
Travels (4)

Midnight. There was a full moon above in the sky, shining bright. There were clouds above, but none came in the way of the moon, as if they were giving it third respect.

Below, in a narrow alley carpeted by grey bricks. Two figures could be seen. On was a tall middle aged man with a scar on his face. And the other was a short and delicate looking young woman. Her skin was a bit tanned.

Both of them were wearing black clothes. The ragged looking attires were anything other than something nobles would wear.

"Why are we here?" The young woman scowled as she scanned around, only to spot a cat flashing past the alleyway. Her rough voice belied her dainty looks.

"Silence, Ley." The middle aged warned. "We were ordered to be here. Hence, we are here." He looked at the girl beside him. "After all it's an order from 'the one above'."

The young woman, named Ley, remained silent. But her senses were still at their peaks nonetheless.

