
Chapter 5 (Edited)

|Aikane POV|

In a four stories big building, IN its third floor, there we could see countless corpses, and some different creature's corpses, in the middle of those corpse, there were two figure.

One was a Handsome youth with silver and red haired mixed, and he had a iron rod on his hand, which was had red and green liquid dripping, probably blood. Then, the other figure it had two neck but one head, it looks like it's other head was chopped, it had three hand and a half cuted tail... I had many holes on it body. While, the handsome man was obviously me, the other was the previous two-head mutanted zombie.

"Hahaha! This is one of my best fight after coming here! COME let your daddy have more fun!." I shouted with pure bliss over my face, there was trace of blood and wound from my right shoulder and near chest area.

'How many centuries it have been since I was last injured.' I thought to myself looking at my bloody body. Although it didn't give me pride being injured from some lesser creatures, still there was no one to witness... so I enjoyed the fuel.

"Graaa!! Grollll!! ." cried out loud zombie getting on bending little it swiftly dashed near me in attempt of biting me, But I gave a lower cut on it jaw when it had opened mouth, and catching this two arm I gave it a judo throw, slamming it on the ground. After, that I just ripped it's other two hand.

"GRULll!!!." cried two headed, but before it could spew anymore nonsense, I griped it's only left head... squishing it's temple and bursting it's head.

"Hahah, Where was that roar you have me when you first came huh!!?." I exclaimed, looking at the headless zombie with one arm and using my kick on his stomach I send it flying from my side.

"*BOOM!!*, Pheww~ Finally over, wheww that was great fun." I shouted but a really disgusting smell came near my nostril."Yukk! I am bloody and smelly now, I guess I need to quickly go home to shower."I mumble and opened the classroom door. There were few corpses laying on the classroom and few broken desk's, I couldn't help but frown.

'Damn! I actually let some zombie escape form me!' I thought in a rather disappointed in myself tone. " Hey ladies, I think we should get going to faculty room. We don't have whole day hear, and Saeko nice job protecting them." I told and went toward Saeko, giving her a peek on lip then parting away, then I looked at other girls, who were gazing at me like they will eat any time soon.

"What are you looking at... do you also want a peek come here then... I will give you~." I told and went toward them but they all away lone taker running for loan sharks.

"Hahah, you don't need to run I was just joking come let's go to faculty." I told them and when I was about to go to doorway I heard a ear- piercing sound.

"Hey! You... aren't you that weird speaking guys that my father once brought on our home as guest... What are you doing here!?." shouted Saya.. This bitch really barks aloud.

"What do you mean by weird speaking, at that time I didn't knew how to talk peasant, You can't blame me for not knowing the way you peasant speaks, also can't you see I am wearing this school uniform."I told her giving her a look like when I see a monkey dancing in the zoo.

"Who are you Calling peasant! Have you looked at you... *flushed*Hmph!." Saya harumphed with a flushed expression.

"What were you saying something about my look, I know I look handsome right or were you talking about that moment." I told her with smirk.

"I admit you are just a b-bit handsome, Out that doesn't make you normal person, You are weird guy That's it!!.." On what basic?."... because I The Genius am telling you."Saya shamelessly exclaiming herself a genius.

"Yea Yea, So miss genius what plan do you ha... " OF COURSE!! going on faculty room discussing our next plan and taking the key from faculty then escaping this hell."... Yeah like I was telling us to go to purgatory."I told rolling my eye.

"Hey what's with you attit...HEY STOP IGNORING ME!!." She was screaming on top of her lung, where as I just signalled Saeko to get going. But I suddenly remembered another figure and turned toward him.

"Hey Fatty, What's your name... I saw it earlier that you have pretty good marksmanship, have you trained using gun's, if yes I don't think a military trained could be a fatty like you... so why don't you tell me how you learned to use gun " I asked the fatty infront of me, although I knew the answer what's Wrong with asking.

"O-oh Hh-Hello there Senpai, I am- named Kohta Hirano, whe-when I once went on vacation on America with my parents.. I learned about gun's by a American military contractor who's code name was Bluewater." said Kohta with baffled expression.

"Hmm, Sure you are useful then.. you can come with me, but remember the time you are useless to me, I will throw you away... so you better prove yourself, chibbi." I told to Kohta infront of me, with a glint of wickedness flashing on my eye.

"Aye! Aye! Senpai." Kohta shouted with a salute. Well for those who lack confidence, it is best-course of action... make them believe that if they were to be stopped being useful they will be abandoned, that will make them try there best to show there usefulness and gaining some confidence.

"*Nod* Ok lets get moving, don't wanna battle another zombies if possible... I am really stinky right now."I said while looking at my dress that was dyed Red and green by blood. While moving to our destination, I was thinking whom should I save now, that Takashi brat and Rei will be fine because of the so-called Plot Amor. Ummm~? Maybe I should go to those best friend, and figure of two girls flashed through my memory. Although they are not that useful, six holes are better than three... I giggled and rushed toward the stairway leaving my group who were in awe looking at my back.

