
Formation, illusion & cultivation

It had been a few hours since Wind's group settled down to rest. Wu Shang literally took a long nap and was snoring loudly. Even though he had fought the battle with demons in an illusion, it took quite a toll on his mind. Plant King on the other hand decided to meditate and continued ruminating, wondering about his dao.

Surprisingly Saiyu followed suit and had taken to meditating as well. She was truly careless in the test and had lost herself in the realistic illusion. She deduced that she ought to focus on other aspects of cultivation and train her mind instead of just fucking around. She had been on a roller coaster of sex and dual cultivation for months. It was time to turn a new leaf.

Lan on the other hand was with Wind and Aerin. She wanted to live every moment of life with no longer holding back. She approached Wind and Aerin who were being mushy and joined in the fun. Soon, both Aerin and Lan were naked and hugging one another, kissing and cuddling while Wind took turns at dual cultivating with them. Both the girls had unique constitutions, providing Wind with large amounts of elemental traits and Wind absorbed it all as he rampaged inside the two girls' vaginas one by one and simply enjoyed the rush. He spanked Lan and yanked Aerin's hair and was very dominating throughout the session. Both girls were submissive and obedient.

A few feet away from them, Xiao's loud moans were echoing as she strode upon Deodomus' massive penis and used all her mating experiences to give heck of a good time to her husband. Her large hips made loud clapping sounds and were directly competing with the sounds of Aerin's hips as Wind humped the elf milf speedily.

Outside the strategy barrier, an old woman had been fucked unconscious by demons. They were pulling on her limbs & dragging her around as though she were a corpse. Whichever demon won the game of tug would pin the petite old woman down and fuck her hard for long. The so-called formation spirit apparently had a physical body but she wished she hadn't, as it had been violated thoroughly. Her holes had enlarged badly and many of her bones had broken as the demons ruthlessly handled her. But they didn't kill her as per Wu Shang's command.

Eventually Wind's dual cultivation session ended. He felt refreshed and happy. He had reaped large amounts of elemental traits from the two females. Lan's body was even producing more elemental energy than before. It surprised Wind. He deduced that the recent test must have resulted in this. Wind walked around after putting on some clothes. Wu Shang woke up too. Sensing their movements, Plant King and Saiyu rose from meditation too. They had all rested in separate ways and were feeling better. Xiao was still madly fucking the pitiful man underneath her.

"Someone is getting lucky." Wind pulled a joke which contrary to his expectations didn't have any reaction from Wu Shang or Plant King. They both had different things on their minds now. Yes, they truly loved Xiao but no one is fully engrossed in love all the freaking time. Plant King was ruminating over way of the warrior while Wu Shang was trying to overcome his own inner evil. He was still bonded to Xiao though and would willingly become her pet anytime she asked but now that she wasn't, he was maintaining his senses and ruminating over himself.

"Let her in." Wind suddenly said & gestured towards Hyun Jung. Wu Shang nodded and summoned the demons and they dragged the unconscious old woman inside the strategy barrier before disappearing into the demon spatial ring.

"Wake her up." Wind said lightly and Wu Shang tossed a pill into the old woman's mouth which it quickly melted in and brought her to her sense, while also providing some energy.

"Ugh, ahh…" The old woman Hyun Jung cried in pain. "You bastards, how dare you do this to me…I'll kill…"

Swoosh! Dozens of demons appeared again and surrounded her. Their massive dongs were oozing with precum which was dripping down on her body. Hyun Jung's mouth dropped open and he dared not continue with her threats.

"Let's resume the conversation from before." Wind said calmly. "Tell us about yourself and this formation from the beginning. Who made this formation? Why did you test us? How does your powers work? Leave no information out or else…"

"Fine, I'll tell you. I had come to tell you this from the start anyway!" She growled angrily and then sucked her anger back and took a few deep breaths before standing up.

"Stay on your knees." Wind commanded and hid a smirk. He was really getting into the dominating role.

Hyun Jung gritted her teeth and got down on her knees and started speaking.

