
And The Aftermath


Rain was pouring and hammering against the window of the cab and it didn't abate during the entire ride.

Even when we passed Central Park, the tsunami-like weather was still at its peak and some of the water had started forming small rivers slithering down the street, washing paper cups and plastic bags out of the asphalt. 

The city that has always been so glamorous and lively in my eyes was now grey and empty.

There were people of course, carrying colorful umbrellas, wearing neon windbreakers and laughing despite the bad weather but to me in that moment they were empty shells, following their routines, existing only to exist. And the brightness they were indulging in was merely an error in my brain. 

The tears running down my face blurred my vision further and soon I couldn't make out where we were heading. And I didn't care. 

The harsh lights of the nightlife kept drilling into my head but triggered no reaction on my end.
