

An hour or so passed and Irvin had finally managed to reach the gate of the building. Zadkiel sensed him and he became more fidgety and edgy. He started vibrating in his position and it took all his strength to not just run to Irvin.

He always felt that pull towards Irvin but this time it was different. Other times, he managed well but this time, he had to grip his bed poll so tightly to restrain himself.

On the other hand, as soon as Irvin entered the gate of the orphanage after begging the guard at the gate, he could feel surrounded by an intolerable scent. He growled internally inhaling the scent but he had to calm himself.

He exited the car, taking deep breaths. His heartbeat was going rabid and his breaths were becoming heavy. He knew he had to control himself or he’d expose himself. He took few minutes to calm himself before heading inside.

He just followed the scent of his mate to find out the direction and just when he reached the outside of the sleeping hall, the scent was strong there and he had to take another moment to calm himself.

He entered the room, taking long breaths to stay calm and slowly padded towards his whimpering mate who was curled in the bed but he knew he must have felt his presence because he turned his head back to look at him.

Zadkiel tried to sit up and extended one hand, making a grabby gesture for Irvin to come closer who still restrained himself from rushing to him because he knew what would happen once he’d be near Zadkiel.

“I need to take him to a doctor.” Irvin made an excuse, looking at Hannah who was frowning at the awkwardness.

“We have taken him to the doctor a lot of times. His condition is different. Medicines don’t help and doctors don’t know what is wrong with him.” Hannah explained, now rubbing Zadkiel’s back, who now had tears in his eyes, seeing that Irvin wasn’t comforting him.

“I know someone who can help. Take him to my car.” Irvin cleared his throat, fiddling with his fingers and wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans.

“But Father…” Abel interrupted.

“I’ll let him know tomorrow. Please help him walk to my car.” Irvin was avoiding any kind of closeness to Zadkiel. Zadkiel burst into tears when he saw Irvin being so distant and he had no idea why he was so hurt by Irvin’s behaviour.

“I’m coming with you two. I can’t let you take my friend away in the middle of the night.” Abel didn’t believe Zadkiel’s accuse of human trafficking but he still didn’t believe Irvin with his best friend.

“Ok fine. Now hurry up!” Irvin growled, waking up few boys and some were already awake. But the whimper that left Zadkiel’s mouth made Irvin more on edge.

“Take him to my car!” Irvin grunted again. Abel looked at him wide-eyed and Hannah was thinking about the similarities between Irvin and Zadkiel because Irvin just acted like Zadkiel.

Abel grabbed Zadkiel by his side and made him stand up on his feet. Irvin led them out of the hall, directly towards his car. When Abel opened the passenger seat to make Zadkiel sit there, Irvin stopped him.

“You two take the back seats.” Irvin was doing everything in his best to stay away from Zadkiel but that was only hurting Zadkiel more. He had an idea what Zadkiel must be feeling but he couldn’t just be in proximity with Zadkiel.

Zadkiel swallowed hard, looking at Irvin with teary eyes but did what Irvin asked. He seated on the back with Abel. Irvin assured Hannah that Zadkiel would be safe with him and then hopped in the driver seat before driving off.

When Irvin turned the car into a very isolated area with woods on either side of the road, Abel started to feel tense. He didn’t want to wake up Zadkiel who was now dozing off on his shoulder but he had to question Irvin.

“Where are you taking us?” Abel questioned. Zadkiel who was already in a state between sleep and awake sat up and looked out of the windows.

“Trust me, I know what I’m doing,” Irvin answered as he took a turn and now drove through the woods making Abel more worried.

“Take us back! Why are you taking us into the woods at this hour?” Abel freaked but Zadkiel didn't even question. His mind –demon side- was telling him to trust Irvin and he was just doing that.

Irvin didn’t answer and pulled over the car in front of a cottage right in the middle of the forest. He unbuckled his seatbelt and grabbed the keys from the glove compartment and tossed it back to Abel.

“You go inside. I’ll handle him. And yeah, don’t open the door till you hear me asking you to open up.” He commanded getting out of the car. Abel also got out.

“Excuse me, I’m not leaving my friend along with you and where are you going to take him?” He inquired Irvin, gazing at the old rusty lock on the double wooden door of the cottage.

