
The Holder is here


"Ashton...come out with me and the rest return to your dorms." The teacher said and with a clap both of them disspaered form there.


"Ashton!" Three of them said as they stood form their seats.

"Where did they vanish too?" Alfred said as he sighed.


"Your Highnesses, Young Grace aren't you being a little too protective towards him. He is not a kid he is already 13, he knows what he should do and our teacher won't hurt him." A kid form the class said as he bowed towards them.


"Who are you?" Harris asked as he looked at theta kid form top to bottom.


"Whoever you are, you should know that Intrupting someone is not a bad habit futhermore we don't even know each other so, it would would better if you don't give us your free words." Alfred said as he took his books and left the room along with Harris and Alan.