"Several thousand years ago a human female cultivator found a heavenly object. It was rumored to have fallen from the heavens. It consisted of great power sought after by everyone. The woman was attacked by several powerful cultivators and was injured. She fled and hid deep underground, reaching this place which was a huge cave. Here she laid the heavenly object and it took form of this formation array. The formation then absorbed energy from the earth and formed a spirit which was how I came into existence. The woman's injuries were morbid and couldn't be healed. She was about to die. So, with my help she set up all her treasures and riches here in different spots to set up this formation as her inheritance. Then she made a map to here and sent it to the world above. So that the map could lead worthy people here. But she asked me to give preference to her descendants if any of them reach this place.

After her death, I possessed her body. The injuries were gradually curbed away over time while I waited for a worthy seeker for centuries. One day a man reached this place and was obviously tested by me. He passed through several tests but failed at a crucial one. His lust for power had led to it. He consumed a cultivation resource he should not have. It resulted into him gaining great power but at the expense of his intelligence and memories. That man is over there." Hyun Jung, the formation spirit pointed towards the bulky Deodomus who had now gotten on top of Xiao as she let him and was ruthlessly fucking her from behind while Xiao screamed erotically.

"I continued to wait for another worthy inheritor and finally your group reached this place. I tested your greed first by showing you the elemental stones. If you were to go after it, I would have teleported you outside right away. Better that then witnessing you all losing your minds or lives in this formation. But you all reined your greed and instead decided to explore this area. This led me to test your fortitude through tests. All of you faced great hurdles and passed. All except one." Hyun Jung looked at Saiyu. "But since I could sense your bloodline to be the same as this woman's, whose body I've possessed; I had to cut you some slack and bring you out of the illusion. Now since all of you have passed, you have the right to choose from the cultivation resources and treasures available here. However, only one of you will get to be the master of this formation."

"You, Wind, were the first to pass your test and hence…"

"Wu Shang, do you want her?" Wind asked, interrupting the formation spirit.

"Sure. Since she's not exactly a living person, I could use her for breeding my demons without guilt." Wu Shang said.

"Hey-hey!" Hyun Jung yelled angrily. "How can you speak despicable things like this with a straight face?"

"As the master of the formation, I am your master as well, right?" Wind asked. He had already deduced that he was the master of this formation now and Hyun Jung was his bitch.

"Ugh, yes." Hyun Jung frowned.

"You will continue to suffer for those tests you subjected us to." Wind commanded. "Before that, tell the secrets of this formation's controls to Aerin. She's a formation expert and can understand it better than me."

The old formation spirit felt like crying but she had to obey the order. She took out a scroll that contained all the secrets of the formation and tossed it towards Aerin.

"Now, one more thing before you go to serve your new purpose." Wind chimed again. "Tell us how exactly you came into the existence. Where exactly did this formation come from? Who created it?"

"…" Hyun Jung sighed and answered. "Outside this planet, there is a vast cosmos where there is a place called heaven. There immortal cultivators live. All at the God realm of cultivation. They have magical powers and can create artifacts such as this giant strategy out of their chi alone. I was merely a formless byproduct when this strategy was created. The strategy was not of the liking to its immortal creator and so he casually tossed it away. Free falling directly towards this world, attracted by the abundant mortal chi in here, I directed this strategy to land into this world. Through the abundant earth energy I took form and later possessed this body too. I've already told you the rest. Other than this I have no more knowledge about the heavens."

"…" Everyone ruminated over this for a while.

"Heaven where the immortal cultivators reside…isn't that just lore?" Wu Shang questioned.

"So I believed too until now." Plant King answered.

"God realm." Wind muttered. "No one has ever reached God realm in this world in the long history. Those immortal cultivators must have existed several hundred thousand years ago, even before the appearance of elves."

"…!!" Everyone was thoroughly shocked.

"Did such people really exist?!" Saiyu gasped.

"Well, whatever. We have plenty issues on this mortal world. We have no time to be wondering about the immortals' world." Wind shrugged. "This is a good place I'd say. We can use the resources here and utilize the time to cultivate in peace speedily."

At once everyone nodded in agreement. This was a god-sent opportunity. In the outside world, none of them had been able to cultivate in peace.

"Wind, there's something I need to borrow Aerin for." Wu Shang suddenly said to Wind and then gazed at Aerin.

"Hmm? You wanna fuck her?" Wind smirked.

