
First and Last

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Tian Zi silently dragged Fyre into his room and although he was confused, Fyre let himself be pulled until they entered it and was suddenly pushed against the door as soon as it closed. Tian Zi locked him between his arms while still not saying anything until all of a sudden, he buried his face against the Omega's neck. Meanwhile, Fyre also stayed silent feeling embarrassed after the whole situation sunk in. Now that he thought about it, he didn't really see Tian Zi and Maverick kissing but it looked like it from the angle he was looking from and in an instant, the memory from 4 years ago flashed in his mind and his heart simply broke at the possibility that because of the misunderstanding they had this morning, the Alpha would choose to cheat on him.

"You really think I'm the kind of person who would cheat on someone he loves?" Tian Zi asked, still feeling a little dejected. He heard Fyre finally admit that he loved—not just like—but loved him! However, he couldn't fully celebrate it because he was seen as a cheater. Still despite that, Fyre loved him enough to even try and trust him again even though he thought he was cheating on him. Tian Zi was overwhelmed but at the same time felt off.

"Zi... I..." Fyre stuttered, not knowing what to say. He wanted to quickly apologize but he was embarrassed at his own actions. It was him who made a mistake this time so he should apologize. He should've calmly inspected the situation before jumping to conclusions.

"Even if I was... please don't forgive me so easily... You can kick and punch me if you want. I mean, I wouldn't cheat on you but if I did—which I won't—but if I did—which again I won't—I don't like that you'd rather hurt yourself and put up with me than escape the situation." Tian Zi said, which woke up Fyre from his own thoughts and had his eyes widened in shock as he did not expect to hear such a remark from the Alpha.

"If one day I become such a bastard, then please be happy, okay? Even if it's not with me… though that won't ever happen," Tian Zi assured, this time finally pulling away to see Fyre blushing at the words that had been said. For some reason, even though no one knew what would happen in the future, he felt assured that the Alpha really won't hurt him.

"Okay," Fyre smiled sweetly. He couldn't help it, he felt so touched to the point that he felt like he was about to cry again... and he did! Tian Zi couldn't help but chuckle as he wiped the tears away. His chest felt so heavy with the emotions he felt for Fyre. Although he could assure that he was not a bastard who would cheat on his partner. But if one day he became one, he wanted Fyre to never forgive him.

"Fyre, I love you. Like I said before, I don't know when it started but I have liked you for a long time now. I didn't realize that until just recently. You're the first person that made me feel this way and I genuinely hope you're also the last," Tian Zi conveyed as he leaned forward, their foreheads touching and their lips a few inches apart. Marriage isn't in his plans right now but he honestly wouldn't mind if it's Fyre. He wanted to say it because even if by any chance they don't end up together, he never planned to love someone else again. He wanted Fyre to be his first and last.

"Hmm. I-I love you too... I-I've loved you since a long time ago too," Fyre expressed shyly at the confession, his soft palms touching the area where Tian Zi was hurt from earlier as he brushed it lightly. Of course, he also felt the same. He initially wasn't planning to be in a relationship but if one day they realize that they are not for each other, he wouldn't want to start again with someone else. He had decided that he would surrender his heart to Tian Zi and only Tian Zi.

After the misunderstanding they had earlier this morning and having Paul suddenly confess to him, he promised he would finally convey his feelings towards the Alpha and clear up everything. Of course, he would be lying if he said he wasn't afraid but now that he has said it, he doesn't regret anything and he never felt so happy to have his true feelings finally out on the surface. He had finally surrendered his heart and it may break but he decided to trust the Alpha to keep it safe.

Meanwhile, hearing the confession, Tian Zi felt overwhelmingly overjoyed. In truth, he wanted to scream but he held himself. All this time he thought Fyre was forcing himself to be with him but after what he had witnessed earlier, he no longer felt insecure about himself. It's funny how such simple words could make someone be the happiest as if the anguish and frustration he had earlier never existed. Now, his mind was clear and assured that he was not the only one loving the other.

"You're so freaking cute," Tian Zi suddenly gasped before lifting Fyre into his arms. Fyre was surprised at the sudden action as well as embarrassed at the comment but he too found Tian Zi cute despite having a busted lip so he couldn't retaliate. If anything, the Alpha looked hotter now that the bruise on his cheek became a little darker.

Their foreheads were still against each other, they eventually started kissing as they slowly walked towards the bed. Fyre gasped, the kiss was soft and loving just like how the both of them liked. Tian Zi had always been a good kisser so he couldn't help but moan after giving up his tongue and following the sweet rhythm. This made Tian Zi unable to hold himself as his lower half began to grow against Fyre's thighs. Since the Alpha was wearing thin pants, Fyre could feel the warmth that immediately made him blush, pulling away from the lovely kiss.

"W-We should treat your wounds first," Fyre suggested blushing when Tian Zi was already laying him into the bed, climbing on top of him and nibbling on his neck after. It has been a week since they had the chance to really do it again but he suddenly couldn't help getting nervous so when his eyes caught the Alpha's lips very slightly bleeding, he couldn't help but make it as an excuse, feeling embarrassed.

