
Chapter 15 Lestrange

Rodrick's gaze caught Malfoy about to duel someone in front of their potion's Classroom. He decided to call out towards the five idiots up front.

"Malfoy put your wand away, will you," Rodrick's voice cut through, surprising Blaise. The boy simply turned towards him with raised eyebrows, before a small smirk took over, Grindelwald was slowly getting used to his influence in the house.

Nott, on the other hand, snorted when he saw Malfoy begrudgingly put his wand back into his holster, the blonde glared in return.

Rodrick rolled his eyes before he moved closer towards Potter and Weasley.

Harry had a surprised expression on his face. 'Malfoy's actually listening?' He didn't think the git had the mental capacity for it.

"I don't need you morons spoiling my favourite lesson," He remarked absentmindedly, eyeing Weasley. The boy still had his wand in hand.

"That's his reason..." Tracey spoke, she'd been about to watch the duel unfold. Even Daphne had looked amused by the prospect.

"I don't know what you expected," Daphne remarked laughing.

Draco crossed his arms in a huff muttering something incoherent. 'Sure him starting a war and all is fine? I try to duel someone from said house and it's too much? honestly, where's the logic?' he thought. When he saw Nott still smirking he felt inclined to hex the boy to death.

"What's wrong Malfoy? Scared?"

Malfoy turned his glare from Nott towards Weasley. "What was that!?" He demanded through grit teeth.

The tension was quickly rising before to everyone's amusement, Granger had practically snuck up on Weasley, taking his wand from his hand.

"Honestly, the lessons in a few minutes," Hermione remarked.

Harry sighed before agreeing with her and heading into the classroom, hoping to take one of the seats in the back.

Ron was not amused, he tried and failed to get his wand back from the girl.

"Give it back," Ron made another attempt to grab his wand.

Hermione moved back before sighing, exasperated. "Snape will be here soon,"

The words seemed to stop Weasley for a second. "Oh, fine, whatever," he remarked raising his hands. It was a few seconds before Hermione gave him his wand back.

The Slytherins, particularly Malfoy and Nott were openly laughing at the small show. Rodrick was not amused.

"Now whose scared Weasley?" Malfoy just had to do it.

"Enough, Snape will actually be here soon, go in!" Rodrick spoke up before anyone else. An Irritated look on his face.

Daphne chuckled before she and Tracey made their way in. Rodrick turned towards Malfoy and Nott. "Well?" he remarked.

Nott had been about to make a joke before taking a look at Rodrick's face and deeming it unsafe. He shrugged before entering the classroom, Malfoy in tow. The blonde still openly smirking at the retreating Weasley.

The crowd of third years quickly filtered into the classroom following that.

"Didn't know you had it in you," Blaise remarked.

"Like I said favourite lesson" He watched as Blaise slowly made his way in, when he noticed Rodrick wasn't following he raised an eyebrow at the boy but was waved off.

The moment Blaise was in the class, Rodrick turned towards Hermione, the girl had been going through her bag to find something.

"So, what happened?" He questioned with crossed arms.

Hermione turned up to stare at the boy, "What?" she questioned warily.

"You used a time turner to get here. Why?"

If Hermione was surprised by the question, she didn't show it. "You could tell huh?" She remarked sheepishly.

"You literally popped up out of nowhere," Rodrick remarked amused.

"Disaster averted is all I am going to say," Granger replied automatically, before adding on. "Besides you do that as well,"

Rodrick blinked before a small smile took over. "I do don't I?" he remarked to himself, chuckling at the thought. "But still, that's thanks to invisibility charms."

Hermione narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Which I am certain you aren't capable of casting," He remarked a grin on his face. 'There's more than one way of playing this war,' He thought to himself as he waited for Granger's, potentially explosive reaction. She was a Gryffindor.

Hermione wanted to punch him. She didn't for Harry's sake. He'd warned them, although Ron certainly hadn't learnt it, the fact Rodrick had a habit of trying to, well, piss people off. She hadn't believed Harry. Then Rodrick practically exploded the Gryffindor's food, she hadn't forgiven that and if she was honest the punch was more for that then now. So instead of falling into the little trap, she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, opened them, a steely gaze in place as she stared at Rodrick and then simply went into the classroom. Ironically, Occulemency helped. She was astounded to how useful that skill was, she hadn't learnt it to the point where she could stop a mind attack, god had she been surprised people could do that, but it was enough to calm her emotions which frankly helped make her year go far more smoothly.

Rodrick stared at the retreating Granger before frowning. 'Granger's learning that charm by the end of this year...' He didn't think she'd react like that.


Snape had been about to begin the lesson, he'd just finished the roll call. The subject already writ on the board...


He heard the sound come from the door, he sighed as he turned towards the source. "Behave," he remarked dangerously, levelling a glare towards Potter's small group. Before he left through the door, intent on greeting whoever had deigned to interrupt his class.

His eyes narrowed when he found Farley, one of his prefects.

"It better be important," he remarked dangerously, crossing his arms.

The girl to her credit didn't flinch. She quickly told him the headmaster required him in his office.

Severus narrowed his eyes at the words. "Surely the headmaster can wait, I am about to begin a lesson," he pinched the bridge of his nose.

Farley merely shook her head, "He said I was to cover until you return." In other words, the headmaster wasn't taking no for an answer... Not that he ever did... Unless it involved Grindelwald who seemed oblivious to the Headmasters annoyance when he disregarded rules. Which he did quite a lot. Either that or he simply didn't care, and as long as he made sure to leave no evidence, the headmaster's hands were tied. He couldn't exactly tell him to stop being a Slytherin...

"He was rather insistent on the matter,"

The words made Snape's gaze snap towards the girl. He sneered but held himself. 'At least he sent a Slytherin.' Not that the thought made much difference.

He turned to enter the classroom before to his surprise he found Grindelwald, relaxed against the door, arms crossed...

Snape momentarily narrowed his eyes, "Eavesdropping is unbecoming."

Rodrick shrugged. "You didn't say we couldn't leave, just told us to behave." He remarked, an amused smile on his face.

Snape almost rolled his eyes, before a thought quickly popped to mind, a small smile in place. Who was he, if not a good head of year for helping encourage the boy's Slytherin qualities... The fact that it went against Potter and Gryffindor as a whole had nothing to do with it. Nothing at all.

"Come," he simply demanded.

Rodrick blinked before following the professor into the classroom. Farley raised an eyebrow at the boy, surprised the professor hadn't bothered to punish him. She chuckled when she realised even Snape seemed to like the boy.

The class's attention quickly shifted to the three entering the class. Harry Potter frowned when he saw Rodrick with an amused smile on his face.

"Told you he wouldn't get in trouble," Ron remarked, "Seriously unfair don't you think?"

Hermione rolled her eyes, "I am sure he must've had a good reason," she defended the professor.

"He was eavesdropping, he admitted to it before he left," Harry shook his head. It seemed whatever favour he could've gotten from Snape had been given to Grindelwald. They all watched as the Professor explained the situation, telling them how something had come up and he was leaving Farley in charge.

Harry merely stared at the seventh year. He didn't know much about the girl but she seemed pleasant.

Ron snorted, "Yea, like another Slytherin will make things better,"

"You never know, she might even give us points," they heard Neville mutter from behind. He looked relieved at the sudden change.

"Doubtful," Ron replied, disdainfully.

Hermione huffed, she certainly hoped Neville was right, it would certainly help if they could finally get some points out of potions. God knows they haven't had any of those. It seemed her thoughts had practically been heard.

"Oh, for that matter, all points go through Rodrick. To keep things fair, he should have an idea of how they work in this particular class." Snape remarked, an amused glint in his eye.

"Oh come on!" they heard Ron call out.

"10 points for calling out Mr Weasley,"

It wasn't Snape that said that.

Rodrick grinned when he saw Ron slowly turn red.

Snape snorted, he hadn't even left and the brat was already starting on the Gryffindors.

Daphne rolled her eyes. There was no point to taking points with the house cup guaranteed, she knew he was doing it because he could.

"We are screwed," Harry Potter remarked, openly gaping.

"5 Points for language Mr Potter," Snape heard Rodrick remark as he left through the door, a small smirk lining his face.

"This is going to be fun," Malfoy spoke with a glint in his eye. Nott merely nodded his head.


"Alright, that's enough!" Farley called out, her voice echoed through the room, causing most of the class to quickly realise why she'd been made a prefect. Harry realised the girl could be intimidating when she wanted to be.

Hermione felt a kinship with the girl.

Malfoy sneered at the girl.

Farley, it seemed, had a much better success rate getting Gryffindors to correctly make a potion, compared to Snape. While the potion hadn't been difficult to make, atleast in Rodrick's opinion... Even Neville looked like he was doing relatively well. The lesson would've been going well had it not been for the fact several Gryffindors started throwing things around. Losing points in doing so. The Slytherins did it too... But they didn't lose points for it.