“To the river. We’ll be fine. It’s you I’m worried about.” Irvin answered, opening the backseat door but he didn’t move to touch Zadkiel or make him get out of the car. He was waiting for Abel to leave.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying with my friend. You said you know a doctor who can help Zadkiel. What kind of psycho doctor sits near the river at 3 in the morning?” Abel folded his arms.

“Look, don’t test my patience anymore. I’ve already tested it enough. Go, sit inside. Maybe sleep but don’t just lurk around here. There are animals around here.” Irvin warned him.

“Yeah, animals are only gonna harm me because you’re Tarzan and they are your friend, right?” Abel taunted him. Irvin groaned and snatched the keys from Abel before marching towards the doors. He opened the lock, walked back, grabbed Abel’s collar and dragged him to the cottage. He was so strong that all the efforts of Abel breaking free went into the drain as Irvin pushed him inside the cottage and locked it from the outside.

Once done, he strode back to the car and as soon as his hand touched Zadkiel, the boy whimpered and pulled Irvin inside the car and curled himself against him. Irvin held him between his arms and inhaled his scent before pulling back a little.

“This place is not safe for you but I had nowhere to take you. This seemed the safest of all.” He informed Zadkiel who didn’t care whatever Irvin was saying. He just wanted the warmth Irvin’s body was giving.

“Let’s go the side of the river. It’s beautiful out there at this time.” Irvin offered but Zadkiel further curled into him and hid his face in Irvin’s chest, inhaling deeply.

“What’s happening to me?” He questioned Irvin, fisting the front of his shirt.

“You don’t want me to answer that.” Irvin chuckled before pulling away from Zadkiel. Zadkiel whined but Irvin only chuckled in response.

“C’mon. Fresh air will help in soothing your nerves.” Irvin extended his hand for Zadkiel who grabbed it and exited the car.

“How did I know that I needed you in this situation?” Zadkiel asked Irvin as they were strolling down to the river. The sound of running water was becoming clearer and it sounded so peaceful in the silence of the night.

“You didn’t. Your other part did and that’s the one who needs me.” Irvin kept his voice low as if he didn’t want to ruin the melody that water was humming.

“My pants are wet.” Zadkiel groaned, resting his head on Irvin’s shoulder as they were walking and Irvin’s arm was secured around his waist. The curly-haired boy chuckled at the comment.

“Well… that’s nothing new,” Irvin commented only to get a slap from Zadkiel right behind his head. They both flopped down on the grass, sitting cross-legged but when Zadkiel didn’t find comfort in that he made Irvin prop his legs, and sat between his legs, resting his back against Irvin’s chest.

“I’m sorry. I have no idea what I’m doing and why I’m doing this.” He lolled his head back on Irvin’s shoulder as the older wrapped arms around him.

“I know that but I won’t tell you because you don’t believe in my magical story,” Irvin stated and Zadkiel was fine with it because he didn’t know if he was ready to hear it.

“I’ve been going through this for years. I always knew I wanted someone’s warmth to comfort me but no matter how much someone showed affection, it was never enough for me. Today, I somehow knew that you would be able to give me what I need and today, I feel satisfied. I’m at peace for once in this condition, after years.” He murmured, finally being at peace as he was settled in Irvin’s arms.

“I’ve been looking for you for six years now. I thought I’d never find you.” Irvin nuzzled his face in Zadkiel’s neck and inhaled. He was lost in the moment of peace.

“Looking for me?” Zadkiel mumbled, playing with Irvin’s hand, eyes on the river that was shining as the moonlight cascaded through it.

“When I hit 18, like everyone else I thought I’d find my mate real quick and it’d be someone from the pack but I didn’t. I travelled a lot to search from different packs. I always came back empty-handed. My father told me to mate with someone else, like make someone else my mate because my pack needs Luna but I refused to believe that my real mate had died or hadn’t even born. I never knew I’d find my mate in an orphanage of humans.” Irvin knew Zadkiel wouldn’t understand what he was saying or wouldn’t even believe it but he just felt the need to say it. Zadkiel’s silence confirmed that he didn’t believe what Irvin said.

“I know you don’t believe in the “magical story” that I’m telling you but the truth is I’m so happy that I’ve found you,” Irvin whispered sadly.

“I’m sorry but this all seems so magical and I’m a person who believes in science.” Zadkiel didn’t like the fact that he was the reason for Irvin’s sadness.

