
Chapter 112 : Chased after

"With my blood as a sacrifice, heed upon my orders, and fulfill my wish!"

There was a blinding light coming from below, along with the surging wind. I reflexively wanted to close my eyes, yet my eyes were wide open and focused on the sight in front of me. 

The wind blew wildly around me. It felt cold, and the noises were deafening. At first, the wind was blowing haphazardly, but later it converged into one point, creating a small whirlwind inside the room. 

"Oh, the beings who rule the darkness, please lend me your strength!"

Suddenly the wind stopped, and heavy silence prevailed. In front of me stood a giant bird with a height of around three meters. It had slick black feathers and a pair of sharp amber eyes. Surrounded by its black feathers, those eyes looked like shiny jewels. Those jewels were very exquisite, yet hiding deep darkness and dangers inside. 

I kneeled while holding out my arm. "Please make a contract with me."
