
Chapter 66: And So It Begins

"Die!" A woman with a crazed look in her eyes said to me. A gleeful smile on her face as she rushed at me, a sword aimed at my chest.

Ignoring her words I took a step back and then parried her sword using Vortex Vanquisher.

Once I knocked her off balance I took out one of my daggers and got in close. Then I stabbed her right in the chest. Pulling my dagger across her torso I opened her up, causing her guts to spill out onto the ground.

But I care not.

She is a member of Evilus after all.

As the woman's light left her eyes I removed my dagger and then backed off.

Since there are several more enemies that require my attention.

At the moment I am on the 12th floor of the Dungeon.

Together with Ryner, Diluc, Gaul, Ryuu, and Millhiore.

Currently we are in the midst of combat.

On our way back from handling a request on the 19th floor we accepted from the Guild, these guys ambushed us.

Too bad for them they picked the wrong people to fuck with.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed two Evilus members standing, still chanting.

"Magic inbound from our left." I shouted.

"On it." Ryner shouted.

He then darted in the direction of the enemy mages, dodging daggers and needles thrown in his direction, chanting as he did so.

Since he's finally got the hang of cocurrent chanting, like many of the rest of us.

{What I seek is thunder, Izuchi!}


Ryner held up his left hand and magic circle appeared on it. A second after it did so several lighting arrows raced from it, piercing the enemy mages, killing them.

While this happened Ryuu used her blade to cut down an enemy in front of us.

But as she did so an opponent behind her suddenly held an ominous black sphere in their hands. Then a moment late said person sent the sphere rocketing right at Ryuu.

The moment I saw this I began chanting.

{Ground and soil, heed my command and come forth!}

[Geo Force]

A magic circle appeared on the ground behind Ryuu, and just after it did so a massive earth wall sprung up. Blocking the enemies attack.

Then before the enemy had time to do anything else Millhiore appeared behind him and cut him down without any hesitation.

As soon as this happened an enemy spear user came at me.

He just made a huge mistake.

"Die!" He shouted at me.

"Blah, blah, blah." I said. "You Evilus shits really need to get a new line. That was is so overused its not even funny." I said. Parrying all strikes aimed at me using Vortex Vanquisher.

The enemy continued pressing his attack, but no matter how hard he tries he's not breaking through my defense.

Not after all the training I've received from Shakti, and from Athena.

My goddess is an absolute monster with the spear, and she's also a spartan teacher.

If not for Ryuu using her healing magic on me after each training session I've had with Athena I'd have the bruises and scars to prove it.

Despite her relatively innocent-looking appearance Athena is scary.

But then again considering the version and legends about her in my last life this didn't shock me too much.

That's why I'm glad to have someone like her as my goddess.

The Evilus member eventually got extremely frustrated at not being able to break through my guard. As such he decided to go for break.

Gripping his spear tightly he tried to stab me in the chest, going for a suicide charge.

Giving him a flat look I stuck the tip of Vortex Vanquisher into the ground and then flipped over him in the air, landing right behind him.

As I did so I rammed the tip of Vanquisher right through his chest, pulling my spear out in the next second since the bastard was dead.

Flicking the blood off my weapon I saw the others re-grouping after finishing off the last of the enemies.

"Good work everyone." I told him.

They all nodded their heads.

Once they did so we continued making our way out of the dungeon, arriving on the surface in no time.

Then as soon as we did so we headed straight for the Pantheon, the Guild headquarters, to report our encounter with the Evilus members in the dungeon.

A standard practice for all familia in these past few months, since the attacks on adventurer's by Evilus members in the dungeon have been rapidly increasing.

It's brought an even heavier air to Orario as a whole.

A perpetual dark cloud is hanging over the city.

And I know in my heart that soon things are going to come to a head.

As we entered the Pantheon and such thoughts ran through my mind I was suddenly brought back to reality when I felt Ryuu gently grasp my hand.

Turning to look at her I saw concern in her eyes, which made me smile.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." I told her.

Ryuu simply nodded.

Once she did so I let go of her hand and walked up to the counter Rose was standing at.

"Morax, hello. How are you doing today?" She asked.

"Good." I said. "Just came to make a report. We just encountered some Evilus members in the dungeon."

As I said this Rose visibly tensed up.

But that's not surprising. Since several of her assigned adventurer's have been killed by those fucking piece of shit terrorists recently.

I can tell it's weighing on her.

"I see." Rose said. "Please come to my office then, so we can fill out a formal report."

I nodded at Rose's words. I then quickly informed the others before following her to her office. Where we began doing the procedural shit.

Fifteen minutes passed before all the paperwork was finished.

Looking over it Rose nodded her head. "Everything looks in order. Well then Morax, you can go. Also..." Rose bit her bottom lip, getting a bit of an uncomfortable look on her face.

"Yes Rose?" I questioned.

"Be careful." She said.

As she did so I smiled brightly at her. "Fu, thank you." I said. "Really, that means a lot coming from you."

"You're welcome." Rose said.

Then for the first time ever since I've known her she showed me a smile.

It's not a big one, but she's smiling at me nonetheless.

And Roses's smile is truly beautiful.

"Ah Rose, such a lovely smile you have." I told her. "Keep showing me it and I just might fall for you." I said.

Then as soon as I did so Rose put a blank expression on her face.

"Morax, don't say such things." Rose told me.

"No, I'll say whatever I want." I retorted.

Then before Rose could say anything else I flashed her a cheeky smile and left her office.

I then re-grouped with the others and returned the Owl House, informing Athena and the rest of our encounter in the dungeon.

"Evilus is getting bolder and bolder." Athena mused. "Be prepared all of you. Something big is coming."

We all nodded at her words.

Once we did so we adjourned the meeting and everyone went to do their own thing.

None of us having any idea that war was just around the corner.


Running through the streets I moved side-by-side with Rogue, Echidna, and Leonmitchelli.

As well as Shakti and several members of the Ganesha familia.

Three days have passed since the incident with Evilus in the dungeon.

Our group was out on patrol when we noticed Shakti and some of her familia members rushing somewhere in a hurry, so we decided to join up with them.

Which none of them had any problems with.

Our group moved through the streets until eventually we came to a stop.

As we did so I noticed several dead bodies, a destroyed factory, as well Alise and the Astaea familia.

"Alise, what's going on here?" I asked her.

"Oh Morax, and Shakti." Alise said, walking over to us.

While the rest of her familia spread out into the surrounding area, along with the members of the Ganesha familia, and Rogue, Echidna, and Leonmitchelli.

Rogue and Kaguya pairing up together like usual.

But they are not being lovey-dovey and are strictly business.

"What happened here Alise?" Shakti asked in her usual serious tone.

"We stumbled upon Evilus attacking this factory." Alise said. "We engaged them, but some of the members managed to slip away." She explained.

As she did so Shakti frowned.

"What's the matter Shakti?" I asked her. Even though I can already guess.

"This isn't the first time Evilus has preformed an attack like this. Let me guess Alise, this is a magic stone factory, and the only thing that was stolen was the hammering system correct?" Shakti said.

"Yeah, but how did you know that?" Alise questioned.

"Because this is the fourth time in the last few weeks Evilus has done this. Though we still have no idea why?" Shakti explained.

As she did so I realized it's finally time.

The Great Feud is here.

The Seven Days of Death. Where Orario will become a sea of flames and the streets will run red with blood.

It's finally happening.

The time when Ardi is supposed to die.

I say supposed because I'm not letting it happen.

Not by a longshot.

Looking up at the sky I can see literal dark clouds overheard. Which is basically an omen of what is about to happen.

"And so it begins." I muttered.

Well then, time to step into hell.
