
Chapter 46

— * Whimper*, - the girl just started crying, clinging to me, as if she was just waiting for this moment.

- Cry,cry, - I continued to stroke her back and hair — - Let out everything that has accumulated in you during this time.

As a result, we stood like this for about twenty minutes. No, she stopped crying after about ten minutes, but she began to calm down only now. I didn't get into her thoughts anymore, because there is a mess going on there now, because Raven remembers everything that happened to her during this time. But I managed to understand the main thing, the girl was on the street about a month ago, and she managed to drink all sorts of shit for six months ahead.


It sounded from her stomach, which made her tense up and wanted to pull away from me already.

— Don't worry so much, — I sat down on one knee in front of her and smiled affectionately, — Let's go, — took her hand, — Today you're not going anywhere... until you're full. Moreover, little cute girls need to eat well to grow into beauties with a good figure.

Raven lowered her eyes and hesitated, but I understood her.

— Well, yes — - I sigh, - It's better to change your appearance to the familiar eye — people tend to ... not react too adequately to what is different from them.

"Mmm —" she nodded and tensed, focusing on the transformation.

I managed to witness this action. And I must say, it looked fascinating. The girl's skin began to turn white and seemed to swell, which made it seem that the red-haired woman's height was slightly increasing. She also changed her hair color along with her face, because there was a chance that she could be recognized by her old appearance. As I understood it, she took the form of some other girl she had once seen.

Thus, an hour later we were sitting at the table of one eatery, where there were at most three people, taking into account the waiter. Only Raven was already dressed in new and clean clothes that I bought, stopping by one of the shops on the way. Then I rented a hotel room for one day, where there was a bathroom. There my ward was able to wash properly, and also changed into new clothes. Only then did I think that the girl now has a digestible appearance and we went to satisfy her hunger.

— What aren't you eating? I wondered.

All the food we ordered was already brought to us, but for some reason the redhead didn't even touch it. I understand why, because I just recently ate.

— It was not customary in our family to eat until my father tried it first, " she said shyly.

- Then it's clear — - the notorious upbringing — - But that was then, and now you can eat as much as you want — your money, - I smile, since it really was her money, although stolen.

- Uh-huh... - she lowered her head, but I managed to see her timid smile.

Then Raven began to work more boldly with a spoon, eating with pleasure. She looked so cute at the same time that it was very difficult for me to restrain myself and not stroke her. But I restrained my impulse and only admired the happy face of the girl. I even had the idea of taking her with me.

And the more I thought about it, the more this idea seemed more realistic to me. I can't help all such children — I simply don't have enough hands and attention, but this young owner of a mutational gene is sitting right in front of me and nothing prevents me from helping her. And I liked her for her endurance — not everyone can endure what the red-haired woman went through.

- Mr. ... - the girl suddenly turned to me, - Can I ask a question?

"You can call me Uncle James, — I suggested," and yes, ask."

Uncle James, why are you helping me? Even my parents abandoned me because they thought I was a demon, and for others I'm also ugly ... " Raven sobbed at the end.

— Well, well, — I got up from my seat, since I was sitting opposite her and sat down next to her — - We both know that you are not a demon, but just a little different from the others, — I put my hand on her shoulder, gently pressing her to my side, because at such a moment she definitely needs support — - And everything is subjective with ugliness, - I say thoughtfully — - For me, for example, you look very cute and the blue color of your skin does not spoil it at all.

- Really? - she looked hopefully into my face, - Am I really beautiful?

- Heh, really, really, — I smiled kindly, - And now eat-soon we will go to my house.

— And? - the girl opened her mouth in shock.

— You don't want to?" - I'm asking.

"Umm..." Raven shook her head, " you're good, but why do you need someone like me? Only you will earn problems…

"Oh," I clutched at my own face — " how ... innocent you are.

At that moment, I realized that if she had caught the eye of someone with unclean intentions, she would not even have had time to realize that she would have been forced to perform illegal tasks. But I met Raven and now I'm definitely not letting her go anywhere.

— So, - I abruptly remove my hand from my face — - You will go with me and no objections are accepted! There's no way I'm leaving you here alone! — whether my paternal instincts kicked in, or something else, I didn't care. I wanted to take her with me, and I will take her with me.

-B — but... — I looked at her menacingly, - Thank you... - she squeezed out of herself, and her eyes began to fill with moisture again and Raven buried her muzzle in my side…

We spent the next few minutes hugging each other again, then the girl returned to eating. When she was full, she just leaned against my side and dozed off, which changed her appearance to her own. The owner of the establishment noticed this and wanted to kick us out, but my menacing look and the blades near his throat helped the man make the right decision.

Soon I was walking into the hotel where I had rented a room with Raven in my arms. After putting the sleeping girl in bed, I began to think about which way to get to America, because it will not work out the way I wanted, because this way is designed specifically for me, that is, for a monster that can move at great speed and has great endurance.

Hmm, we'll have to look for transport, although we can do even better — call a plane by contacting Stark. I think I will do so. I didn't do it right away, because I would have got there faster myself, since I would have had to wait for arrival for two days first, and then get back for the same amount of time. Instead, I would have been in Brooklyn in just those two days. Well, now I will have a traveling companion with me, so it will be faster by plane.

Having tuned in to my satellite again, I connected to the main computer. Sarah has probably already gathered everyone, so Howard should definitely be there. And if it is not there — they will give it to him.