“Your science is limited. Can your science explain the condition you go through or even just your anatomy?” Irvin questioned him as he stroked the back of Zadkiel’s hand that was resting on his propped knee.

“No, and that’s why I feel like I’m weird. I’m different from the rest of the population. Many kids are born with unidentified diseases. I’m not the first one.” Zadkiel murmured.

“This is not a disease. This is your identity.” Irvin corrected him. “I wonder where your pack is and how the hell you ended up in a human orphanage.” Irvin gave it a thought but couldn’t think of one reason for Zadkiel to be in an orphanage.

“I don’t know why you keep saying ‘human’ like I’m not a human.” Zadkiel chuckled, eyes closed as he hummed in satisfaction when Irvin’s hand grazed his stomach.

“Half,” Irvin uttered.

“What?” Zadkiel questioned.

“Half-human.” The curly boy clarified. “Hey… what’s your full name? Maybe we can find your pack.” Irvin questioned, making Zadkiel pull away from him.

“I don’t know what you mean by the pack but my parents left me with only one note “We love you, Zerachiel. Love, mummy & daddy.” When I was only seven months old and I have no idea what my full name is.” Zadkiel’s voice had suddenly turned sad as he was saying that and Irvin pulled him back to comfort him.

“It’s okay. I’ll find it for you.” Irvin assured him but Zadkiel shook his head.

“I don’t wish to know that. They left me so, I’m leaving everything they gave me. I even changed my name.” Zadkiel didn’t know why he felt safe with Irvin and why trusted Irvin with his secrets but he was happy he could share it with someone.

“We never banish kids. I don’t understand why your parents would do that. The only thing I can think of is that maybe they were humans.” Irvin had a deep frown on his face as he thought about it.

“You smell intoxicating.” Zadkiel ignored whatever Irvin was saying and nuzzled his face to the crook of Irvin’s neck, inhaling his smell.

“Yeah? Ask me that.” Irvin chuckled. Irvin was surprised he had controlled himself so far because Zadkiel’s smell was so alluring and inviting in this condition that his inner-self was whimpering to cradle Zadkiel and touch him in any way possible.

“Do you go through this pain every once a year? Sometimes twice a year?” Zadkiel asked him, playing with Irvin’s hand and entwined his fingers with Irvin’s.

“No,” Irvin answered, smiling at their entwined hands.

He felt so satisfied and calmed, sitting there on the damp grass with Zadkiel sitting between his legs as their ears were filled with rushing water and the moonlit the whole area and made the water drops on the grass look like beads.

His heart jumped in overjoy when Zadkiel would make a contact skin to skin. His heart swelled hearing his voice that he kept so low as if whatever they were talking about was some kind of promise they were making, like the moon and the stars were the witness. He hummed in harmony every time Zadkiel would nuzzle into him to find comfort.

“Why? Aren’t we the same?” Zadkiel pulled him out of the thoughts. Irvin smiled at Zadkiel’s innocence.

“We are but we’re different as well,” Irvin answered.

“How so?”

“Well, you won’t believe me but I’m the alpha. I don’t go through this cycle but I can do this.” Irvin spoke as he put his hand before Zadkiel’s eyes and his nails grew in seconds and turned black as if he just pressed a button somewhere.

“How do you do that?” Zadkiel asked, completely shocked as he turned around to face Irvin.

“You can’t do this?” Irvin arched his eyebrow.

“Not willingly. It’s just whenever I’m angry or under too much stress, my eyes turn into amber and nails grow out of my fingers. It happens when my heartbeat increases.” Zadkiel grabbed Irvin’s hand and looked at him, completely mesmerized.

“It’s because you haven’t learned to control it but have you not fully turned yet?” Irvin asked though he already knew the answer.

“Turned? Into what? Vampire?” Zadkiel chuckled. Irvin shook his head, smiling.

“Those are nasty creatures. Stay away from one.” Irvin warned but a smile was still on his face.

“You mean to say you believe that vampires exist?” Zadkiel gave him a weird look.

“Came across a few in my life.” Irvin shrugged.

“Then you must believe in witches, werewolves, fallen angels and ghosts.” Zadkiel chuckled, finding it amusing.

“So you know all about it but are just stupid to figure out about it?” Irvin crossed his arms.

“Yeah read some books about it. Don’t know much but know enough that they don’t exist.” Zadkiel turned around and pressed his back against Irvin’s chest as he kept looking at the nails that grew out of Irvin’s fingers and caressed them.