"I'd love to." Wu Shang smirked back. "But there's more. I've been searching for her for quite a while to learn the healing aspect of Chaos technique."

"Chaos technique huh?" Wind uttered. He had heard of it from Maya's minions. All those minions were nuns of the Order of Chaos. Aerin herself was the high elder of the order and was sought after by all sorts of people for various reasons.

"Then go ahead." Wind nodded and said. "Aerin…give this man whatever he wants." Wind smirked looking at Aerin who frowned and bit her bottom lip before nodding.

"As you command, master." Aerin said.

Wind was now not treating Wu Shang badly. For one, Wu Shang had already paid plenty for what he did to Xiao. Two, Xiao was basically a slut now by her own will. No more vengeance was needed for her. Wu Shang had plenty potential himself and would be useful to Wind. He was still bound to serve him due to command from Xiao in the past but having observed things closely, Wind had an inkling that Wu Shang was showing signs of recovering from love drug. Though it was a unique drug which could enslave even Sage realm warriors but the nearer to Emperor realm one got, the clearer their minds would become. This explained to Wind why Wu Shang had little reaction to Xiao's shameless actions. In the past he used to fluster and grit his teeth but now he seemed more composed. Wind had no reason to beat the old scoundrel. Instead, he decided to reel him in, just in case he ever got free from love drug's influence.

"Hey what about Hei?" Saiyu asked the formation spirit.

"Uhh…" Hyun Jung blushed before mumbling something and with a flash of light, old knight Hei was teleported in front of everyone. He was naked and unconscious but his penis was erect and standing straight!

"…You horny old slut!" Saiyu gasped and exclaimed with a smile towards Hyun Jung. Everyone chuckled. Apparently, Hyun Jung had been using Hei for sex while everyone else was going through tests. Hyun Jung flustered but didn't retaliate.

"You're very…human." Wind suddenly said gazing deeply at the old woman. "Living in this secluded strategy deep under the ground for thousands of years. It must have been very lonely for you."

Hyun Jung nodded slightly.

"Well, that saves you from the demons." Wind declared, feeling kind for a change. Hyun Jung had been punished enough already anyway. "Choose any man you want to dual cultivate with and serve him well." He commanded.

Wind then glanced at Deodomus and Xiao. They were still in heat but something felt off. Xiao looked sad and Deodomus had a crazed expression.

"Mother, who's that lucky man?" Wind asked. Xiao glanced at him from the corner of her eyes and gritted her teeth.

"Have you forgotten your father already?" Xiao asked coldly.


Everyone was shocked at once.

Wind's father- ex ruler of Carny- Deodomus!

"Well, I'll be damned." Wind muttered as he felt complicated. To think that Deodomus was alive all this time! Too bad he lost his mind in this strategy.

"I see…" Plant King suddenly uttered. "You've been providing him your water element traits through dual cultivation all this time. Water element can help dilute any drug and toxins in the body. It may be one of the most suitable healing methods."

Xiao didn't deny him. This was indeed the reason she had continued to dual cultivate with Deodomus. She wasn't being a horny whore. Instead, she was trying to heal her husband.

"That man is beyond cure." Hyung Jung said at this point. "He ate a forbidden plant root to gain superhuman strength but the cost of it was his intelligence. Sigh. That man cannot be healed by anything but an Emperor realm ginseng."

"…" Xiao felt heartbroken but didn't reveal it.

"Emperor realm ginseng. That is a very rare medicine." Plant King said.

"Wu Shang, do you have it?" Xiao called out.

"Urk." Wu Shang grunted and crouched over Aerin's head. While everyone was conversing, Wu Shang had moved towards Aerin and took out his penis and Aerin had been sucking on it silently. She was very good at giving blowjobs, having practiced on Wind's penis numerous times by now. Wu Shang ejaculated inside Aerin's mouth and trembled slightly before exhaling deeply and then looked at Xiao who was still grinding on Deodomus' penis.

"I don't have the emperor realm ginseng." Wu Shang said. "If it was something that could be concocted, I would do it, but it's a natural herb. It barely appears once in a hundred years in some fabled mountains. It's almost impossible to find it."

Xiao's heart sank.