"I thought you were supposed to keep things fair?" Farley couldn't help the words. The boy was currently sat on top of the table, wand in hand. Every time a student did something stupid he'd hex them and take away points.

"I am, this is quite similar to how any potions class usually goes,"

Malfoy scoffed. The Gryffindors had lost twice as many points than usual, Snape was downright merciful compared to him. He turned around bringing his wand up in an attempt to hex Potter...

"Expelliarmus!" Harry Potters voice rang out hitting Malfoy in the face.

"10 points for casting a spell in the classroom Mr Potter,"

"He had hi-" Harry started before he took in the words... For casting a spell... Malfoy had only just taken his wand out... He had to hand it to the guy he knew how to work around the rules. Begrudgingly he admitted that slip, he should've waited for Malfoy to cast first.

Malfoy looked pleased with himself.

"Imagine if you'd never decided to back him, you know tried to take over things yourself?" Nott whispered beside him. "If I remember correctly, you certainly tried to,"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Malfoy remarked, unwilling to look the boy in the face. He had originally wanted to do that... He wasn't sure when he'd realised how stupid it was to go against a Grindelwald but from Warrington's current place, who was 3 years ahead of them, he was glad he didn't bother. Grindelwald was cunning and powerful. A dangerous mix. While he could handle cunning... He knew if it came down to it, he'd lose. He wasn't as powerful. As much as it irked him, Grindelwald was powerful... The only year that could probably hold there own were the seventh years. If Warrington hadn't been in the sixth year, he might've considered them... Of course, other than killing a basilisk, Rodrick had actually not shown off much in terms of power. But he doubted there was anyone in their year capable of that... Even then he wasn't sure if there were seventh years capable of casting unforgiveables...

He turned his attention in time to watch Rodrick stun a Gryffindor about to throw something into a Slytherin cauldron.

"Do that again and I'll have you thrown in detention with Professor Snape,"

"You can't do that," Seamus replied, a frown on his face.

Rodrick turned to Farley, " Can I do that?"

Farley chuckled before nodding.

"You've got to be kidding," Dean remarked from his friends side.

"As if she'd say no." Nott remarked, he was amused to see the girl in question turn to him with a raised eyebrow. A challenging look in her eye.

"Behave," Rodrick remarked towards the third year.

Nott rolled his eyes before turning back to his cauldron.

"I wonder what he meant by that..." Farley remarked staring at the third year orphan.

"Not a clue, don't take the Hufflepuffs words too seriously," he deadpanned.

Nott twitched. His mood turning sour when he heard Farley start laughing.

"What did you think was going to happen?" Malfoy scoffed beside him.

Nott grumbled, his words too quiet to hear.

"If I see anymore wands out I'll be taking points for that alone." Rodrick remarked.

As the lesson went on Farley watched as everyone seemed to settle into their work, mostly for the fact that Rodrick was actually giving points out for each successful potion, he himself was currently going around helping most of his group.

"Shouldn't you be making this yourself?" Daphne remarked amused, the boy had settled between her and Tracey, keeping check of both their cauldrons.

"It's rather simple, bit boring really," he remarked absentmindedly, amused to see Daphne almost mess up a part of the recipe, clearly annoyed by the words.

"Of course it is..." he heard Blaise mutter incoherently.

Tracey just chuckled until she saw her cauldron start simmering. Getting an approval of a nod from Rodrick, she relaxed back into her seat.

"Think he'll help us," Neville remarked from his seat.

Hermione turned around to see the potion and found it stable. "You don't need it," she remarked surprised. She idly wondered how much of the boys failure stemmed from Snape, the man was likely to be surprised to see the number of successful potions. It was only halfway and already more Gryffindors had completed more working potions then the average per a lesson.

"He means in general," Harry spoke up, carefully putting knotgrass into the cauldron.

"Doubt it," Ron scoffed.

"You doubt a lot of things," Neville replied back.

"I do not,"

"I doubt that," Harry Potter quipped, earning chuckles out of his friends.

Ron rolled his eyes before turning back to his cauldron.

"5 points for messing up the potion Weasley," The small group of Gryffindors heard Rodrick remark from the front, he was idly sitting on the teacher's desk, grinning.

Farley shook her head, she had decided to simply take a chair. She'd practically handed the reigns over, the boy was amusing, very amusing.

Ron frowned before glaring back up at the grinning Slytherin. "I haven't even finished it!"

"And at the rate you're going you won't," Rodrick fired back.

Harry Potter quickly realised what Rodrick was trying to do. "Ron. Calm down!" He tried to warn him.

"No," Ron suddenly remarked getting up. "He's just taking the bloody piss now," he crossed his arms. And on cue. Ron's cauldron exploded.

"25 points for language and blowing up your cauldron," Rodrick remarked, smiling.

They heard Malfoy snort from the front.

Ron was still glaring at the Slytherin, his anger slowly growing.

Hermione was staring at the cauldron before she'd realised what had happened. Ron had mixed two volatile ingredients together, he was meant to add a third to prevent the two mixing badly... Rodrick had seen it and spoke up to delay the process. She was shocked at how accurate the boy was. She turned her head to see Ron take his wand out.

Farley was watching the exchange with a steel mask in place. Weasley had his wand out but he wasn't aiming at anyone.

"You want the charm to clear up the mess?" Rodrick questioned, his amusement increased the moment he heard Malfoy start laughing.

Ron had been about to remark before Farley had gotten up. "Please take a seat, Mr Weasley," she remarked carefully, her wand out as she cleared the mess up herself.

"I think he blames all Weasleys for that ghost event," Harry suddenly whispered to Hermione, the girl absently nodded in return. Her attention focused on the possible mayhem.

"It'll be a shame when he suddenly turns to you... Considering you put the black box there in the first place," Hermione decided to add, amused to see the look on Harry's face pale slightly.


Ron merely glared off at the seventh year, "Why don't you tell him first?" he remarked indicating Rodrick. The boy was still sat on top of the desk.

"I am already sitting," Rodrick deadpanned.

"Sit down Mr Weasley," The prefect remarked thinly.

Ron narrowed his eyes, ignoring Farley "On a chair, like the rest of us,"

"5 points for arguing with the professor," Rodrick couldn't help himself.

Ron twitched. Raising his wand, he made to cast off the first hex to come to mind, however, he watched in slight shock as Rodrick quickly disappeared from sight. He blinked a few times wondering where the boy had gone before he felt a wand point on the back of his head.

"Please keep all war-related activity outside the classrooms," he spoke holding in a chuckle. He raised an eyebrow at Potter, the boy calmly sitting in his chair avoiding his gaze.

Hermione couldn't help the surprised look on her face. "That was a wandless Disillusionment charm..."

"Non-verbal actually" Rodrick clarified, "I had my wand inside my sleeve. You know just in case," he added on, using his wand to indicate Weasley. Hermione nodded, somewhat relieved. Non-verbal wasn't as difficult as wandless, quickly she realised even then it wasn't exactly easy.

"Bloody hell," Ron remarked, surprised before he simply slacked into his chair with a sigh. Putting away his wand. He was surprised at how easy the boy made it look, he could see why Malfoy listened... He doubted the git could pull that off.

"5 More points for language," Rodrick idly remarked as he walked back.

Harry almost laughed when he saw the vein appear on Ron's face. He'd never admit it but fellow Gryffindors, to his misfortune, were surprisingly easy to rile up. The boy hadn't been joking about that. He was friends with both of them, he couldn't exactly choose sides. Sure Ron might've been one longer but Rodrick had freed Sirius. He'd be hardpressed to ever forget that fact.

The fact that between the two he was far more capable of taking an angry Ron over an angry Grindelwald had nothing to do with it whatsoever. Especially considering the fact that the Marauder's map didn't seem to pick up on him at all...

When the twins and he had realised that... Well, it was almost scary. He was glad he was on good terms with him. They had no idea how or why he didn't show and they couldn't exactly just find out... He had been tempted to ask his defence professor about it, but the twins had warned him against it.

The irony would hit them later on that same week. How they'd tried to keep the Marauders map from one of the makers themselves.


Severus Snape watched with amusement as Grindelwald tore more and more points out of the Gryffindors, his amusement, however, was short-lived when he'd remembered what he was doing in the headmaster's office in the first place. The man had wanted him to wait for someone, that particular someone unnerved Severus a great deal. Sirius Black.

Memories of his Hogwarts years flashed through his mind. He held back a sneer. To think he was likely to deal with all that nonsense once again, almost 2 decades later... He shook his head. Black was going to be teaching History. He couldn't wait to see how badly that turned out. The idea of that man teaching... And history for that matter... He had third years who could do a better job, which frankly didn't say much... At the same time, he also had third years who were utterly hopeless with the subject... Severus sighed, a frown marring his face. There were more Gryffindors comfortable with the subject then Slytherins... Black wasn't going to let that go.

