
Chapter 312: Mega Sigh

"We should just break out, mother."

"For the last time, Riley. We do not want to cause any scene."

"We will not, mother. There is no causing trouble if there is no one to be troubled."


"We kill everyone. It's alright, we can do it."

Aerith and Riley were still inside the metal box. They have probably been there for days, only being provided food from the little hole that opens at different parts of the wall from time to time. It was a good thing neither of the two needed to defecate or anything like that due to their body's abilities... because it seems like these aliens– these people would not be providing them a bucket.

Right now, however, Aerith was starting to wonder if she likes Riley more when he was silent. He had been insisting he had lost his memory since the moment he woke up, but by the way he was talking… it didn't really seem like it.
