
Chapter 88

Sin and Yamato curiously looked at the miniature girl, who was no bigger than a centimetre, and who was lying under the shade of a palm tree, fast asleep with her bloated belly funnily moving up and down as she took her breaths.

She had remarkable green hair, which was tied in a ponytail, and tanned skin which looked extremely healthy. Next to her head was a Viking Helmet, and her left hand was holding onto a pitchfork that was even taller than her.

The girl looked absolutely adorable as she carefreely slept under the three.

"What race is she?" Yamato curiously asked.

"If she was not so small, I would have mistaken her for a Giant. That Viking Helmet is something that Giants wear in Battles."

The Oni Girl curiously looked at the Helmet after hearing his words.

"And she's strong." He told her, rousing her curiosity more.

"If she has no family, I will keep her!" She suddenly declared, surprising him, and then he watched her playfully crouch to take a closer look at the miniature girl. "She's cute!"

However, suddenly, she saw the pitchfork reaching for her, and her heart skipped a beat when it kept approaching her even as she pulled back.

She could not believe her eyes for a moment but instinctively managed to dodge the weapon that had increased in size, and then to both their curiosity, they watched the girl grow bigger as well, until she was the same height as them.

Sin's eyes widened in a sudden realisation, but before he could speak, the green-haired girl had rushed at Yamato to attack her again, which did not please the Oni Girl in the least and she ruthlessly swung her Kanabo to meet the attack.

The two weapons collided, both coated in their Armament Haki, but Yamato's eyes widened when she suddenly saw her Kanabo growing smaller and smaller until it was so small that it slipped out of her hands.

"Takeru!" She angrily gritted her teeth and dodged the pitchfork before punching the green-haired girl in her face, sending her flying away and crashing into the woods.

The power behind the attack stunned the green-haired girl, who now apprehensively stared at her enemy as she got back to her feet, and then she picked up the helmet from the ground, which had grown in size as well, and put it on her head.

"You are a Giant." Sin brightly smiled at her as he stepped between her and Yamato. "Interesting Devil Fruit."

"I, Lily Enstomach, challenge you to a duel!" She glanced at him and then declared as she turned to look back at the Oni-Girl, who was glaring at her. "Arm yourself." She said, and somehow, she returned Yamato's Kanabo to its previous size.

Yamato's anger subsided a bit when she picked up her weapon and tested it, and then she seriously looked at the girl, who was surprisingly very tough and had very strange powers. And out of caution, she imbued the weapon with even more Haki to resist the Powers of her enemy.

"Why don't you fight me?" He teasingly asked the Giant girl, which made her frown.

"I will fight you after I defeat her." She declared, and her words brought grins to their faces that tensed her a little.

"If you lose to Yamato, you will have to join our crew. And you can only leave the crew after you manage to defeat her or if I allow you to leave it." Sin told her, knowing well about how much the Giants valued their promises.

"If she loses to me, you two will have to give me 50 tonnes of cooked meat each, over a year!" Lily declared, accepting Sin's bet after some hesitation, and Yamato curiously looked at the girl again.

The two of them had not missed the glint in her eyes when Sin offered her the chance to become part of their crew. And it seemed like she was more than willing to join them if they could beat her in a battle, and even what she wanted after winning meant that she would not mind sticking around them for a year.

"50 tonnes of cooked meat?" The Oni Girl asked, just to make sure she had heard it right.

"Yes!" Lily nodded her head.

"Fine." She agreed, and Sin stepped aside.

The two girls rushed at each other again, and Yamato confidently swung her weapon at the enemy. However, to her surprise, the moment her Kanabo was about to make contact with the girl, she shrunk herself in size to dodge it, and then she received a kick in her abdomen that nearly knocked the breath out of her. However, the Giant only managed to push her back a couple of metres.

"You are strong!" Lily declared but then attacked her again.

Sin enjoyed the show as he watched the Giant girl utilise the Powers of her Devil Fruit to harass Yamato.

Lily was an expert fighter with a strong Haki, and she was well-versed in her powers, so much so that despite being much weaker than Yamato, she managed to put on a fight against the Oni Girl for more than two hours.