His thoughts idly went onto the reason he was in the office. As always it seemed something that could rattle the headmaster simply had to involve Grindelwald. The student he'd left in charge... Judging by the points he doubted anyone would let it go. He remembered his own time, where the smallest of things would irritate someone to curse others. If anyone had attempted what Grindelwald was doing... He doubted they'd last the day. That wasnt even taking his own conflicts...

Snape breathed in calmly at the memories. However, before he could simply lock them away... A small thought occurred... It was the orphans behaviour... It reminded him of someone he'd known.

The fact he eerily resembled Black and Potter in his time didn't sink in, antics wise, he wouldn't let it. Besides those morons had been hated by Slytherin in any case, the Gryffindors surprisigly only considered him a mild annoyance...Although he knew Potters circle seemed to like him... That hadnt made any sense to the potions professor, it was McGonogal who had mentioned it. Unlike Black and Potters relationship with slytherin. so it wasn't exactly accurate. Both to his and the headmaster's surprise, the boy was quite popular amongst the houses. Killing a Basilisk certainly has some upsides, ingredients wise aside of course.

The headmaster, on the other hand, had suddenly found himself in pursuit of something relating to the boy's orphanage. He'd left today to speak with such a person about it, leaving him to wait in case Black decided to, god forbid, come on time.


To his fortune, the headmaster had returned first. However, the look on the man's face sent chills down Severus... What on earth could he have found out?

"I am guessing it didn't go well?" he questioned.

"For once Severus, I am not sure what to think,"

That was new. He had never seen the headmaster lost before, in fact, he wasn't sure he'd seen the headmaster this... Worried? Severus was about to ask further before Dumbledore spoke up again.

"I met the boy's caretaker," he remarked, "A squib if you wish to know," he added on.

Severus raised an eyebrow at the words, "And?" he pressed on.

Dumbledore locked eyes with the potion professor. "The woman was frightened, terrified of the boy,"

If the words surprised the potions professor, he didn't show it. "I am not surprised, a squib having to take care of a child with that much pow-"

Dumbledore shook his head. "Perhaps... However, this particular squib has dealt with what any other would consider far worse..."

Severus narrowed his eyes, "What do you mean? Who is this person exactly?"

"Her name is not important... Her childhood on the other hand..."

Severus waited, waited as he watched the headmaster's face process something.

Dumbledore stared up, meeting Severus's eyes and spoke.

"She had at some point lived in an orphanage herself..." The words slowly dropping the temperature in the room. "With none other than Voldemort himself... As a child of course, back then merely known as Tom Riddle."

Severus, however, stood with the same look of shock... "A coincidence?" The idea of such a person raising a Grindelwald... He wasn't sure what to make of it.

"Not the problem itself, the woman knew who Voldemort was... She'd known him as a child and yet in her mind, she believed Rodrick to be far darker... To be capable of far worse..."

Snape narrowed his eyes, he'd met the dark lord. If there was anyone who understood the possible danger it was him. And yet the look on the headmaster's face had simply stilled him.

"What does it mean?" Severus merely questioned.

"I do not know... What I do know is there will likely come a time where that woman's words may be shown to be true."

"And?" Snape questioned further.

"That is the problem in of its self Severus, there is nothing to prepare for..."

Snape quickly understood the man's point. He felt himself tense up when he realised the implications himself. Grindelwald's goals... Just what were they? At least with Voldemort, you had a good idea of what needed to be done but Grindelwald? where did he stand on all this? He wasn't evil, as far as any of the professors could tell but then again the same thing could be said about Tom Riddle's school years. While his age could be commented on... The fact was Severus as well as the headmaster knew the boy had some pull with Malfoy of all people, it wouldn't due to simply ignore him after that. That's not even taking his achievements into account. So far the boy had seemed to take an interest in irritating Gryffindors, something he had approved off... Quite openly for that matter... He had literally left the boy in charge of house points, if that wasn't approval...

"Did it ever occur to you, perhaps you're overthinking it?" Severed tried, he'd been the boy's head of house for the past years, he didn't get any dangerous vibe out of him.

"Have you attempted to read his mind?" Albus suddenly questioned.

Severus to his own surprise merely shook his head. He'd been tempted of course but that was the problem in of itself. He'd never been tempted before, pulled to a person's mind... That was the only reason he hadn't. Judging by the headmaster face, the man had certainly attempted it.

"What did you find?" He couldn't help the question.

"A shield... A very powerful shield"

Severus frowned, that was the first he'd ever heard of such a thing.

"His mother was quite over protective it seems..." the headmaster seemed to stop in his tracks, his attention pulled to something in the room.

It seemed as if by luck, the headmaster's face had quickly scrunched up in horror.

Severus didn't react. Dumbledore had just seen the current house standing. Thoughts about the boy's potential darkness quickly disappearing as he turned back to Severus with a frown. "This is hardly acceptable," The man remarked towards him, he might've sold the cup but even he wouldn't go so far as to give the boy the reign over the ranking system... Not that it really mattered, atleast in this year's case.

Severus eyed the points, before snorting. Grindelwald had removed over 50 points from Weasley alone. He made to leave after that. His thoughts once again returning to the future history Professor.

Albus sighed as he watched his potions master leave. Even the man seemed biased towards the boy. Which was hardly surprising. The boy was a Slytherin, frankly, he should be worried at how his Tranafiguration seemed to favor the boy. Before he could contemplate that fact further, he watched as Sirius Black floo'd into the office.


Sirius Black entered the half-filled History classroom with a straight face, one he could barely hold the moment the students slowly started gaping at him. He could hear murmurs going around the classroom, the majority of which questioned whether he was the new history professor. With a small grin, he quickly had his name writ onto the board with a bit of magic. His eyes gazed over the classroom before realising that neither his godson and his friends or Rodrick were in. He did spy the girl that had shown up with the boy and what he assumed were the rest of the boy's group. His eyes did spot Draco among them, confirming the elder Malfoy's words of the two being friends.

"Great, now we have an ex-Azkaban prisoner teaching us, what next? a Werewolf?" Draco remarked disdainfully.

"Draco, don't be rude," Daphne spoke up with a frown, earning amused looks from the others. She was currently sat between Tracey and Blaise. Malfoy sat between Crabbe and Goyle, the two having finally been released from the hospital wing, The three were right behind Greengrass's table. Nott was behind Malfoy on his own.

Draco stared at the girl with a bemused expression marring his face but said nothing. 'Was she allowed to order him around?'

"Where is Grindelwald anyway?" Nott questioned from the back. He received several glares in return. "Do relax, no one can actually hear us," Nott added on. Blaise seemed to be lost in his own world staring at Black, silently wondering whether a different teacher would help him in his struggles or not.

Before anyone could reply, Rodrick strolled into the classroom.

Blaise scoffed, his attention finally restored. Rodrick had that same blasted potions book in front of his face.

The boy in question stared up as soon as he entered the classroom, wondering if the history lesson had been cancelled once again before his eyes widened in surprise.

"Black?" Rodrick questioned surprised. He immediately walked up to the teacher's desk, putting his book back into his bag. Somewhere in the back, he could've sworn he heard someone release a sigh of relief.

Sirius turned towards the source before a small grin seemed to etch itself onto his face. "How many times do I have to ask you to call me Sirius," he questioned amused.

Rodrick merely glanced at the board, "I don't think Professor Sirius makes all that much sense," he replied, the surprise slowly disappearing. The choice made sense with all things considered.

Sirius snorted, "So, who do I actually have to thank for this job?"

"I doubt you'll be thanking anyone for it," Rodrick replied, an amused smile on his face. "Although you can just blame Potter when you grow bored of it,"

Sirius' eyes seemed to flash with mirth at the words, 'James would be so proud,' he thought to himself. "I see," was all he said.

"I don't think Dementors affect one's eyesight," Rodrick voiced out without a hint of sarcasm.

Sirius rolled his eyes. He had been about to say something else before he watched as Ronald Weasley seemed to shove past the boy in front of him.

Rodrick's eyes narrowed quickly at the sudden action before catching himself, the moment he saw red hair, he set off a non-verbal silencing charm around the ginger. Slowly wondering how to play this. When he realised Ron was on his own, he had to hold the urge to grin. Quickly, he turned back to Black, the man had a frown on his face, he looked about to say something before he heard Rodrick's voice.

Nott's eyes widened the moment he noticed the small piece of magic, he found the others with similar expression... Besides the girls who were simply glaring at Weasley. They'd been around Rodrick long enough to notice his small acts of magic, no matter how subtle he was.

"It's fine, just ignore it," Rodrick shook his head.

The man's gaze turned back to Rodrick. "Tha-"

"He's one of your godsons closest friends," Rodrick added on, barely managing to keep a straight face.

The frown on Black's face seemed to increase, "Special Treatment isn't a good way to start as a Professor," he clarified.

"All the same, family comes first," Rodrick replied, inwardly cheering the moment Black sighed. "Besides, can't really blame him,"

"Why's that?" Sirius questioned, the frown slowly disappearing.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow before chuckling, "Nevermind..." There was a small moment of silence before Rodrick questioned whether Black had enjoyed his hour.

Sirius' eyes darkened for a second before he turned towards Weasley, 'Is he still upset about losing his rat?'

Ronald Weasley, having heard none of that simply smiled, assuming he'd gotten away with it. He was glad there was a professor on his side for once, well Harry's side, but he was one of his best friends so that included him as well.

Rodrick pointed over his shoulder towards Blaise. "He needs extra help," he remarked with a grin, the action seemed to light up Black's mood if the chuckle was anything to go by.

"So I've been warned," Was Black's good-natured reply, the small moment already at the back of his mind.

"Sirius?" Another voice spoke out.

The two turned towards the door, only to find a gobsmacked Potter and surprised Granger.

"Harry!" Sirius spoke up, a cheerful tone to his voice.

Rodrick took that as his cue to take his seat, he idly heard Harry Potter remark "Brilliant!" the moment Black explained his presence in the castle. Reaching his friends, he quickly took the free seat by Nott.

"So?" Nott started, "Is there a particular reason you decided to let Weasley push you around?"

Rodrick rolled his eyes, "If you really think I'd let anyone do that, then you clearly haven't been paying attention," He remarked with a grin. "Morning Daph," he added on when he noticed the girl staring at him.

"Noone else gets a special welcome?" Tracey remarked smiling.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at that. "Morning Draco,"

"Oh shove off," The blonde remarked. The group minus Draco chuckled at that.

"What's wrong?" Rodrick to his shock heard Crabbe question Malfoy.

"I've never heard them speak!" Rodrick let out accidentally, pointing towards Crabbe. The action seemed to send the group, minus the two goons into a fit of laughter. "I am serious," he added fuel to the fire. Even Draco was barely holding his laughter.

"That's hard to believe," He heard Nott beside him remark.

"Your sorting in Slytherin is hard to believe," Blaise fired off, two tables ahead. The boy had his chair turned around to face the Slytherins behind him.

Nott glared at the boy, "Are we just taking shots at me for no reason now?" He grumbled.

"To be fair," Daphne of all people spoke up. Slowly earning the glare from the boy, "They usually do it without one anyway,"

"I don't," Tracey remarked from beside the girl, slowly removing the hand away from her mouth.

"You call them cute," Daphne whispered to the girl.

"They are! They remind me of lost puppies," Tracey whispered back chuckling.

"Of course they do," Daphne shook her head wistfully at her best friend.

"You know, I feel like there's something wrong with those two," Rodrick uttered from his seat. His head laid on top of his hands on the table.

"You're dating one of them," scoffed Nott.

The students quickly turned their attention towards Black, Blaise turning his chair to face the board, the tall teen already had his parchment out for notes.

They all watched as the professor decided to write something on the board, this time without magic.

"Today we'll be learning a bit of Hogwarts History," Sirius started off, amused to see most of the student's attention perked up. He remembered the goblin wars, if he had his way, that subject would never come up again. He did feel slightly guilty regarding his Slytherin students... Well, Rodrick in any case. The girl he'd met as well, she seemed pleasant enough.

"Isn't that the idea?" Rodrick heard Malfoy mutter before sighing.

"The first lesson will centre around a Hogwarts student, one who went by the name Snivelus."


One very informative hour later, the class was over. Sirius watched as for the time in history, no pun intended, every student was still awake. He doubted any of them realised who Snivelus actually was... Not that it really mattered in the grand scheme of things, he fully intended to have that secret out by the end of the year.

"Harry and Rodrick stay behind, everyone else you're free to leave," Sirius finished. He was amused to hear Granger ask for homework before the girl was glared at by every other student around her.

"Not today Miss Granger," he remarked shaking his head. The less homework he gave out, the less work he had to do.

Rodrick merely raised an eyebrow at the request to stay behind before turning back to his friends. "I'll see all of you in the great hall," He shrugged.

The group gazed at him for a few moments before most simply nodded. Malfoy couldn't care less. Well, he did, he just knew it was pointless to bother. He got up first before making his way out, the others slowly followed him.

Rodrick turned to the only person left, Daphne.

"Going to order me there?" She questioned amused.

"No amount of influence is capable of that I am afraid," Rodrick replied chuckling.

"I could just wait outside," she replied, watching as he slowly took the seat by her.

"Look over there..." he whispered in her ear.

Daphne slowly turned her gaze before it landed on Potter's small group. Raising an eyebrow, she turned back to the boy. "What is it?"

"Just watch," Rodrick answered back, a small grin in place.

Sirius eyed the five students left, he was about to say something before he heard one of Harry's friends speak up.

"Can we stay as well?" Harry simply sighed, he'd tried to tell them to wait outside to no avail, well at least with Ron in any case.

"Oh for the love of- Sorry Professor," Granger remarked getting up from her seat.

Daphne held back a chuckle before getting up herself, "Later," she remarked before, to Rodrick's annoyance, she ruffled his hair.

He was grateful everyone's attention was on Weasley.

"It's quite alright..." Sirius answered back, "It's nothing private, feel free to stay."

Hermione frowned slightly before turning to Harry who simply shrugged. Slowly she sat back down.

"Goodbye Professor, it was a fun lesson," He heard Daphne Greengrass as she left through the door. Sirius turned back towards the four remaining students, three were sat in the middle, Rodrick was at the back.

"Right..." He was tempted to ask him to move forward but quickly realised it would make him uncomfortable, he didn't seem to be on good terms with Harry's friends... Or well the Weasley at any case. "How was the lesson?" he questioned. He had more answers to look forward to in any case.

"Bloody Hilarious," Ronald answered first, earning an amused smile out of Sirius.

Harry nodded along agreeing. "It was more interesting than usual," he chuckled.

"Not amused," Rodrick deadpanned from his seat.

"Course not, seeing as you're the only Slytherin here," Ron replied with a smirk.

'Oh please, dig that hole even further Weasley,' Rodrick thought, honestly, the boy made it too easy. He was surprised to see most of the problems with the family stemmed from his own classmate, he actually didn't have much of anything with the other members of the family. The twins he was, surprisingly, fond of. While they might've exorcised someone in his name, it turned out better then he'd expected. Ginny Weasley was... Well, he didn't exactly interact with the girl but he had no actual problem with her, if anything, he was on much better terms with her then her brother. The less said about the head-boy the better, god knows the boy didn't like him for some reason. Any other Weasley he didn't know enough about them to have an opinion.

"How did you find it?" Sirius turned towards Rodrick, keeping a smile on his face. He frowned slightly when he realised he likely would've made the same comment himself... Of course, he didn't exactly remember any Slytherins with any redeeming qualities... Or perhaps that was simply due to his attitude back then.

"Hmm... Well, I certainly hope the lessons won't focus on only one subject anymore, namely goblin wars... Other than that it was fine," Rodrick replied, a passive expression on his face.

Sirius blinked at the words before merely nodding, the other professors had spoken to him regarding the boy's grades, frankly, he'd expected such a response. Honestly though? He wasn't sure how one could be such a troublemaker and still make enough time for studying and judging by those grades... He definitely had to have spent enough time studying. He had to hold back a sigh as he heard the familiar voice speak up.

"Sounds like Hermione," Ron chuckled.

The girl in question quickly snapped her attention towards her friend, before she could say anything, however, Rodrick spoke first.

"I'll take that as a compliment,"

"Compliment?" Ron repeated the word frowning.

'Oh crap,' Harry thought, mildly irritated, he was slowly starting to think Rodrick was doing it on purpose.

"Yes," Rodrick replied passively, "Thank you for calling me a genius,"

Hermione beamed at the words before relaxing back into her seat. Her mood souring the moment Ron decided to clarify that it wasn't what he had meant. Harry Promptly facepalmed himself.

"What. Did. You. Mean?" Hermione spoke through grit teeth as she glared at Ron.

"That he's boring," Ron answered quickly. It took him a moment to realise why that was a stupid thing to say. Well it wasn't exactly wrong, she'd spent most of her time in the library, she hadn't even bothered to help them out with the so-called war going on and whenever anything happened between him and Rodrick, she always seemed to take his bloody side.

Hermione stared at him for a few seconds before getting up in a huff, "Whatever," she remarked completely fed up. She didn't wait for anyone's words before making her way out of the classroom.

"Wait to go Ron..." Harry sighed from his seat.

Ron stared at the girl walking away, "Honestly that girl is confusing," he shook his head before turning back to Black. "Sirius-"

"Professor Black," Sirius corrected him.

Rodrick inwardly grinned before getting up, earning everyone's attention. "Are seriously none of you going after her?" He questioned incredulously.

"I would but I can't risk leaving you two alone..." Harry answered back shaking his head. 'I'll speak to her later, if I left, Ron follows and frankly, I doubt he's going to apologize...'