“Don’t know about fallen angels and ghosts because never crossed paths with one,” Irvin spoke, making Zadkiel giggle.

“So you mean you’ve met a witch, werewolf and a vampire?” Zadkiel questioned.

“Yeah.” Irvin kept the answer short.

“Wow. How are you even alive then?” Zadkiel slid down, resting his head on Irvin’s chest and Irvin’s hand still in his hand.

“I stay away from witches because you don’t wanna mess with them and I single-handedly killed 5 vampires at a time.” Irvin bragged. Zadkiel laughed so loudly.

“And a werewolf? He must be in his human form when you killed him, right?” Zadkiel was so amused by the conversation and Irvin wanted nothing but Zadkiel to forget about the pain and laugh.

“Never killed one. I don’t kill werewolves.” Irvin answered. Zadkiel let out another soft giggle.

“Why? Too scared of them?” Zadkiel tilted his head back on Irvin’s chest to look at him. He looked so adorable at that moment that Irvin couldn’t help it and pecked his nose. Zadkiel just blushed but didn’t say anything.

“They are friendly,” Irvin replied to Zadkiel’s question.

“Abel is gonna throw me in Atlantic.” Zadkiel shot up and turned around to face Irvin with wide eyes.

“I won’t let him do that.” Irvin chuckled and pulled him back. This time Zadkiel’s head was in Irvin’s lap.

“Are you done playing with my hand?” Irvin questioned. Zadkiel’s cheeks flushed as he let his hand go.

“It feels so good to see someone like me,” Zadkiel murmured. He looked up at Irvin who was looking down at him.

“There are others too. All across the globe. Come. Live with us.” Irvin offered him. Zadkiel looked away.

“At what cost?” Zadkiel spoke softly.

“No, cost at all,” Irvin assured him.

“So, your dad is just ready to adopt me because his son has an interest in me?” Zadkiel now sat up.

“It’s not adopting. It’s accepting in the pack as their Luna.” Irvin tried to explain him.

“You mean your ‘mate’, right?” Zadkiel air quoted the word.

“Forget that I asked.” Irvin sighed. He didn’t want to ruin the moment. Zadkiel laid down, placing his head back in Irvin’s lap.

“I just don’t understand any of it. I’m sorry if I come off as rude but I just… I’m sorry.” Zadkiel rolled and hid his face in Irvin’s stomach.

“I understand that.” Irvin stroked his hair.

“Are you relaxed now?” Irvin asked him. Zadkiel pulled his face back and smiled at him.

“As long as I’m with you.” Zadkiel’s eyes widened at his answer. Irvin chuckled at Zadkiel’s expression.

“Don’t worry. It wasn’t weird. It wasn’t you.” Irvin assured him. Zadkiel face palmed himself in embarrassment.

“I should take you back now.” Irvin offered but Zadkiel clung to him, whining.

“Hey… I can’t keep you with me for 14 days. Mr Joseph is going to report a kidnapping case.” Irvin chuckled at Zadkiel’s cuteness.

“Just stay till this is over.” Zadkiel requested him.

“Zadkiel, I can’t. Though I want nothing else.” He tried to make him understand but Zadkiel started crying like a kid and pulled himself in Irvin’s lap, gripping his shirt.

“Please… no.” He sobbed into Irvin’s collarbone, voice muffled against his clothes.

“Okay… let’s think of something.” Irvin tried to bargain but Zadkiel wasn’t up for negotiation. He shook his head, bawling his eyes out.

“I have to take you and your friend back who I’m sure is pissed off with me.” Irvin tried to reason but Zadkiel kept crying.

“I’m sorry, darling but I really have to take you back.” Irvin’s heart was aching as he watched his mate sob like that but he couldn’t do anything. Things were out of his hands here.

He lifted Zadkiel off his lap and rose to his feet, extending his hand for Zadkiel to take who hunched down, curled into a ball and refused to go back.

“Zadkiel!” Irvin growled. Zadkiel whimpered and looked up at him, scared. He didn’t want to use this tone but he had to.

“We’re going back.” He sternly stated, making Zadkiel nod. If it was someone other than Irvin, Zadkiel would’ve made a dent on his face for talking to him like that but something in the tone that Irvin spoke, made Zadkiel obey him quietly without any protest.

Science can’t explain this!

‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙ ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊
