
Chapter 24: "I don't want to be a second option."

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I can't feel my legs. My vision is blurry but I can see a light inside a white room. Aside from the heaviness of my legs, my arms hurt. W-Where am I? As my vision clears, I take notice of how I'm on a bed. "E-Eomma... Where..." I try to move my arms but instead they hurt from a tight chain locked on my wrists. I-I'm completely naked.

"I'm so fucked up but I don't give a shit." A man's voice haunts my vision from the other side of the room. With all the ache my body has, I move my head with reddened eyes, tears brimmed down my cheeks. "M-Min Woo hyung..." I choke out, pain jolting inside my abdomen and nausea climbing fast onto my throat.

"She's dead. Now I'll give you a choice. Defy me like she did and end up like her or be my pet." The monster walked closer to me, but I couldn't do anything. My heart was being shot with a gun and my nerves didn't let me feel anything other than numbness. "Choose." He smirked cockily, looking at my exposed body with a wicked look on his eyes.

I want to die. I-I'm... S-She's dead... I c-can't caress her head and hear her soft voice anymore...

"My pet it is. I'll make you into the most wonderful dominant. Now, the first lesson." His eyes were staring directly into my red ones. I didn't agree to his deal, I should die. I can't... No. Someone murder me, take me with my mom.

"Love and fucking are the same shit. Understand that?" Min Woo's dilated eyes stared right into my soul, I've been violated and robbed of my dignity as a man, as a human, he's stolen what innocence I had. "I'll fuck you again if you don't reply to me."

"Y-Yes hyung, love and fucking are the same."

"Good my pet."

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There was an excruciating silence in Taehyung's living room. The actor's ears felt like bleeding, his eyes stared into nothing completely feeling himself lost in a daze. The bewilderment felt during the morning and noon was gone and replaced with an undescribable feeling of betrayal. He sat on his couch cross-legged, holding Yeontan against his chest with reddened eyes that the puppy licked off his cheeks from time to time. Across from him, sat Hoseok hanging his head down with an unreadable expression aside from panic. They shared the same emotions of wanting to disappear of this earth until they could forget about all their pains.

"You're married?" Taehyung began. His voice low and broken, completely teared apart. Hoseok slowly nodded, misty eyes refusing to meet the actor's. "To Yoongi hyung..." He couldn't believe it. No matter how many times he said it or thought about it, his heart couldn't believe in the fact. "I-Is Beomgy-"

"No. He's not my son." Hoseok's knees curled on the chair he sat, he hugged them and began breathing heavily.

"I-I'm a fucking home wrecker. Is that why you're not together? Because of me?" Taehyung spat completely losing all confidence in himself, like his personality was stripped away from him completely. "No!" Hoseok felt himself already beside the actor, reaching out to calm him in hopes of calming himself too, but the look on the younger's eyes was breaking him apart even further.

"Don't touch me Hoseok. First explain... I-I'm..."

Hoseok's hand fell on his lap, he bit his inner lip and felt the overpowering urge to run away, but he didn't. "Y-Yoongi and I had been in a relationship until four years ago. We were married and we faced some problems... I lashed out on him a-and one day he went out after we fought badly." He explained feeling a strong punch on his heart of the recalling past memories. Through the explanation, Taehyung felt empty. The tears just stopped flowing and he stared into space without knowledge and just listened to the man he loved explain his past. He couldn't get the somber expression off, and frankly, he wanted nothing more than to turn back time.

"He returned the next day, completely different. Taehyung, h-he... cheated on me." Hoseok's hands fisted around the cushion, he recalled the exact moment Yoongi had arrived to their house the next day. By adding words together, only one was perfect to describe the director's physical state. "He looked fucked up." Our marriage was never the same after that day, a-and a few weeks later... after we started working things out, he found out."

"Beomgyu..." Taehyung said out loud, voice breaking but he couldn't stay mad at the little boy that brought him happiness. The little boy was completely innocent, an angel sent from heaven. "It seems... After I found out, I just couldn't stay. I never offered him to abort, but I just couldn't stand seeing him with a baby that wasn't ours because it would be a reminder. So I left him the divorce papers for him to sign and I left... I continued pursuing my modelling career and later on... I met you."

"Stop..." Taehyung whispered, but Hoseok continued, he couldn't stop. He couldn't lose Taehyung too, he was all he had left. "I... I was trying to get over Yoongi, and then we met. It all started as a friends with benefits approach, I needed a form of escapism. Believe me... I fell in love with you Taehyung. Heck, I love you so much... B-But I couldn't be yours completely." From the actor's loosened hold, Yeontan jumped off his lap and walked away leaving him to place his hands on the empty space of his lap.

"But you love him too." The actor said.

