
Author’s lament

Thanks for reading thus far.

I'm stopping this book right here. If you wish to read further, you may buy it from amazon when it publishes. I'll make an announcement here when it's released.

Now let's talk a bit.

2 years ago when I started writing this story, I had a clear vision: Evil story, evil mc, everything evil full of tragedies. True to its genres. Of course I didn't know that ntr is hated. I would have chosen a different genre for the overall story then. But regardless, it was still a story true to itself.

But most of you were not able to digest it. We all have genres that we like and dislike. Ntr was just not your thing. It was okay to express your discontent. But it was not okay to tell me to fix it. There was nothing to be 'fixed'. It was what it was- an evil ntr story. Like it or leave it, that's all you needed to do. But no. Many people pointed fingers at me, cursed me and told me to 'fix it'.

I'm a mild person, a push over. So I got pushed. You reminded me of my schooldays where everyone told me that I was not good enough & that my stories and art sucks. My mother told me that I'll never make it as an artist and that writing is useless. My brother tore off all my poetries and tried to burn them. My seniors scammed me in the name of publishing my works & that's all what you reminded me. I didn't want to go through it. I caved. I 'fixed' it. I made massive changes & rewrites over and over just to appease you.

I didn't want to be hated.

Now after so many fixes this story is jacked up. This is not my story anymore. This is what YOU have turned it into. Of course I am also responsible. I should have had more confidence in me.

You know what happens when everyone gets on a cab and hollers at the driver nonstop, telling him how to drive? The cab falls off a cliff. That's pretty much what happened here.

Now that this cab is falling, you're all abandoning it, telling me that I fucked it up. Yes I did fuck it up. But you're also equally responsible.

If you're so good at stories, why don't you write your own? Yeah, seriously, go ahead & try it. No taunt intended here. You might actually turn out to be a better writer than me and many others. Who knows? But don't tell me or any other writer what to do with their story. It's wrong. You did me wrong.

This book was already completed. All I needed was a month to proofread and publish it. Pay some bills.


Someone posted a review which says that I'm trying to simply increase the views. You know funny thing about those 1 million views is that none of them pays my bills. I have zero money, I haven't eaten well in two months, I haven't slept many nights, overworking relentlessly just to please others. The companies didn't pay me my salary and simply abandoned me despite my hard work. I have bills to pay and no money for it. I could have published the original book a month ago, hopefully gained some money off it.

Even if the book didn't sell, I'd still have some satisfaction that I created a damn evil novel & that my time wasn't wasted.

Now…? heh.

So yeah, please don't go overboard and constantly jab fingers at other writers. You don't know how hard it is to write and survive in a world where people don't read anymore, book don't sell and everyone thinks downloading pdf is better than purchasing books and that art should be for free and not something to pay for.

If you like or dislike something, go ahead and post your thoughts. But don't go overboard. This is not a war where you must bash the other person until they submit or die.

Thank you for your time.

I shall not be replying to any comments.
