

"Helly, just how again Daniel Anderson is giving this room exclusively for you to use?" Eleanor ponder while placing her bag on top of the bed in the presidential suite of Royal Continental Hotel.

"I asked him politely" she said scanning throughout the fully stocked refrigerator to find something to drink.

"Asked nicely? Really?" Eleanor being sceptical regarding her daughter "asking politely".

"Yes, i asked for a week, i didnt think he will gifted me this room, i think he genuinely felt guilty over the defamation incident by that Vaughn brat"

"Young lady!! He is not feeling guilty, he likes you..." Eleanor shaking her head in disbelief seeing how dense her daughter can be.

"Nah.. He doesnt like me, he just love his reputation!" she keeps scanning the surrounding making sure no one is lurking around, her senses heightened again as if she is still in the Cabal. She cant risk it regardless how she firmly believe no one can infiltrate this hotel.

"Can you sit down! You are making me dizzy" Eleanor grabbed hed shoulder to drag her to sit on the bed.

"Mom.. Do you trust me?" she still has not disclosed of her memory, since she realized Helena previously was rude and dismissive due to protect her mother.

"Yes i do, but you are not at peace since we left the hospital? And why would that Troy guy keep glancing at you through the mirror, its unfriendly look, makes me concerned. But Daniel wasnt a bad person, so perhaps it is just my old woman feeling." Eleanor waved her hands dismissing her thoughts.

Helena agreed with her mom internally, there is no warmness in Troy 's greetings, as if he was harboring hatred towards her. No matter how much she jokes, Troy only painted a faint smile snd nothing too excessive like how it was before. That can only means, her plan works much faster than she thought. Daniel is listening to her. Instead of coming gun blazing, he gifted her a room to get more information, its either he is looking for the group leader or he wanted a confirmation about it being the same person. He is under attacked himself.

She does not want it to end like the previous life, since this Daniel is careful, she too should be able to subtly making sure to paint herself as an innocent member so the least he can do is to only torture her and release her after to reunite with her mother. She cant die this time, her life is precious not until she neutralize the threat in their life. Game on!

"Mom.. No matter what happened, i need you to listen to me and have faith in me, do not let anyone else in the room including Daryl, especially Daryl!"


"Mom.. Please! I will explain it to you once its safe, please trust me!" holding Eleanor's hand her pleading soften.

"Fine, i love you and trust you!" not convinced, however she has no choice, her relationship was just getting better with Helena, and she doesnt want to risk it.

"Thank you mom, i love you the most"

She left Eleanor with unreadable expressions. A difficult sight to see, but its time to relocate her mom to safety and find a safehouse for her other plan. It needed to be done within 30days, she can only held this group for so long, and demand Daryl to meet them in order for her to go through with it. If memory serves her, this Helena was not dangerous at all, she was simply good at acting and getting what she wants. They will see her as harmless, men and their ego, always undermining woman every time.

She walked out of the room to see if she can make an arrangement with the two goons waiting for her at the cafe nearby. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Daniel trusted men around keeping tabs on her whereabouts.

'Good! I need them to know'

She walked out of the hotel greeted by a concierge on the door that would not be able to remove his gazed on her. Wearing her jeans and a shirt, she does not look like someone that was just discharged from the hospital the day before. She is full of rigor and energetic.

Not taking her car, she walked around the area to lead them to the place of the meeting. She needed them to see and report back to Daniel. Her plan always works, but Daniel is a wildcard that she can't predict.

Opening the glass door, she saw her two henchmen, fafher and son.

The father is Finley and son is Finley Jr.

"Boss... Why do you call us back"

The man following them took a seat directly behind them to listen to their conversation.

"I need you both to do something else for me, meet me here tomorrow" she pushed the key card to the elevator and the suite she stayed in. If Daniel is confirm watching her, then he will allowed the security to let them in. If they are stopped then she will intervene. She will wait for them tomorrow, behind the key card, she written her new burner phone number for them to contact her.

She needed to raise his attention in order to securely send her mother away, away from the group, from Elster and Francesca.

"Boss, what about a payment this time?"

The father is greedy, and she picked a good team to use. They will be useful.

"Double than usual, half will be given tomorrow, and the rest once completed"

"Great! We will see you tomorrow" they got up and left. She continued to sit for awhile drinking her coffee and be in Daniel good grace or she will not leaving the country ever.

This is not like her previous life, where every resources is at her disposal, if Daryl dare to admit that the group own few of the polices in their pockets, she knew there will be more. They might tasked her with an easy job because of her beauty, to seduce men, but who to tell they are way more dangerous than that.

Playing with a rim on her cup, she noticed the man presumebly from the other group was also following her, than thats good, she needed for these two men to notice each other and report back. Back then only Daryl babysistting her since he confirmed of her memory loss, but now she is a walking target and a walking liability.