"I..." Hoseok couldn't find the right words to say without continuing to break the actor's heart again. "I don't want to be a home wrecker. Hoseok, Yoongi hyung has become my friend. Beomgyu is such a good boy, everyone loves him. And hyung... He's the director of the movie I'm casted in. He directs 'Just A Fling', I can't break connections with him. I'll just say this, whether you still love him or not, don't stay with me until you're completely sure of your feelings and settle everything. I love you, but I don't want to be a second option. I started to be okay with not labelling each other as boyfriends, but I can't anymore. So please... just go." Taehyung got up from the couch without glancing back at the model and cried again on his way to the bedroom not forgetting to lock the door.

"Why couldn't I meet you before him?" Hoseok mumbled before wiping his tears and cleaned up the mess Taehyung had made during his afternoon with the director's son.

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First of all, Jimin's cheeks were the most accurate representation of when Tamaki Suoh blushed a whole lot of red when Haruhi complimented him. Second of all, no matter how many times he's seen Jungkook topless and naked in all his glory, he'll never get used to it. Especially when now, being the little devil, he wrote a very special scene that was haunting him at the very moment. The writer stood in his outfit of the day, a white tee with a picture of G-Dragon (courtesy of Hot Topic), a red Balenciaga boxer and white fluffy house slippers. Beside him stood Jungkook wearing a black bathrobe and Christy the stylist. "Just a little more." She bit her rosy bottom lip concentrated on combing the raven haired's locks to the side being careful not to accidentally fall as she was standing on the tip of her toes.

"Thanks noona." Jungkook said after she exhaled a breath and proudly smiled. "You're welcome. Now, Jimin-ah, your lips need more lip balm." She turned around to the writer and knelt down to her bag in search for the black palette of lipstick while Jimin eyed the raven haired. "Oh do they?" He said, eyes focusing on her now figure slowly reaching out to place a soft brush with cherry flavored lip balm. "Lower your bottom lip a bit." She asked and the writer complied.

"Noona, your phone is vibrating." Jungkook interrupted while looking at the phone's flashlight flickering and the vibrations faintly heard. "Can you check who's calling me if it's not much to ask?" Too busy focusing on now moving a few strands of the dark brown bangs over Jimin's forehead, she simply asked for the small favor.

"It says Little Senpai?"

What the fuck?

"Where's Dae Hwan?! We need to start shooting this scene!" Min Yoongi's voice interrupted from afar, and by the voice everyone could notice how raspy and sore it sounded. Jimin waited until Jungkook gave Christy her phone and exhaled a breath when he saw the actor wink at him before leaving. "Do you mind if I answer this really quick? She knows better than to call me when I'm working." Christy slowly chuckled and when Jimin slowly nodded -still thinking about how Jungkook's scene could possibly result catastrophic for him- she answered the call a few feet away from him.

From the distance he was at, Jimin slowly walked up to where Yoongi was sitting on a chair watching a few monitors where Jungkook sat in a bed with green-yellow-black covers in a design. "Do you have the phone?" Yoongi shouted, moving his head to the left so Jungkook could see him from where he was. With a thumbs up, the actor accepted the phone from the staff and the cameraman prepared himself. "Whenever you're ready. First, we'll do one without shooting just so you can practice." The director said while Jimin bit his lips.

"Jimin, you did this on purpose didn't you?" Yoongi suddenly looked at him as he whispered.

"Ah~ Si Woon..." Jungkook's voice was a little higher than usual. He faked a moan, as he stared at the pre-recorded video that he needed to act with for the scene. In this particular scene, Dae Hwan was doing a FaceTime call with Si Woon, touching himself in front of the other male on the screen and the other was completely oblivious to the fact. On the bed, Jungkook laid back, head against a white stuffed pillow while his hand held the phone with Jimin's pre-recorded scene and his right hand under the bed sheets that covered his "exposed" body, well he was wearing a bathrobe, but still.

"I-It was a bad idea." Jimin mumbled, cheeks flaring up red at how Jungkook nailed the practice.

He wasn't expecting this to happen. While supposedly acting the real scene, the studio completely silent, eyes on him, the cameraman doing an excellent job in capturing his facial features and the phone with Jimin's face talking, Jungkook found himself almost popping a boner. "But then I realized something..." Jungkook said, his voice lowering and he almost panted. The small beads of fake sweat on his face and his eyes were seductive.

Jimin wanted to close his eyes and leave before he could feel his arousal beginning to awaken, even more because he was wearing boxers. Looking at Jungkook's acting was like looking at his boyfriend seducting him and it was damn impressive.

"Si Woon-ah, There's so much that... you don't k-know." Jungkook closed his eyes for a second and opened them again. He looked at the screen seeing Jimin's furrowed eyebrows and then the sequence of him biting his lip.

No one noticed, not even him, how his own right hand under the bed sheets had really began to palm himself. And when he felt his own arousal with a twitch releasing one drop of pre cum onto the bathrobe, his eyes widened and he couldn't stop himself. When his vision was only focused on the screen, Jimin biting his plump pink lips while smiling, he lost it; his acting broke down.

"Ah~ Jimin-ssi."

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