
Chapter 492: A Mistake

"Akkamesh, my sun?"

It was supposed to be a day of celebration, the happiest moment of her life. But in just a single blink of an eye, the darkness that was supposed to be the one that was momentary became prevalent.


Xra tried to call out, but in front of her was nothing but darkness. She felt her feet damp, with each of her steps creating a ripple that she also could not see. She couldn't even see her own hands, she didn't even know whether her eyes were even open at all.

There was no sun, not even a glimmer of light. Like a cave without a mouth.


Xra once again whispered to herself; her words, just echoing back to her. She continued to walk, stretching her hands in front of her in hopes that Akkamesh would reach out to her… but there was nothing.

There was nothing there… but she didn't feel like she was alone.

"Akkamesh, where are you!?"
