

In terms of wealth and manpower, Solar is weaker than other kingdoms but still, no one dares to raise even a finger towards Solar and the only reason behind this is because solar is blessed with divine powers,

which with powerful holders are capable of destroying anything that comes in their way and when said anything it even means a whole nation.

And it's already been proven by the previous Emperors who captured different small and big kingdoms which now are a part of Solar.

And this is why Solar has the title of empire and the other 3 kingdoms namely the Gelid/ Northern kingdom, Altan/Western kingdom and lastly the Vad / Southern kingdom, have signed a peace treaty with the Solar. And now they work alongside each other.

But everyone's power is different like some are the Elementalist which means having the element powers mainly divided into four groups Air, water, earth and fire.

The one's with this power are often made into knights.