When I reached there, I started heared two girlish voices.

"Everything will be okay! if the two of us make it out Misuzu." said Toshimi.

"Of course! We will be friend forever! Toshimi." exclaimed Misuzu.

"Cough*, Hello there girls.. do you mind if I can also join your friendship." I interrupted them with a faked cough, in the canon they could have died here but because of me killing every zombie nearby, the stairway was empty with only corpses.

"W-What Burakumin-san, what are you doing here." said Toshimi with a red face and flustered.

"Well, you could just call me Aikane... How about you beautiful girl's joining my group they will be here soon."I said with smile making both girl flushed red, I guess my fame really help's me on picking up girls, well expect that one girl... after sometime wen I was flirting with Toshimi and Misuzu.., Saeko,Shizuka,Saya, Kyoko, and Kohta came in.

"Mouu~ Aiku did you left us in so hurry to just hang up with other girls." Shizuka told while pouting.

"Hmph!, Boys are always the same, They are just beast lusting over women's body." said Saya flicking her hair with hand and twisting her face.

"Cheh, Atleast I don't lust for you, Big mouth." I told her, who just glared at me hatefully and turned toward Saeko with smirk and looking at her with pity.

"Saeko Senpai are you okay with it!? Isn't he your fiánce... aren't you unhappy with him flirting other girls, I think you should just break of with him."

"Huh? What's Wrong with a strong man having multiple wives, even my father had five wives... I don't have problem even if he had ten." said Saeko like it doesn't concern her, well atleast one of those shitty Busujima code is useful for me.

"See, That's my wifey~ So you better not infect my cute wifey with your bacterial thinking... otherwise not blame me riding your body using your two ponies as handle." I told looking at say body and licking my lip.

"Hmph! Pervert."

"Yeah! I am proud of being Pervert it is proof of me being a man."


"*Cough, shouldn't we get going to faculty?." interrupted Kyoko with a cough, making all of our nod in aggrement.

"Yeah , we can talk all we want after entering a safe place." told Misuzu and looked toward me, while I just gave her a smile making her flushed red.

"Yeah I think we should get going, we are getting slow down by some genius ass shit." I told scrasiticly and putting my hand on pocket and taking a cig and lighter form my pocket and firing cig.

"Hey!! You are underage you shouldn't smoke, it is hazardous for your both health and body and how did you being it on school!!" exclaimed both Shizuka and Kyoko together.

"*phwwww, hmm? why don't you come to me and night, I will show you how just how good my body is." I told winking at both of them, who then just shuted there mouth with slight disagreed and flushed faces.

As we were walking, and I was throwing smoke out of my mouth we encountered our progantist, Takashi Komuro and extra character Rei Miyamoto.

"Sup!! What's up Pretty boy~ are you guys on a date?." I told looking at Rei and Takashi.

"Wh-what are you doing here?!." said Takashi using his all might, for speaking straightly.

"Hmm? We are here the reason you are, aren't you also going to faculty room to take key for vehicle to escape... why don't you join our group?Our group need atleast need s monkey to entertain us" .I asked or more like ordered him. When he was a about to reject with rage, I just tapped his should, while using little strength.

"N-no we do.."*Tapping shoulder* So welcome to the group Takashi and Rei." I told while smiling and looked at Rei who just blushed a little and turned her head away on her own world.


|Inside Faculty Room|

I was sitting on a chair while Saeko was seating on my lap, I was stroking her jelly-like thigh, at the same time other girls were looking at Saeko with both jealous and confusion of why they were jealous. Meanwhile Kohta being a gun fanatic, he was checking his nail gun and moving his body left and right poistioning himself like some lesley, and Takashi was glaring at Rei who was looking me and couldn't help but make an angry expression but not daring to speak out.

"Hey, miss genius... how about telling us your genius plan on what to do. Being a genius you must have made a plan right." I told mockling then looking at Saya, who was startled being questioned out of nowhere.

"O-Of Course, I..I have made a plan... but first let's check out news on TV and she we can find anything then may help us." She told and took the remote and opened the TV, where Sakura was reporting the news.

"Umm~ that's also good."I told while my hand entering into her neither region, and exploring it. I just couldn't help but want to do it more looking at the expression she was making, that always calm girl was now blushing reading suppressing her moan and breathing heavily. After little playing I let go of her region, and licked the juice I had on my hand. Then, turning my attention on the news.

{... It due to large number of riot throughout the government has to rethink It's emergency Policy Bla Bla Bla}

"*turning off TV* I think the news report that was shown on TV was a fake."Said Saya while managing her glass.

"What do you mean by that is fake?"

"Didn't you see when the corpses were starting to moving they immediately put up a advertisement... and later they started broadcasting from studio, they didn't even show what happened there... which is obviously they are trying to hide so other don't panic especially those civilian who have still have not gone outside the house and stay on lockdown without panicking, and it is obvious the latter news of government making s rescue team is also lie."

"How do you know that government is telling lie, shouldn't they help civilian on this disaster." said Takashi in disbelieve, those this idiot really think government will help them just because they help politicians for there position.