"Sirius is here," Rodrick remarked indicating the professor, the man was simply watching things unfold, it reminded him of his own Hogwarts years.

Ron frowned, "It-" he was about to say before he felt Harry elbowing him lightly. "What?" he turned back to Harry confused.

Harry just shook his head. How Ron functioned was beyond him, he was well aware the boy had been about to correct Rodrick about his godfather's name.

Rodrick stared at the boy-who-lived before turning to Weasley. "Fine, if neither of you is going, allow me," he sighed. "Not the first time anyway," he finished with a smirk as he turned to leave the door. "Another day Sirius, -" he mock-bowed earning an amused smile out of the man.

When Ron took on a smile at having 'driven' Rodrick away, Harry sighed, completely tired. His friend really was an idiot.


"Granger," Rodrick called out having spotted the girl up ahead, she'd been walking slowly.

Hermione stopped on her feet before closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She turned and found Rodrick standing there, a passive expression on his face.

"What do you want Rodrick?" She questioned, aggravated.

Rodrick winced slightly at the tone before he took out a piece of parchment. "Sorry about Weasley," he spoke up scratching the back of his head with his other hand.

Hermione narrowed her eyes slightly, "It wasn't your fault," she found herself saying. She was somewhat wary of the boy rubbing it in her face...

Rodrick merely gave her the piece of parchment, "Relax, just thought this might cheer you up."

Hermione stared at the parchment before looking back up at the boy, "It's not charmed is it?" She questioned.

Rodrick shook his head.

Hermione decided to take it after a few seconds. Reading it over, her eyes widened slightly.

"It's instructions for a Disillusionment charm, well my own to be more accurate," he remarked winking at the girl.

Hermione stared down at the paper, rather surprised before sighing and turning back to the boy. "Thanks..."

"What are friends for?" he shrugged before turning around to walk away.

"Enjoy," she heard him say before she shook her head, a small smile on her face as she slowly read through the instructions. She heard another pair of feet walking up towards her, turning around towards the source of noise, she found Harry Standing there with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Feels like the first year all over again huh," he joked.

"Yes, only this time, it seems the troll replaced Ron," Hermione scoffed.

Harry immediately relaxed when he noticed the girl trying to hide her smile. "Think Rodrick's put him under an Imperius?" he joked.

"There's no need to go that far, a Confundus would've been enough," Hermione huffed before turning around, "Thanks for coming out though," she added on as she walked away. At least one of them wasn't completely insensitive to other people's feelings. Honestly, a teaspoon had more of an emotional range compared to Ron.

Harry Potter merely sighed. Having friends was difficult. Being friends with Rodrick made that so much harder. He quickly made his way back to Sirius, hopeful Ron hadn't pissed off his godfather.


Rodrick groggily made his way into the great hall, his hand covering a yawn as he plopped himself onto the seat opposite Malfoy, in between Blaise and Nott.

"Nundu's finally up," Nott started of amused.

Rodrick made a rude gesture with his hand in return.

Nott blinked, "That was uncalled for."

"I've had a difficult morning."

"Hardly, we don't even have lessons today." Malfoy remarked rolling his eyes, "It was your genius idea to forgo sleep last night,"

"Yes. Because we didn't have lessons today." Rodrick lazily replied back, piling food into his plate, he turned his attention towards the dais at the front, his eyes landing on the headmaster and his two favourite head of years.

"So anyone actually knows why lessons were cancelled or?" Rodrick questioned in between bites of food, his attention turned back to his three friends.

Blaise shook his head, "Rodrick what day is it today?"

Rodrick furrowed his brows, "Monday,"

Blaise shook his head, "Yes but the date itself,"

Rodrick simply stared wondering what the boy was trying to say before turning his attention to Malfoy and raising an eyebrow, he really had no clue.

"February," Malfoy remarked helpfully.

Rodrick twitched, "I could've told you that," he remarked.

"It's the 14th," Nott interjected.

"Ah..." Rodrick uttered before reaching into his pocket to take out a stack of cards, "That explains that then,"

Malfoy stared at the stack with a frown. "I am not sure what I expected,"

"You're just annoyed I got one and you didn't," Nott remarked amused.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at the words before a grin took over his face, "Was it from a Hufflepuff?" Earning a snort from Malfoy. Blaise was still staring at the stack of cards, "Do you know who they're from?"

"The idea is to send it without letting the target know," Leave it to Nott to somehow turn the holiday dark.

"I know who they're from," Rodrick remarked easily, hearing several gasps from his own house. "Mostly second years," he added on frowning.

Nott blinked at that before taking out his card and questioning whether Rodrick knew who it had been from.

Rodrick focused his attention on the card in front of him, his mage sight letting him see a faint connection that went outside the hall, that had been how he'd found out where most of the cards he'd gotten had come from, however it seemed whoever had sent Nott the card had been surprisingly careful. "Huh, I actually can't tell," Rodrick remarked, he hadn't thought a psychopath capable of clear thought and careful planning. After all, anyone willing to send Nott a card must've had something wrong in their head.

Nott frowned at the words before sighing, his attention back on the cards on his left.

"I am surprised I got so many," Rodrick remarked, lazily pushing away the plate of food in front of him before laying down his head on top of his arms on the table, his eyes half closed.

"I am not," Nott spoke up, "Considering they're, as you said, second years,"

"What does that have anything to do with it?" Blaise questioned furrowing his brows. Malfoy on the other side had his attention on a card currently floating towards him.

Rodrick was trying to avoid falling asleep, his attention barely picking up Nott's words.

"During their first year a Basilisk showed up threatening the school, Naturally they'd feel somewhat grateful to the guy who put an end to it, you're basically a hero," his words earning a snort out of Rodrick.

"If only they knew..." He remarked, his eyes suddenly open, a strange glint in them as he stared at the card slowly approaching Malfoy.

"Knew what? That you're insane?" Blaise helpfully gave his thoughts.

Malfoy made to reach out towards the card before it exploded in his face, showering him with glitter. A Dazed Malfoy stared at the torn paper with a confused look, a look that quickly turned murderous. It didn't help that Rodrick, Theo and Blaise weren't even trying to hide their laughter.

"Not funny," Malfoy spoke up thinly, taking his wand out he quickly made to clear off the glitter from his face and clothes. He turned to Rodrick and questioned whether he knew where the letter had come from.

"Gryffindor," Grindelwald helpfully answered amused.

Malfoy twitched, he had been about to retort before Nott's voice swept over.

"Isn't it your birthday?" The lanky Slytherin questioned Blaise, amusement lining his face.

Blaise crossed his arms, "Of course not," Beside him he could hear Rodrick stifle laughter.

"It was three months ago," Malfoy deadpanned.

Rodrick quickly started laughing, earning a bemused look from Malfoy and Nott. Blaise turned to Rodrick, 'He wouldn't...'

"When is it?" Nott questioned, the joke long forgotten.

"March the 1st," Blaise answered quickly before hearing a scoff from Rodrick.

"Tell them the real date," Rodrick remarked stifling his laughter.

"Real date?" Nott questioned raising an eyebrow.

Blaise however merely stared at the boy, "Are you actively trying to be a Hufflepuff?"

Nott blinked at that before crossing his arms frowning, "You can't just call me a Hufflepuff for talking,"

"I can,"

"Not talking to you Rodrick," Nott replied exasperated.

"Wait he's allowed to and I am not?" Blaise questioned, "Not very Hufflepuff of you to treat people differently," He added on grinning.

"Rodrick?" Nott raised an eyebrow as he spoke.

Rodrick stared at the boy for a second before he took his wand out and cast off a couple of silencing charms around them, he was amused to hear several people in their house groan at the action.

"He can cast the unforgivables, you can't," Nott answered casually.

"So what is the real date?" Malfoy questioned, watching as Rodrick quickly dispelled a silencing charm surrounding them.

"February the 29th," Rodrick answered before Blaise could say anything, he watched as Malfoy and Nott quickly started laughing at his friend's misfortune. "It means I only need to buy him a gift every 4 years," he added on amused.

"And even then he just sends me a bloody history textbook," Blaise's voice barely above a whisper.

"You shouldn't be so ungrateful, it's not like I give the others anything substantial, hell I've never even gotten Nott a gift," Rodrick remarked, dramatically shaking his head at his friend.

"What gift did you give me?" Malfoy questioned, he didn't remember-

"My existence," Rodrick chuckled.

"You gave Tracey a Nimbus 2001 for her birthday," Blaise remarked incredulously.

Nott's eyes quickly widened at the words, "Seriously?" he questioned staring Rodrick. before frowning, "And why haven't you ever gotten me a gift anyway?"

"Yea that doesn't count," Malfoy's words fell on deaf ears.

The other two stared at Nott, surprise fritting over their faces, "What?" the boy in question remarked at the stares.