"It's fine now that you've kissed it. Instead, I want to do something else," Tian Zi whispered against Fyre's ear before extending his tongue to lick the lobes. Fyre was so surprised that he had to cover it in shock.

"W-what are you doing!? I-I've been outside all this time... i-it's dirty," Fyre stuttered as his whole face became red which Tian Zi quickly found adorable. For him, there was no such thing as dirty when it's Fyre. In fact, the Omega smelled good. The scent was very faint but he could smell the sea and flowers mixed with very light pheromones.

"Well, you do taste a little bit salty today," Tian Zi admitted but he honestly didn't mind. Unfortunately, Fyre minded so when he heard the Alpha comment about him tasting salty, as if his head exploded, he immediately kicked Tian Zi out of the bed and quickly jumped off, shocking the Alpha. Since Fyre was tiny compared to him, he was surprised that he was kicked out of the bed just like that.

"I-I'm going to take a-a shower!" Fyre firmly declared and hastily went straight off to the bathroom, slamming the door close. Tian Zi blinked his eyes watching the Omega disappear but he eventually chuckled witnessing the cute reaction. He was a little bit regretful but it was not that he lost his chance. He's just feeling a little bit frustrated because he's already half hard, his sack getting heavier at his arousal.

"Well, shower sex is good too," Tian Zi mumbled to himself and followed Fyre. They've done it in a shower before at the hospital although he was too deep in his rut to remember all of it. But he knew it was good and the clean-up was quick.

Twisting the doorknob and finding out that it was open, Tian Zi smiled as he stepped inside. He thought Fyre would lock the door but instead, it was not. He didn't wait for a second and proceeded to strip his clothes leaving nothing before he stepped into the shower room and hugged Fyre from the back, kissing his nape.

"I wouldn't have minded how you tasted though," Tian Zi whispered, before suckling on the skin hard enough to leave a mark. Fyre moaned at the action as the Alpha continued to make another one.

"I mind!" Fyre whined in frustration, feeling another love bite was made and this time at the back of his ear where it was impossible to hide. Still, he loved it though, he was embarrassed but he liked it when Tian Zi did it because it felt so intimate.

"A-And about that, I probably tasted salty because I went to the sea before I got here," Fyre informed, he could already feel the Alpha's rough hands exploring his body but when he heard about him going to the sea, Tian Zi halted.

"Oh? What were you doing there?" Tian Zi asked, a little curious knowing that the Omega was with Paul Hymlyn. He wondered what could they be doing at the sea together.

"You'll get mad if I tell you," Fyre mentioned, turning the faucet off. And turned around to look at Tian Zi's frowning face. Seeing that the Alpha looked like he was already jealous, Fyre sighed picking the body soap, lathering it on a cloth, and making it bubble. Watching this, even though he was anticipating the answer, Tian Zi snatched it from Fyre wanting to wash the Omega himself. This time it was Fyre's turn to watch Tian Zi as the Alpha silently and gently rubbed his skin with the soap-filled cloth.

"Try me. I'd never get mad at you though," Tian Zi said and Fyre smiled softly because the Alpha was right about that. Fyre took a deep breath and looked straight at Tian Zi's eyes.

"You were right about Paul…" Fyre started.

"He confessed to me earlier but I rejected him and told him that I already have you…" Fyre continued and for a brief second, Tian Zi halted the movement of his hand before starting again, not saying anything. Of course, he doesn't feel comfortable about that but the fact that Fyre rejected the Alpha was enough for him to feel assured. Additionally, he didn't want to say something like 'I told you so,' and offend Fyre again. The fact that Fyre rejected Paul then and there was enough for him. He and Fyre just made up, he didn't want another fight to break out. In the first place, Fyre was also right. Even though they are now lovers, he had no right to stop Fyre from meeting his friends. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship so he also decided to fully trust Fyre.

"I also told him that I won't be seeing him often from now on and that if I see him, you'll be with me."

"Although I feel infuriated thinking about that man and I would get jealous if you two meet but you are right about me not having the right to stop you from meeting your friends. I was being too controlling. That's why you got mad but I have decided to never do it again. I don't want us to fight like that anymore," Tian Zi conveyed, pulling Fyre into a hug.

"Well, I would honestly hate it if you try to take control over me but I also believe I have to get away from him, at least for the time being. Besides, I want to spend more time with you from now on and try to understand you better," Fyre expressed. There is no doubt that they love each other but it is also true that they have a lot of differences so they have to work on that to better understand each other.

"Hmm. I want that too... Then how about we start living with each other? Because you know, we'll know each other better that way. If we have a misunderstanding we can work on it together, yeah?" Tian Zi suggested, his eyes brightening at the idea.

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To be Continued…

I was so preoccupied lately that I had forgotten I should’ve posted a chapter yesterday. Anyway, I apologized for the delay and I hope you like this chapter. If you want more, you can always visit my P a t r e o n or buymeacoffee page and consider supporting me there.


P.S. I will not be able to post NSFW chapters on Youtube anymore for now so for those who plan to visit youtube, don't be confused if some chapters are missing. I recently received a strike for the chapter next to this so I hope you understand. If I continue to ignore the warning my account will be deleted.

lesson101creators' thoughts