
Chapter 36: Aspen, Part 2

"I managed to wake him enough to feed him," Gilles said more quietly. "Will he be all right?"

Stregoni nodded, fighting an urge to pull Gilles into his arms, painfully aware he'd only be rejected. "He'll be fine - unless of course you get yourself killed doing something stupid, as you are clearly intending. Get back in bed this instant, or I'll put you there!"

"Oh?" Gilles asked softly, looking entirely too smug and amused for a man who was obviously weak and tired and straining himself. "Do, please."

"Bastard," Stregoni hissed. "You will not undo all the work that was done to save your inconsiderate, ungrateful ass. Get. Back. In. Bed. I am the medical expert, and I say you are not fit to leave your bed. Get back in it!"

Gilles laughed. "No."

"Damn it, Gilles, that was not a request. It was an order."