"I think we should get him resorted..." Blaise remarked quietly, not a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Nott rolled his eyes, "Seriously I expect better." he remarked staring at Rodrick, "It's simple etiquette to gift something to someone who's already given you a gift," he added on.

"You got me a plack with my name on it," Rodrick remarked, raising an eyebrow at Nott.

"Still a gift," Theo shrugged.

"I'll get you a dorm in Hufflepuff then," Rodrick remarked smiling, "Hell, I'll throw in a resorting for free," the words seemed to crack through Nott's sudden tolerance to been called a Hufflepuff as he promptly lowered his head onto the table.

"I don't think that's your choice..." Blaise spoke up amused at the thought.

"I bought the house cup, really think I couldn't make that happen?" Rodrick scoffed.

The Slytherins cringed at the words, worried someone overhearing them before to their relief no one seemed to be paying them any attentio-

"Were under a silencing charm aren't we?" Malfoy grumbled.

Hearing Rodrick's chuckle confirmed it, the boy proceeded to remove the extra spell.

"When did you use that spell?" Nott questioned frowning.

"I used two earlier,"

"How?" Nott questioned again, Blaise and Malfoy listening in, Malfoy's gaze switching between the two purebloods.

"Hmm? Oh, one was verbal the other wasn't,"

Nott furrowed his brows at the words, "I wasn't aware you could do both at the same time..."

"There's no real limit on how many you could cast except one's magical power... And talent," he added on grinning causing Blaise to roll his eyes.

"How many can you cast at once?" The question came from Malfoy.

"Right now? I'd say my limit was three? Four if I really pushed it..."

Nott simply stared at him, suddenly remembering their train ride back to the castle, Blaise had only seen Rodrick cast off 7 spells...

"Though it mostly depends on the spell, I could probably cast a large number of Levitation charms and control them but If I were to use, say, Fiendfyre? I'd probably only manage the one spell..."

The others merely stared at the Grindelwald heir, taking in the words slowly.

"What?" Rodrick questioned at the looks he was getting.

"You went from a levitation charm to cursed fire..." Nott remarked uneasily.

Rodrick snorted, "Trust me, there's a spell way worse than that..."

"Killing Curse?" Blaise whispered carefully.

The dark glint in the boy's eyes made the only one opposite him, Malfoy, shudder. The unforgivable wasn't a light topic to talk about...

"Sure..." Rodrick remarked calmly.

Malfoy blinked at that before furrowing his brow, "You were right, we do need a resorting..."

Nott turned to glare at Malfoy but found the boy simply staring at Rodrick.

"For Nott?" Rodrick questioned, holding back a chuckle as he heard the boy beside him groan.

"For you," Malfoy deadpanned.

Rodrick blinked at the words, "What are you talking about, where on earth would I fit in more then Slytherin?" he questioned completely lost, if it weren't for his ridiculously bad riddle-solving skills he would've considered Ravenclaw.

"Azkaban," Malfoy answered amused.

Nott snorted at the choice before nodding his head in agreement.

Rodrick twitched at the two, "Says the sons of death eaters," he fired back a little loudly.

Malfoy's eyes widened as he stood up, exaggeratingly, he pointed a finger at the boy in front of him, "My father was Imperiused and you know it!" he remarked dramatically.

Rodrick didn't waste a second as he fired back, "So was my Grandfather!"

It took a second before Nott quickly started laughing at the idea of such a thing, Malfoy quickly joined in with Blaise following last. The rest of the hall merely watched on confused about the words, until one more voice joined in the laughter having heard the words. Rodrick had sat back down crossing his arms dramatically before the sudden laughter had caught his attention, it was coming from the Gryffindor table. Rodrick was amused to see the sound coming from Potter.

Malfoy turned around at the sound, "What are you laughing about Potter!?" he yelled off towards the other side of the hall.

"The same thing as you," Harry calmly replied, merely staring at Malfoy with a small smirk on his face. He was glad Ron and Hermione were still in their respective dorms. Ron asleep and Hermione apparently practising a spell.

Malfoy stared at the boy-who-lived before quickly understanding the words, he turned around to Rodrick before crossing his arms. His face scrunched up, 'Did he seriously tell POTTER his family name!?'

Seeing the look on Malfoy's face sent Nott into another fit of laughter.

"Oh shut it you bloody Hufflepuff." Malfoy growled out, turning his attention back to Rodrick, he found the boy mouthing the words ''Malfoy Plot'' towards him. Malfoy blinked once before sighing and sitting down, he wasn't sure how Potter knowing Grindelwald's family name helps his family in anyway but frankly his father was barely making any sense and his mother might've finally cracked under the supposed black madness.

At this point, he'll accept anything.

"I am not letting you ruin this for me," Nott spoke in between fits of laughter.


At the dais Dumbledore watched on with a passive expression on his face, his eyes staring at Rodrick. The three professors had had trouble keeping a straight face after hearing Rodrick consider the notion that his grandfather had started a war due to the Imperius curse.

"Still worried about him?" McGonagall questioned amused.

Dumbledore sighed, both his professors had talked him out of any potential plans, apparently trying to make sure a student didn't turn out into a dark wizard was a good way to turn that student into a dark wizard... His thoughts trailed to Fawkes before once again sighing, The Phoenix certainly liked him... He remembered the bird not been able to stand it whenever Tom Riddle had graced his office... It had been one of the reasons he'd been so suspicious of the dark lord's Hogwarts years... As he stared at the Slytherins laughing along to something he'd missed he decided to set the orphan caretakers words regarding the boy away, for all his years as headmaster, he'd never seen Slytherin so, peaceful?

"Other then the fact they're openly joking about unforgivables, your worries are rather unfounded. A squib caretaker is hardly the most reliable source of information, even if said person had shared a room with You-know-who," Snape's words washed over the headmaster.


Fawkes stared out into the sky, currently perched in the owlery he could make out several owls as they passed by or in the case of one snowy owl, straight into the castle. The phoenix's thoughts trailing towards his oldest friend, the headmaster currently been the only person capable of understanding him, the ability coming through a bond decades old. He had been rather worried the man would try to help prevent the curious child's development, out of rational fear... Fawkes merrily shook his wings, letting crimson feathers fall to the ground before watching them disappear... The Phoenix turned its eyes to the sky and a strange almost mournful sound came out. For while he was glad his companion was no longer trying to control that boy, as he knew without a doubt what sort of future was held in store for them should he have tried it... The bird unwillingly shuddered as it considered its thoughts. A future now avoided... However as Fawkes stared into the sky, he knew that while there was no longer a threat of the child turning evil, the future left for him was still covered in darkness.

The burning bird felt a chill go down its wings, for it knew death was coming.


Daphne and Tracey made their way into the great hall, eyes widening as they took in all the decorations placed in for the holiday. The green-eyed girl watched as Tracey nodded in approval at the state of affairs before they made their way over to their group.

"Nott get up," Rodrick remarked as he watched Daphne and Tracey walk towards them.

Nott stared at the boy with a frown, "Tell Blaise,"

"No," Rodrick calmly replied, "Or would you prefer Tracey right beside you?" he questioned.

Nott stared at him before promptly getting up, his Hufflepuff side didn't need any positive encouragement.

Daphne raised an amused eyebrow as she watched Nott quickly switch to another side of the table.

Tracey sat beside him anyway.

Daphne took the free seat by Rodrick before glancing towards the stack of cards on the table. A frown quickly taking over, one she hastily hid as she sported a neutral look.

Rodrick stared at her before reaching out his hand towards the girl.

Daphne stared at the outstretched hand before raising a questioning eyebrow.

"Card," Rodrick deadpanned.

Daphne stared at him before indicating the stack on the table, "You look like you've got enough," she remarked calmly.

Rodrick lowered his hand before turning his gaze towards the stack and back to Daphne, she could see him hold back the urge to laugh, causing her annoyances to spike. However, before she could even reply she watched with mild shock as Rodrick quickly burned the stack in front of him, an amused smile on his face.

"There, now," he started before he turned back to Daphne and reached his hand out again, "Card,"

Daphne stared at him before a sheepish smile took over her face, "I actually haven't made one yet..." She remarked feeling bad, she ignored the sudden whispers going around their house, it seemed the sudden burning had 'annoyed' certain particular students.

"Oh... Alright," Rodrick shrugged before changing the subject, causing the girl to shake her head at him, a fond look on her face. The two turned their attention back to the others, Rodrick idly wondering whether he was supposed to get Daphne a card or a gift, Daphne wondering why Malfoy suddenly chose to become a redhead, why Nott had a crazed look on his face as he covered his ears. Why Tracey was trying to pluck what looked like a fork with a mouth out of Nott's hair... Why said fork was currently running around the Slytherins head shrieking something inaudible, it seemed only Nott was capable of hearing it.

"Silencing charm," Rodrick remarked calmly as he stared at Daphne, "Gotta love them,"

Daphne chuckled at the words before calmly asking what the hell had happened.

