply tilted his body back and leg swept the base of my ice pillar in one fell swoop. My ice pillar was separated from the ground and began to tilt horizontally.

But what he did next surprised me, he punched the base of the pillar which was sent rocketing my way like a bullet, I was able to dodge it and only the cold surface of it touched my skin...rather than an entire pillar face planting me.

Though I was rather off-balance after I dodged and with it, my attention on Sensei was shifted too, I guess he took that opportunity to knee the base of my tails.

Getting hit in the tails was a whole different sensation, I guess to boys it's the equivalent of being kicked in the nuts?

Anyway, as I was hit in the lower back area of my body, I was raised from the ground and slowly tilted horizontally.

And before I knew it, the old guy was already beside me as I rose up, thinking he would strike my body, I coated myself with an even layer of scales made out of ice.

Though it was practically useless the moment he rammed two elbows into my belly and effectively cracking the armor, which also sent me hurdling down fast.

And now here I am reflecting on what just happened...

'Maybe I should have prepared for a more physical match-up, since he could easily overpower quirks with that body of his, even in his OLD AGE!', I thought to myself.

Everything just happened so fast...though it's what you'd expect from a guy who was supposed to be the next [God of Combat]!

Anyway, even Sensei noticed from a glance that my tails are physically stronger than the rest. If memory serves right...the Recoiless Concept is focusing all their energy on a single point without wasting any movement.

And I can't help but think that my tails are perfectly suited for this since the tip of it would always unleash the strongest attack, even more so if I form blades of ice onto it!

"He...heh...HEHEHE", I laughed to myself imagining the possibilities but immediately calmed myself down and began thinking first about what I need.

Everything starts with a movement...so probably a movement technique...from what I remember in most Martial Arts Webtoon, it's how the user tenses their leg muscles that create the desired effect.

I stood up as it was already a while ago when everything within my body healed due to my regeneration.

Checking the time and still saw that it was around noon, I began experimenting based on memories.

To see any differences I ran a hundred-meter sprint like I normally do and clocked in at 5 Seconds or 20 m/s.

'Hmmm...already better than all of Class 1-A, however, in the manga it showed that Midoriya outran a sniper bullet, which is basically around 780 to 850 m/s. And if he were to use 100% Full-Cowling along with his other quirks...damn'

I thought thinking how broken the potential of Midoriya is, but, none have my number one trump card, the ability to break the Laws of Physics, Blood Break!

Now, let's try running a hundred meters as I boost the blood within my muscles. I went toward where I stood and went into a runner's position and waited for the timer on my phone on the far end to start the signal.




The moment I heard it, I sprinted as hard as I can in this world that went by almost in a flash, and the moment I reached the end of the hundred-meter lane that I imagined for myself. I went and checked the time.

Phone: [2 Seconds]

So boosting the blood within my muscles gives me a 60% increase in speed but I'm not sure yet for power since it depends on the fibers of my muscles. As much as it sounds amazing, like any power up it eats up my energy faster than normal.

"But this move of mine is only special to me because of Blood Break, since essentially when I use the ability, I can feel the blood within my entire body circulate to ungodly speeds, hence the red markings all over my face and the change of my white fur to blood red.

So in short, boosting my blood is the downgraded version of Blood Break, and if I were to boost my blood within my nervous system which stimulates my brain too. I am basically recreating the High-Speed Hero: O'Clock's quirk, just without the drawbacks.

For O'Clock's quirk, the user naturally has super speeds because of the quirk allowing the user to move at three to ten times faster than normal. But during an emergency situation when the user's flight or fight response is active, the user can move a few dozen times faster, fast enough to dodge bullets.

However, after going through an emergency the quirk will completely shut down and need a long cooldown, due to lack of oxygen throughout the entire body. So, if my guess is correct, the quirk [Overclock] only helps the nervous system but not the muscles."


I muttered everything and became a mini-Midoriya for a moment there. "I hope no one saw me", I embarrassingly said to myself.

Putting this event behind me I proceeded to try something different this time, I am going to unleash Blood Break into this world, and not just training it in my storage space.

Going back to my imaginary finish line and closed my eyes for what's about to happen, I was grinning madly since this will be one of the first times I'll use it in the physical world.

I breathed in a large amount of air to prepare myself and breathed it out...




The moment I activated my trump card, the ground beneath me cracked under the sudden surge of pressure.

Crimson lightning brushed around me and spreading around the general area, my glistening snow white coat slowly turning into blood-red while glowing red markings started appearing on my face.

The world around me didn't appear to even move, my surroundings changed color from my view, the surroundings and sky turned a different shade of grey while from my view my skin looked like neon colors of blue and hints of purple and pink.

But one is always evident when I used this ability, I can feel my body creaking from the amount of power suddenly gained. Bones threatening to break, muscles compressed to its limits, and the blood flowing within me at speeds faster I can't tell anymore.

This is...Blood Break.

I came out of my reverie and ran my hardest, although I did, everything to me seems like I'm running normally but the floating leaves in the air show that they halted...moving ever so slightly.

Arriving at the finish line I deactivated it and...



The moment I did, my actions of breaking the sound barrier and apparently each step I made cracked the ground too, and only now did it take in effect.

I looked to my left and found my phone still running the timer, "Heh...to fast to even register me", then I laid down on the ground panting and letting my passive regeneration take place.

It's weird but passive regeneration doesn't waste any energy...it's only when I forcefully ram the gas on it does it consume energy from me.

Waiting for half a minute till my energy and body are back into top shape did I make my way back home.

As I was making my way home I couldn't help but think how I'll incorporate my tails into martial art then I suddenly had a burst of inspiration.

Those people who do flips and parkours!

If I ever perform a flip my tail would follow suit and act as a whip due to how my body is suddenly moving, and with the concept of Recoiless, my tail would serve as the only point of impact where the kinetic energy gathers!

"Hehe...I'll show that old man that I can beat him without boosting my blood!"