"Well all I know is they were telling crystal lie there, especially when they started to broadcast form inside the studio and telling town is on strict lockdown...as for government not helping, *pointing toward me* you should ask that Mister smoker, His late-father used to be president of Japan afterall." damn this bitch, she is really trying to take revenge on me huh.

"What are you looking at me, My old man used to be president not me... And even if I were know about what government were thinking my should I care... I will just take care of myself and those who deemed worthy to be protected by me."I told in them, which made some girls cheeks turn red, whereas I notice someone giving me a disdain looks, well like expected it was Rei... after her experience with her father, she hates all poiliticians... But why do I have to care about it. I just ignored her disdainful gaze had turned toward Saya.

"So now you can continue, Miss Genius."

"Hmph!, You don't have to tell me that... as I was saying government will not send rescue team until all those higher ups are evacuated, so we have to take survive on ourselves until government later makes a safe zone for us civilian and knowing Aikane.. couldn't you manage us a place on that zone later." she asked for my help shamelessly even when she is mocking me upto now huh?

"Hmph! Who needs some Public safe zone, I can say with 100% sure that, my villa is the safest on the city.,"

"Oh then why don't you take us to you villa." asked Saya where is replied. "But we have to go through Takagi Estate to get on my location I guess we will be meeting your parents Saya chan~." I felt happy inside when I saw her both frowing and blushing at the same time.

"Don't you dare talk about that!! " She told with her both ponies stood up from rage.

"Hahah, I am sure when Yuriko will see me she will be happy."I told Saya who was now raging like a volcano ready to be erupted at any moment but I could she sadness there.

"Anyway we can talk that later, now why don't you tell what should we do." I told to calm her down.

" Yeah, I think every one want to check on there parents if they are alright?."

"I don't have to my father has gone overboard for Defence conference."Saeko

"My parents also have gone out of town so they aren't on the city."Misuzu

"My parents would be on there office, I would like to check on them later."Toshimi

"My father has gone out of valley, as for my mother she is a elementary school teacher, but I checked already with Rei she wasn't there."Takashi.

"I live alone my parents are on my hometown."Kyoko

"I Think we should act like a Team until we meet up to our parents and know how are they doing." said Saeko with everyone accepting, while Takashi and Rei were hesitating.

"Sure, We should act as a team now the question is who's parents should we try to find first, I don't have so I don't care about it."I told while Saeko replied.

"Why don't we go check for Saya parents first, and decide later" We all agreed, without even saya getting a chance to say anything.

"Yosh! Let's go... Shizuka did you find bus key." I asked shizuka who have me a nod while puffing her chest, making her god-gifted treasure to boink around, making Kohta passed out with nose bleed.. whereas Takashi seems to making resolve to face me next time I try to do anything to him.

"Let's get going we shouldn't waste anymore time." I told them and opened the door, after getting on the ground floor, We saw some zombie chasing after some students.

I without caring about anything dashed toward the zombie, Punching the forehead of zombie with my knuckle, I made it's forehead burst splatting blood to the nearby student, who just passed out seeing the way that zombie died. Before I could pick the fainted student, I saw a shadow coming from behind me, after turning around I saw a three long tongued zombie. ' Great another mutant' I thought throwing the fainted student like a rag doll, I dashed toward three tongued zombie. But to my disappointment it's body was weak so my one punch made his head burst open.

Then, with a disappointed face I turned toward the group of student.

"Hello there, Who is the leader of your group, friends." I told them with a friendly smile to give them some space for breathe.

"Hello there Prince or should I call you Burakumin-san, thank you for saving us, My name is Takuzo and she is Naomi... we were leading this group, when we got attacked by those zombie." the guy named Takuzo said while pointing at the girl behind him, after that other students also started to introduce themselves.

"H-Hey Aikan, Why don't we invite them to our bus??." when I turned to see who it was, it was obviously our Hero Takashi Komuro. Well whatever, they can give me some entertainment... seeing this weak human's fighting those undead with there all there might also gives me some entertainment.

"Sure, Why not... you towelman do you wanna come with us." I told to Takuzo with smile and checking my surrounding.

"O-of course, Thank you for inviting us with you Burakumin-san."

"Sure, in this type of time only a human can help other humans, so we should stick together." I told them and leaving them with them giving me look of admiration.

Later after entering bus." Now I guess it is tim-."

"Wait!! For Uss Please! Don't leave us hear!"

"Please Take us with you!."

Finally Shido group is here. It will be fun playing with them. I thought and told other's that I will be sleeping and went to bus covering my face with my jacket, I acted like sleeping.

I did it so I can, Enjoy little drama and manipulate Rei after this incident... because our hero will be sure to try and save Shido group, whereas Rei hate Shido and while the midst of there conflict, I will come as Rei Prince on Golden Armour.

(A/N: I edited this chapter because I was little dissatisfied with the chapter, one of the reason was Saya... Although she may be annoying, she is still a genius... so I edited this chapter Hope you like it. Damn 3200 words, Pretty long.)