"I believe Miss Greengrass that we have been ceremoniously pranked. By something that seems capable of becoming invisible." Rodrick shrugged, he hadn't thought Granger would join this soon. He idly followed the invisible girl, his mage sight letting him see a white floating chord in mid-air, before to his surprise the chord promptly vanished... That unsettled him a good deal, 'Grangers using a time turner... That's just cheating,'the orphan ironically thought.

"You haven't," Daphne chuckled watching as the fork tried to poke Malfoy in the eye.

"Well yea, people actually like me,"


Rodrick had left his group of friends the moment Granger had started pranking them, not due to the girl. Black had walked by the group, asking him to follow. At least that's what he thought he'd said, the man had been openly laughing at what Hermione had done, not that he knew it was her.

He eyed the man wondering what he'd wanted to talk about, his gaze slowly trailing to the History classroom. Rodrick quickly took on an amused expression at the still quite visible black mark on the table, the twins had managed to make it rather durable.

"I hope this isn't a private history lesson," Rodrick remarked chuckling as he took a seat opposite the amused Black.

"I don't have it in me to do such a thing,"

Rodrick raised an amused eyebrow at the man, "Not willing to help a Slytherin?"

"Not willing to work any harder than necessary, besides, if I was going to offer a Slytherin private lessons it'd have to be your friend," the man scoffed.

"Remember, it's Harry's fault you're here,"

"Oh I certainly enjoy the castle," The man remarked, a twinkle in his eye, "It almost seems like it did 15 years ago, not much has changed,"

Rodrick simply stared at the man, "That's rather unfortunate," he genuinely spoke up.

Sirius blinked at the words, "What?"

"The idea of no change... Rather dull," Rodrick clarified before a grin took over his face, "I imagine this is a rather big change compared to Azkaban," he chuckled.

"I'll say," scoffed the man in front of him.

Rodrick's face quickly took on a passive expression as he turned towards the door behind him, his eyes wide in surprise as he discovered another hollow. 'So that's what he meant about having experience...'

Harry inwardly cursed. Sirius Black took a moment before it dawned on him as his face took on a grin.

'Potter... Potter has the cloak of invisibility... You have got to be kidding me,' Rodrick thought to himself as he shook his head, he watched idly as Harry removed the cloak from himself.

"Nice cloak," Rodrick idly remarked, staring at the hollow with a sense of resignation. The only way Potter could've gotten it had to have been through inheritance, there was no way he'd come across it randomly. That meant it would be almost impossible to bargain for it. He firmly believed somewhere out there, death was laughing himself to, well, death.

Harry rolled his eyes before taking a seat beside the boy, opposite his godfa- professor.

"How did you even find us?" Rodrick shook his head.

"I have my ways," Harry had the semblance of a smirk lining his face before turning to face his godfather

Rodrick merely stared at the cloak, completely ignoring the other two, the cloak of invisibility had given off quite the aura, he could practically see it shining in front of him, turning to Harry his eyes found traces of magic coming out of the boy's pockets.

"Accio," Rodrick remarked to the surprise of the other two, wincing at how much it drained him to use the simple summoning charm. With mage sight, he could theoretically, or rather confirmed at this point, use the summoning charm to summon any magical item in his view. It drained him far more compared to summoning something with its name.

The other two watched in surprise as the map quickly filed out of Harry's pockets, landing in Rodrick's hand. Looking up with a pleased look on his face. "What's this?" he questioned amiably, waving the blank parchment around.

"Nothing!" the Gryffindor suddenly exclaimed.

"I see, you won't mind if I keep it then? Seeing as it's nothing," Rodrick cheerfully remarked, pocketing the parchment. He watched as a confused and rather annoyed look crossed over Harry's face, Sirius was simply staring at the two with an amused look on his face.

"It's my homework," Harry stammered out the weak reply.

"Harry it's blank," Sirius couldn't help himself.

Rodrick nodded, "Yea that makes sense,"

"Oh shove off, just give it back," Harry exclaimed releasing a sigh,

Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "Try and get it, Potter," getting up off his seat, the boy moved a few steps backwards before taking his wand out.

Harry stared at the boy for a few seconds before getting up, situating himself opposite the boy before taking his own wand out.

Sirius stared at the two before shaking his head, he was a professor, he wasn't supposed to condone this but neither of them looked hostile so he simply watched on. Curious to see what the two were capable of.

"How does this work?" Harry questioned, he didn't feel like trashing the classroom.

Rodrick had a thoughtful look on his face before a grin quickly took over. Harry watched as the boy quickly surrounded himself with a shield charm. "We each get three goes, whoever can break through the other's shield charm, wins." he finished, idly waving his wand around.

Harry Potter contemplated the words before shrugging, "Alright, I take it I go first then?" he questioned aiming his wand at the other boy.

Rodrick simply nodded.

Sirius saw the hint of a smirk on the boy's face, idly wondering what the boy was planning.

"If I win, you have to tell me what the blank parchment does," Rodrick stated.

Harry furrowed his brows at the words before questioning what he'd get.

Rodrick tilted his head slightly before grinning, "I'll answer any question you have, honestly." He was amused to see Potter's eyes widen slightly.

Sirius had a bemused look on his face, he sighed when Harry accepted, he would've asked for more.

"Ready?" Rodrick questioned amused, "Remember only three tries..."

Harry nodded, he had a feeling the boy was about to cheat, he couldn't see how.

"Stupify!" Harry's voice rang out as he shot off the stunner intent on breaking through the shield charm quickly before to his shock and utter annoyance, he watched as Rodrick simply stepped out of the way.

He heard Sirius Black chuckle at the action.

Potter looked on incredulously, "What are you doing?"

Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "Moving around, or was I supposed to stay still?" He questioned in mock innocence.

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose, "I thought that was rather obvious..."

"Alright then," Rodrick stared of stern, "No more moving, you still have two shots left, even if you can't break it completely I'll take your situation into consideration," he finished with a nod.

Harry wasn't sure what the boy was trying to say but he wasn't going to move around at least. He aimed his wand again before shouting off, "Reducto!" Rodrick grinned as he took his own wand out and shot a spell off to block the incoming curse.

Harry twitched.

Rodrick nodded, "Ok, ok, no blocking curses either, my bad."

Sirius Black snorted when he realised what the boy was doing. He hadn't stated any conditions early on in order to be able to cheat his way through before making sure that Potter couldn't, later on, do the same...

Harry Potter simply smiled before raising his wand one last time, "Expecto Patronum!"

Rodrick flinched as the cloud of mist hit his face, it took a few moments to process what had just occurred before Black's laughter quickly filled up the room, clear pride shown in his eyes at the successful cast.

Harry Potter smiled sheepishly before turning back to Rodrick, amused, he'd never seen him so irritated before. His Transfiguration looked about to crack.

"Do I look like a bloody dementor Potter!?"

"Of course not," Harry Potter scoffed, "You're not nearly as pleasant as them," he added on, before joining Sirius in laughter.

"Real mature," Rodrick deadpanned before taking a seat. His mood souring when he realised Potter could hold a Patronus while he couldn't.

"Not having a go?" Harry questioned from his position.

"I would much rather you answer my question here, not in the infirmary," Rodrick calmly replied.

Harry Potter blinked before furrowing his brows, "You haven't won ye-"

"Potter you haven't even hit my shield charm yet,"

Harry stared at the teen, before shrugging as he went back to his seat, he wasn't about to take the pain with no real chance of winning. Besides, it's not like he was going to keep it. He certainly didn't have a problem with his godfather knowing about it.

"It's called the Marauders map," Black calmly spoke up from his seat.

Harry blinked as he stared at his godfather, "You know about it?" He questioned surprised.

Sirius grinned, "Of course, I am one of the people that made it,"

Harry simply stared wide-eyed at the words.

"I am Padfoot," Sirius calmly remarked.

Harry nodded, he'd been about to ask before Sirius quickly stammered out the answer.


Harry nodded in appreciation at the words before his mind connected the dots and gave Remus out as Moony, he'd certainly heard that enough times... He was rather irritated he hadn't realised it the first time... He idly wondered if Rodrick would have figured it out, he wouldn't be surprised if Hermione already knew. 'Maybe she didn't want to risk Black getting his map back,' He thought amused.

Turning to face the parchment, Rodrick raised an eyebrow, "How's this a map?" he questioned waving it around.

Harry sighed before indicating the item, Rodrick simply handed him the blank 'homework' before watching with a bemused look on his face as Potter pointed his wand at the map.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

Rodrick scoffed before his eyes widened as he watched the map come to life."That's ... That's actually rather cool." he remarked surprised. He idly watched the dots roam around the parchment, turning towards Sirius Black, "This covers the entire castle?" he questioned rather eagerly.

Sirius chuckled before confirming the boy's question.