In the end, she lost because she was neither as strong nor as fast as Yamato, but she had impressed both of them with her battle IQ and Haki.

"You lose." Yamato declared as she picked up the pitchfork from the ground.

"Aye." Lily heavily panted, sprawling on the ground, not minding her bruises and injuries, and then she loudly burped, which made the two of them laugh.

"Why did you not grow bigger?" She curiously asked as she sat next to her, and Lily grinned at her.

"It does not affect my strength even if I am not in my true size. Becoming bigger would have only destroyed the surroundings and provided you with a bigger target to land your attacks." She smiled and then she laughed. "But if I stayed small, I would have killed you, but that wouldn't have been a fair fight."

"How?" Yamato narrowed her eyes.

"I would have entered your body and then expanded to my true size, or even beyond that." She meaningfully said, and Yamato grinned at her.

"You wouldn't have succeeded."


"I didn't use my Devil Fruit powers in the battle." She informed the girl, who looked at her in shock.

"You have one too?" She asked and then excitedly sat up. "What can you do?"

"I can freeze people." She grinned and formed a sphere of ice in her land, which sparkled under the sunlight.

"Awesome!" Lily laughed as she touched the sphere and felt its coldness.

"How old are you Lily?" Sin curiously asked as he approached them.

"36!" She informed him, and it was around what he had guessed since she looked around 16 years old by human standards.

"You sneaked out of Elbaf?" He smiled at her, and Lily did not hesitate when she nodded her head.

"I want to become a Pirate like my father, but my mother would not let me leave. So, I ran away by sneaking inside a ship that left Elbaf." She mischievously giggled, and both Yamato and Sin laughed at her words.

"Tell me something..." He grabbed her attention. "The Devil Fruit that you ate, was it a blue-coloured Watermelon?"

"How do you know?" She surprisedly looked at him.

"It's in the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia." He told her. "There are three Devil Fruits that grant the abilities that you have. One is Mini-Mini Fruit, which is a Yellow Cherry, the second is a Large-Large Fruit, which is a green Pumpkin, and the third is the Size-Size Fruit, which is a Blue Watermelon."

"I ate the Size-Size Fruit." She nodded to him. "There's another Giant from Elbaf with the same ability, where he can turn into a miniature person and make things smaller. His name is Blyue, and he was once a member of Giant Warrior Pirates."

"Giant Warrior Pirates?" He looked at her in surprise. "Those that were led by Dory and Brogy?"

"Yes!" She nodded to him. "Blyue is one of the Strongest Warriors of Elbaf."

"Interesting." He smiled. "I met Dory and Brogy last year, and they are very strong. I wonder if Blyue is as strong as them."

Her eyes widened at his words and her mouth dropped open too.

"They are alive?!"

"Yes." He smiled at her. "They initiated a Sacred Duel between them, which can only end if one of them dies or one forever submits to the other, or..."

"100 years pass." She nodded, knowing well about the Sacred Duel amongst the Warriors of Elbaf. "Where are they having their duels?"

"Little Garden. It is an Island in Paradise." He told her and then crouched down, looking right into her blue eyes. "You don't mind joining my crew, do you?"

"I lost the bet, so I must."

"I know." He grinned at her. "You will likely have time to stay with us forever now. I don't think I will ever allow you to leave my Crew."

"I don't mind staying with you if you are strong. But if the day ever comes that my Captain is weaker than me, I will leave." She grinned back at him. "I want to become the Strongest Warrior in Elbaf and the most notorious Giant in the World!" She declared and then started laughing happily at her own words.

Sin smiled at her.

"Notorious, eh? It's fate, Lily. It has brought us together. And we are going to change the world forever." He promised her.


Yes, both Blyue and Lily Enstomach exist in this story! And since both of them possessed Mini Mini Fruit, I changed Lily's Devil Fruit to the Size Size Fruit.

In this story, all the three fruits known to manipulate Size will belong to Giants.

Lily Enstomach, Blyue, and Sanjuan Wolf will respectively possess Size Size, Mini Mini, and Huge Huge Devil Fruits.

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