
Chapter 658: Librarian

Arlusia. Riley was sure of it, the fact that they were in this place was not an act of randomness. There could be several series of coincidences that brought them here, but this was not random, not at all.

A few years ago, Riley was fulfilling Aerith's wish—taking her away and just escaping everything. After he made a show of the genocide of Elder Skeem's people, Riley had been actively hunted down by every possible unit of men. He overtook almost everyone on the Outlaw list, ranking just below Diana and Pirate Queen Xra as the most wanted individual.

And so, he just decided to truly take Aerith away; away from everywhere else as he charted a course to the Unknown. They actually passed by Earth, but it only reflected their eyes for a few seconds before they once again traveled through the expanse of space without stopping—they even went into hyperdrive for very long periods of time, as Riley had brought all the energy cores he could fit inside the ship.
