
92. Grail war.

Currently I was tapping away on a computer going over various grail wars that had happened in the past and various alternate worlds to this one.

"You should not be angry senpai. I'm just a homunculus after all my life isnt worth much." Mash says from behind me.

"First time I've been called that, feels odd not going to lie. Anyway, doesn't matter if you are a homunculus or not. Anyone who experiments on children can die for all I care." i state very clearly.

Around us were various gaurds laying on the ground in pain under massive spiritual pressure including the director of chaldea. They had come to try to apprehend me due to my threat, there were even some servants standing back. I warned them if they moved I killed their masters.

"You should be lucky I haven't slaughtered them and gone about my day with a lighter conscious. I'm sure you are willing to forgive them for the experiments done to you. But how about the others who probably didn't make it? Magus in general I find rather repulsive due to human experimentation and seeing regular humans as nothing more than expendable resources to use as they want. In this case they just so happen to be the lesser of 2 evils, both side of the coin being a bad option they probably justify it with excuses such as for the protection of the world or the greater good. Hypocrite scum is what they are even if they try to hide it behind good deeds." I tap away on the computer.

Mash just holds her shield quietly glancing from me to the gaurds every so often.

"You've been kept in a lab your whole life and fed lies probably about how great chaldea is and how they are saving humanity from the darkness. Sure they help humanity but not out of the goodness of their heart, simply because they don't wish to die, it's good money and if they didn't control the power someone else would. If they say anything else then they are a bunch of fucking liars, and I would know as I have the ability to tell when someone is lying to me. Do you know in the past year I personally have fed and housed over half a million children, and personally killed even more bandits, rapists and murders." I tell the girl who is shocked by those numbers even some of the servants are shocked.

Various images float above my head showing off the houses filled with happy children, playgrounds, meal times, story times.

"I have magical clones working every single day to find orphans, feed them, clothe them, bathe them, teach them, and provide for them. Do you know how many people I have personally saved?" I ask.

She shakes her head. "No."

"Me either but do you know how many children I've experimented on?" I ask.


"None. Not a single child has died under my watch either. So whatever garbage excuses they give, here I stand to prove them wrong. You already have servants and yet you wanted even more you got greedy isn't that right director?" I ask the woman on the ground who just glares at me. "Answer or I take a limb."

"We need to control the spirits...." Crack her arm snaps and she let's out a scream.

"Control the people offering to help you? Scum." I sneer at her.

"What do you know about our struggles?" She shouts over the pain.

"I don't care say one more word and it will be your last." I reply lazily. "Ah here it is, the spirit of Gallahad, even he found this whole thing repulsive and wanted to slaughter you all except Mash seemed to have stopped him."

Several of the servants glared at the director, they had known of Gallahad being an honorable knight. Even they were repulsed by the things that I read out. Thousands of failed experiments.

I could sense the killing intent in the air.

Suddenly something shifted.

I barely managed to get a shield up around myself and mash before the entire area exploded and alarms started blaring as I was ripped off my feet with Mash towards some portal.

Next thing I know is I find myself falling from the sky with Mash next to me over some city.

My feet form a scaffold of spirit energy and I grab Mash to stop her from falling.

"We need to go back!" Mash shouted in panic.

"Do you know how?" I ask with a sideways glance.

"You use the teleporter..."

"Which we don't have, I had just finished my basic training tutorial so I hadn't gotten mine yet." I explain.

Floating down the to ground in an abandoned area my communicator rings in my pocket.

Flipping it open there is a man covered in soot. Various fires in the background being put out.

"Ryan Grim? A terrorist bombing has occurred in the main headquarters, most servants and masters didn't survive, the portal generators were targeted. You were tossed into a singularity for the 5th holy grail war. Sorry that all I cam give right now I need to contact the others to see if they survived." He says hanging up.

"5th?" I ponder before closing the communicator.

My eyes blur to the rinnesharingan before looking around I see numerous barriers I can easily peek through and some of the things I see are disgusting.

"I regret coming to this universe." I pull on my hollow mask and grab my book before i start writing.

i know this war, it's one of the ones I recognize.

A name appears on the book.


Gate of Babylon and everything within.

In a church in the distance a man with golden hair looks confused for a second before an angry look appears on his face. "YOU DARE STEAL FROM THIS KING MONGREL!?"


His body and the body of a priest is vaporized by a purple beam of energy flinging a blackish gold grail into the air.

I appear in a flash and grab it but can only feel disgust from the thing.

"Matrix scan it, combine it with my pearl but only after destroying the disgusting creature inside."

[Holy grail has been scanned, cleansing started, cleansing complete, holy grail integrated with myriad pearl.]

Flashing back I grab mash before appearing back at the church and heading downstairs. Various people are tied up and looking drained of energy. I give them a quick heal before scanning around for anyone else.

Seems I appeared before the grail war began.

"Senpai...that mask..." Mash asks.

"Don't worry about it." I tell her grabbing my book and writing another name.

Shirou Emiya.

Avalon, the Ever Distant Utopia, Sheathe of Excalibur.

A blue and gold sheathe appears above my book next to a golden key.

"Matrix bind the gate of Babylon and scan the contents also scan the Sheathe." The key vanishes into golden motes of light and disperses into my chest.
