
Ch8, New Start (3)

After being freed from his mother's loving embrace of humiliation, she brought him to the kitchen to feed him.

After he told her that he was full, she cleaned him up and settled him in his play corner in the living room from where she could observe him while doing her chores.

Yes, toddler him could talk.

He may have to use simple sentences for the time being, since that's what his toddler self had done until now but he could slowly improve from there.

It was not even something remarkable, because even normal babies on Earth on average start saying words by their 12th month and string words together by their 18th month.

Babies on Terra being a little bit more advanced than that is not surprising.

Anyway, now that he was left alone again he could focus on the information available to him again.

' So, I went over a little bit of human history and now know that I have a treasure trove of knowledge from the previous human civilizations, that the current one may not have, that will help me with everything I want to do in the future.

Be that training Pokemon or something else.

I just have to make sure not to expose too much and do most stuff connected to the previous civilization in my pocket space.'

Mikail observed his baby body.

' I wonder if humans on Terra mature the same way the humans on my Earth did?

Let's see what knowledge I have on that.

I already know from the universe binder, that the natural life expectancy of standard humans on Terra is around 100-Terran years, which is equal to 300 Earth years.

It seems information on the development of the human body was included in the general knowledge I asked for.

First of all, 100 years is just the average natural life expectancy of humans and it can be prolonged.

Trainers and humans training themselves have a longer lifespan.

Their original lifespan is multiplied depending on their stage/strength.

I will be informed on the multipliers when I start bonding with my Pokemon or reach a certain strength by training myself.

Back to the maturing of the human body.

There are differences, big differences, compared to the maturing process back on Earth, that can probably be attributed to the energy everywhere on Terra.

To be truthful, the process reminds me more of the maturing of Saiyans from the fictional story back on Earth.

This is how the average human matures on Terra.

From birth till 1.5 years (54 months) old, the bodies of babies from Terra mature like babies from Earth do.

But they develop mentally to an equivalent of an earthen 2-3 years old.

From the age of 1.5 to 2 years, Terran babies start to rapidly grow to look like 4-5 years old children.

Their mental maturity grows to that age as well.'

Mikail feels dread while being extremely thankful for the fact that he decided to check the development of humans on Terra.

He could vividly imagine how his mother would have felt and reacted when he tried to mimic the behavior of a 2 years old child without knowing that children on Terra behave like 4-5 year-old children at that age.

She would have tried to act normal while being sad and fretting over the fact that her normal baby boy turned into a retard.

'Dodged a bullet there, moving on.

From the age of 2 to 7.5 years old, Terran children keep looking like 4-5 years old children, while they mentally grow to the equivalent of 12-13 years old kids.

That's a duration of 5.5 terran years which is equal to 16.5 years on earth.

From 7.5 to 8 years old, Terran children start to rapidly grow to look like 10-11 years old, while they mentally grow to the equivalent of 13-14 years old teens.

From the age of 8 to 13.5 years old, Terran children keep looking like 10-11 years old children, while they mentally grow to the equivalent of 20-21 years old young adults.

That's once more a duration of 5.5 Terran years which is equal to 16.5 years on earth.

This would at least show why Ash keeps looking the same.

If that even has to be logically explained.

From 13.5 to 14 years old, Terran children start to rapidly grow to look like 16-17 years olds, while they mentally grow to the equivalent of 21 years old people.

From the age of 14 to 17.5 years old, Terran children keep looking like 16-17 years old teenagers, while they mentally grow to the equivalent of 25-26 years old persons.

From 17.5 to 18 years old, Terran humans start to rapidly grow to look like they are 20-21 years old, while they mentally grow to the equivalent of a 27-28 years old adult.

From the age of 18 to 40 years old, Terran humans keep looking like 20-21 years old young adults, while they normally grow in mental maturity depending on their life experiences.

This also fits Ash's mother, who in the anime exactly like her son doesn't seem to age.

The development until here should be enough.

If I need to know more I can take a further look at a later time.'

Mikail exhales slowly while thinking about what he learned right now.

This action seems to alert his mother Arya who comes over and speaks to him.

"Are you ok honey?

Do you want something from mama?"

Mikail shakes his head in denial.

"Me ok mama."

Arya hugs him and gives him a smooch on the cheek, before answering.

" That's great.

Call mama if you need something, okay."

Mikail nods.


His mother goes back to her chores after being sure that everything is alright.

'I can use what I just learned as a guideline.

This way I will know which way to act to not stand out.

Had I not gone over it I would have most likely learned about it at a later time but my behavior would have been inconsistent with that of other children on Terra.

I would have looked so dumb.

I still have to check my status screen and my pocket dimension.

Let's check the status screen first.

It appears that there are 4 different versions to my status screen.

My status screen, one for my Pokemon, one for materials, and one for other humans or Pokemon. 

I am going to start with my status screen.

All sections can be folded and unfolded to reduce the screen size.

Included in the status screen are name, species, gender, age, family members, and money.

Money is followed by (current) Trainer class, which also shows (current) Badges and Achievements, as well as a (previous) Trainer class section with Badges and achievements earned during previous classes.

After Trainer class comes Affinities, Talents, Bonds, and Pokemon Roster.

Affinities are divided into elements/concepts, and Pokemon.

The Pokemon Roster shows the Pokemon you currently use as your team.

After the Pokemon Roster comes the Pokemon section where all Pokemon you own are listed.

This is followed by the Occupation section.

The Occupation section is divided into 3 parts.