"I know where we can find it." Wind suddenly said and everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Where?!" Xiao asked as she got off Deodomus's lap.

"…" Wind hesitated.

"Tell me where the ginseng is!" Xiao shouted as she walked up to him. She was exhausted and anxious. She finally met her husband again but he wasn't sane any longer. Her efforts failed to heal him too. She could go on screwing with him but it'd still be fruitless. Thus she gave up but not on the hope Wind had just shown her.

"Empyrean treasury of Ji Empire." Wind said.

There was a momentary silence.

"How do you know that?" Plant King asked. The contents of an empire's treasury would be strictly kept secret among a chosen few officers entirely loyal to the empire. A young master of a faraway state like Carny, shouldn't have any knowledge about something that's in the treasury of Ji Empire.

"Is it true?" Xiao asked. She didn't care about how Wind knew of it. She wanted to know if it was true.

"Yes." Wind said calmly.

Xiao sighed. She finally had some hope. "Then I'll go get it." She declared.

"I'll help." Plant King said even though he thought this was reckless and crazy. He wouldn't let Xiao get into trouble alone.

Xiao looked at him and blinked. "This man…" Xiao thought. This man had risked his life for her several times. He was now a rogue, wandering aimlessly under threat for his life for her. And now he promptly offered to help her out even though the dangers of infiltrating an empire's treasury are extreme.

"But Ji Empire is as bad as the rumors say. Emperor Jiao is cruel and evil. Stealing from his treasury is absolutely crazy." Wu Shang said.

"I've got an army of goblins and orks. I can manage the dangers." Xiao revealed.

"Well, I also have a demon army. And with us all together, we can pull off this heist but I don't think we can fight an Emperor realm cultivator." Wu Shang said.

"Do you know where exactly the empyrean treasury is?" Wind asked.

"Wouldn't it be in the palace?" Xiao asked back.

"It's not there. It's kept elsewhere." Wind revealed

"…!!?" At once everyone was shocked again.

"You…how do you know so many details about Ji empire?" Xiao asked.

If Wind were to reply honestly, no one would believe him that he was prince Lu in his past life. Ji empire, formerly Mizu empire's treasury was his second most favorite place after his harem.

"I met a few rebels who once worked for the former emperor Mizu. They told me about it." Wind lied.

"The information regarding the treasury however, is insufficient. There can be numerous traps. Also, Wu Shang is correct. We cannot fight an Emperor realm cultivator just yet. We are not powerful enough." Wind said.

"There's no need to hurry for the cure though." Wind added. "Father isn't in mortal danger. Let's all just cultivate for now and get more powerful. Then we can raid the Ji empyrean treasury together and grab the medicine for him."

"…" Xiao fell silent for a while. This was indeed a logical solution.

"Then, lets' do so." Xiao agreed. Then she glanced at Aerin who was still stuffing her face in Wu Shang's crotch, licking his manhood clean.

"Turns out, it was you Aerin, whom I was seeking in order to learn ork language." Xiao said to Aerin, gaining her attention. "Teach me how to read the ork language script. I need it to study and learn a certain technique."

Aerin blinked before smiling. "Sure."

Meanwhile Saiyu walked over to Hyun Jung.

"Hey, old slut." Saiyu said.

"Humph! Have some respect for your elder!" Hyun Jung scowled. "This body of mine once belonged to your ancestor."

"Yeah, she died long ago, and you're not her." Saiyu retorted. "Teach me the illusion technique you used on me and others."

"Humph, I'll teach it to you alright. It was the technique of your ancestor anyway and needs to be passed on to you." Hyun Jung said.

In this manner, everyone conversed and decided upon several things. They were all going to learn, practice, cultivate and get stronger for an indefinite period of time. They were all rather somber. All except Wind. He was smiling inwardly.

"Everything has fallen into place at last." Wind thought and glanced at everyone. This was one powerful force of elite warriors. Wind smirked slightly. "It's just the revolutionary army that's left. It seems I have to pay their leader a visit after this cultivation session. After gaining their aid, I'll be able to contend against Ji empire. Sigh, watch over me, father…" Wind thought & looked towards the illusory sky. "I will become stronger and use everyone & everything to gain power to avenge you! The revenge of this fallen prince will be remembered for eons!"