"Interesting," Rodrick remarked flicking the pages, before remembering something the twins had done, the morning they'd decided to prank their own house.

"Find Harry Potter," he remarked, amused to see Harry twitch as the map worked. Harry stared as the map seemingly found him and Sirius but not Rodrick. 'Might as well ask,' Harry thought to himself bemused.

Sirius stared at the map wondering why only two wizards were shown, "That's rather odd..." he turned back to Rodrick before questioning whether he'd done anything to the map previously.

"It's the first time I've seen it, he answered back confused. A thought quickly occurred to the boy, he reached a hand towards his necklace before, rather surprisingly, easily taking it off.

The words 'Rodrick Grindelwald' slowly appeared on the map.

Rodrick blinked at the words before looking up to see a confused Sirius Black.

"Goddamit Potter," Rodrick remarked shaking his head.

Harry didn't know how to react, "The twins said they only saw your first name show up..."

"Well, that certainly explains Bellatrix..." The two students heard Sirius Black remark rather easily.

"I imagine that was because the headmaster had likely not been aware at the time," Black added on, composed before sighing and shaking his head, "I take the fact your name showed up as it did means the headmaster is aware?" he questioned.

Rodrick glanced towards Potter for a second before nodding slowly.

"Oh, in that case then, it's fine," The man cheerfully remarked.

Rodrick blinked before a small smile took over his face, 'like godfather like godson,' he couldn't help the thought.

Another short silence seemed to ease over the three before Rodrick spoke up.

"What did you mean about Bellatrix?" he questioned coolly, whatever the woman had done aside, she was Black's cousin, it would be impolite to insult the woman. Quickly furrowing his brows he asked the second question, "What did you want to talk about by the way?" he seemed to have completely lost track of time.

"Oh," Sirius chuckled, "The two go hand in hand, to be honest," he shrugged.

Rodrick's expression didn't change, he simply stared waiting for an answer.

Harry made to get up at what he considered a rather sensitive subject, intent on leaving.

Rodrick merely glanced at the boy before shaking his head, "It's fine," he remarked.

Harry simply nodded as he lowered himself back into his seat, before turning his attention to Sirius, his godfather had a thoughtful look on his face before it dawned on Harry. He likely had no idea where to start. "Whose Bellatrix?" he decided to question.

"My cousin," Sirius answered before he quickly found himself talking about the woman more.

Rodrick didn't react to the words, simply intent on listening.

"She was rather obsessed with your mother," Sirius remarked staring at Rodrick.

Rodrick raised an eyebrow at the words, "Obsessed?" he questioned bemused.

Sirius nodded, "In a good way, I suppose..." he wondered what constituted a good way for his cousin.

"How so?" he questioned.

"I believe your mother was five years her elder, from the moment she'd joined the castle she'd seemed to have a rather uncommon interest regarding her,"

Rodrick stared at the man wondering what he'd meant, he had been about to speak before Black continued.

"By her second year, Bellatrix was practically inseparable from her,"

"How do you know?" Rodrick suddenly questioned.

Sirius blinked before chuckling, "The woman wouldn't shut up about it, at least before the black madness finally kicked in,"

"Black madness?" Harry suddenly questioned confused.

"Every now and then a Black suddenly goes crazy," Sirius remarked easily, the moment he noticed Harry's face scrunch up he clarified, "I wouldn't worry about me, I was born crazy."

"That's reassuring," Rodrick sarcastically remarked.

"You were saying?" Harry changed the subject.

"Oh yes, she wouldn't keep quiet about it, always speaking about her illustrious friend/professor every chance she got," Black was waving his hands around as if trying to convey a second language.

Rodrick frowned, he hadn't expected this sort of story at all, if the woman had liked his mother that much why on earth did she try to hunt her down? He wanted to ask but he highly doubted the man in front of him knew.

"Professor?" Rodrick suddenly asked, "You said she was only 5 years older,"

Sirius nodded numbly, "Your mother stuck around the castle after graduating, helping around the previous Divination professor, Bellatrix had been rather happy about that turnout," he remarked chuckling. "It was 2 years into that the professor had decided to retire and let your mother take over,"

Rodrick's frown deepened, 'That makes no sense... Bellatrix's behaviour didn't sound right for an 11/12-year-old...'

The boy sighed before asking why his name been Grindelwald answered any questions.

"Well for one, it certainly helps explain why the woman wouldn't leave your mother alone, if my cousin were to find out one of her professors was related to a dark lord I imagine she'd switch over to their course at the very least," Sirius Black stopped for a moment, thoughtful about something before continuing. "Divination is quite popular among the Blacks... Well, we didn't have your particular professor for it... It is still a subject most of my family tend to study,"

"Because of your names?" Rodrick questioned raising an eyebrow quickly earning a nod from the man.

"So with your mom been related to a dark lord..." the man seemed to stop at that before shaking his head, the woman had been as Gryffindor as they come from what he'd seen of her when she'd taught at his time, "And the fact she was a good divination professor, well, she was practically gift wrapped to Bellatrix in that sense." The man chuckled.

"Do you hate your cousin?" Harry suddenly asked.

Sirius blinked at the words before lowering his head, "I hate what she became," he remarked pointedly. "From what I remember, before her turn into a death eater, I heard she'd been quite a fun person to be around."

"That still doesn't answer why you wanted to talk to me..." Rodrick remarked thinly.

"Ah," Sirius remarked amused, "Thing is, Bellatrix was so obsessed with your mother, she willingly married into her family."




"What?" Rodrick questioned

Sirius Black blinked, "I am saying she married into your mother's family..."

"Bellatrix is a Lestrange..." Rodrick found himself saying.

Sirius Black nodded, "So was your grandmother,"


"What?" Rodrick questioned again, earning an amused look out of Potter.

"Your grandmother, her name's Leta Lestrange,"

"How do you know?" Rodrick felt inclined to ask.

Sirius Black raised an amused eyebrow, "Have you been paying any attention to what I've been saying?" He snorted.

Rodrick rolled his eyes while Potter chuckled at the words. He wasn't comfortable believing such a thing... It meant other than Barty Crouch, the other three people chasing the woman had practically been family... That didn't bode wel- Rodrick's thought process stopped as he understood Black's main point.

"I take it you firmly believe the Dark Lord will be back then?" Rodrick questioned mirthlessly, a grin on his face.

Sirius Black's eyes seemed to light up at the words, "Imagine how disappointed he will be to find the Lestrange family vault empty," he spoke calmly before falling into a fit of laughter at the thought.

Rodrick simply stared on rather surprised, "So because I am the only relative outside a prison and alive... I have access to the vaults?" he questioned curiously.

Sirius Black looked about to nod before quickly clarifying, "Well not all of them, I believe there were a few with different contracts in that, you couldn't access them until said person died..."

"Are there any vaults like that?" Rodrick questioned, earning a nod from the man.

"Bellatrix's for one,"

Rodrick simply shrugged, "I imagine most of their golds in the family vault?"

Sirius simply grinned.

Rodrick turned to Harry Potter, "I am richer than you now," he remarked casually before getting up off his seat.

Harry rolled his eyes, "just wait until I become Lord Black," he grinned in return.

Sirius merely stared at the two, "You two could cause far too much trouble together, I imagine that's why the hat decidedly put you in different houses," 'Not that it seemed to have worked that well,' he thought amused.

Harry scoffed at the notion, turning towards Rodrick he was surprised to find the boy thought about it.

Rodrick simply smiled before looking at Harry, "I suppose we'll find out next year," the eery words washing over the others.

"What's going on next year?" Harry questioned bemused.

Rodrick shrugged before giving his goodbyes to the two wizards. As he left the two to their conversations his mind drifted off to what Black had said. There was a skip in his step, Gringotts was the first place he was going to the moment he was out of the castle... He couldn't help the grin, the idea of stealing the large fortune from right under Voldemort's nose...

He wasn't sure how long he'd walked but the moment he reached the second-floor hallway, a strange feeling washed over him. Something seemed to call out towards him as he sped up his feet... The moment he reached the door in front of him, the door to the second-floor hallway, his stomach was in a whirl of knots. 'Why is it closed?' he thought to himself feeling rather numb, focusing his mage sight on the door he was surprised to see a locking charm on it.

Rodrick took his wand out and uttered out the unlocking charm at the door before he made to push his way through. He heard someone's voice ring out from the other side.

"Are you sure your mother was faithful? because from what I've heard of your father, he is quite the talented Auror, and you don't seem to have inherited anything from him." The voice of Diggory ran out as the boy made to dodge another spell before throwing off his own stupify at the three Slytherins in front of him.

Rodrick's eyes swept past Warrington and his cronies, they hadn't seemed to have noticed him. Any other day he might've enjoyed Diggory's joke but currently behind Diggory, his eyes blazed with anger as he stared at Luna Lovegood's and Astoria Greengrass's unconscious bodies.

For the first time in his life. His Occulemency cracked.