General, Crafting and Battle Occupation.

Next is Physique, Mind, Soul, Condition, Masteries and lastly Techniques.'

Mikail went from a sitting to a lying position while stretching himself a little.

' That's a large number of sections.

It's good that sections can be folded or hidden until needed so that it is not needlessly clustered every time I want to check my status.

Now let's see what my Pokemon status screen looks like.

It has Name, Species, Gender, Age, Type, Potential, Genetic modifiers, Abilities, Talents, Affinities, Bonds, and Quirks.

Which is followed by the Parameters section.

The Parameters section begins with the Stage of the Pokemon.

Here the current Stage of the Pokemon is shown.

Not only that, but if one wants to, the previous stages can be checked here as well.

The Stage of the Pokemon is followed by its Vitality, Endurance, Strength, Agility, Energy Capacity, Energy Density, Resistance, and Condition.

All parameter values, except for the Stage, are ranked from I to SSS.

After the Parameter section comes Masteries and Techniques.

Mastery is divided into novice, beginner, proficient, advanced, mastered and transcended.

The folding and hiding will be useful here as well.

I will most likely just check the parameters, masteries, and techniques for improvements after the first time unless I want to check something else.

Next up is the status screen for materials.

This one contains Name, Type, Quality, Faults, and Uses.

The type shows the type of energy if there is one.

The quality of the material is divided into 3 Tiers/Levels.

Tier/Level 1 has the lowest/poor-, low- and mid-quality materials.

Tier/Level 2 has the high-, top- and peak-quality materials.

Tier/Level 3 has legendary- and mythical-quality materials.

Faults show the faults of goods, which is extremely useful.

Being able to see mistakes can help avoiding them.

Uses shows exactly that.

Finishing the group is the screen for wild Pokemon and humans.

This screen shows Name if it has one, Species, Gender, Type, Potential, Stage, Genetic variants, Abilities, Talents, and Affinities.

The higher the difference in strength, between me, my Pokemon and the one being observed, the less is shown on the status screen.

To show the status of materials, wild Pokemon or other humans, either me or my energy has to come in contact with them.'

Mikail had a satisfied look on his face.

He seemed to radiate happiness while lying on the floor.

' Now that I have gone over what the different status screens show, it is time to check my current status.

Here goes.

Name: Mikail Geo

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Age: ~1.5 years (55 months)

Trainer Class: None


     Elements/Concepts: Psionic/Psychic (supreme), Aura/Life (supreme),  

                        Ground/Earth (supreme), Dragon/Domination (supreme),   

                        Fairy/Positivity (supreme), Bug/Growth (supreme)...


     Pokemon: Psychic-types (supreme), Fighting-types (supreme), 

              Ground-types (supreme), Dragon-types (supreme), 

              Fairy-types (supreme), Bug-type (supreme)....


Talents: Comprehension (supreme), Elemental manipulation (supreme), 

         Survival (high), Strategic mind (high), Cooking (high), 

         Ballsmithing (high)....

Bonds: None

Pokemon Roster: None

Pokemon: None

Occupation: None

Physique: Tier 0 (Human toddler)

Mind: Tier 0 (Human Adult)

Soul: Tier 1 (Silver-Stage)

Condition: Healthy, Happy

Masteries: None

Techniques: None'

Mikail was showing an ecstatic face.

His whole being seemed to radiate happiness.

'I hit the jackpot.

The affinities and talent section seem to show the first six before I have to unfold them to see the rest but still.

Damn, my affinities are awesome.

I knew psionics and aura would be supreme but to think I got 6 supreme affinities to elements/concepts and their corresponding Pokemon type.

Simply fantastic.

Let's see what the other affinities are.

So everything else is mostly high and even the worst ones are medium, which are space and time by the way.

Nevertheless, I am still supremely happy.

I could dance right now.

You know what that is exactly what I am going to do.'

Mikail stood up, stretched his toddler body, and started his awesome dance performance.

Well, at least he tried to.

It looked like a baby mimicking a duck to everyone else.

His mother noticed Mikail "dancing" and instantly, silently, appeared at his play area with a camera in hand that miraculously appeared out of nowhere.

She took a video of his, totally not embarrassing, performance for the future and rushed up to embrace him as soon as he stopped dancing.

'What the...'

That was all Mikail could think before he was suddenly smothered in his mother's bosom.

She proceeded to squeeze him and rubbed their cheeks together.

" Aren't you the cutest?

You looked adorable trying to dance like that.

I am going to show your father the video as well, I am sure he will be happy to see it."

As soon as Mikail heard his mother, he felt mortified.

'She took a video of my dance.

Mew damn it.'

His mother let him down after she felt she had hugged him enough.

"Mommy is gonna finish her chores, and then we will play a little together before you have to take your nap."

Mikail felt relieved that she went back to her work.

He lied down again and concentrated on his pocket dimension.

'I should go over my pocket space before she finishes with her housework.

I can't enter it yet because it would be suspicious and plain stupid to suddenly disappear, but I can look at the situation inside.

Let's see.

The main space is about 400 square meters big.

250 of those are part of a garden area that is currently empty and on the other 150 square meters stand a 2 story house with the simplest furnishing.

Well, it's a little bigger than I thought it would be at the beginning but all I can think of at the moment is empty.

I know that it will grow bigger and livelier the stronger I and my Pokemon get but that's going to take a while.

At least I can use it as a storage space for now.

The subspaces are all empty as well, and since they are a tenth the size of the main space, they are each about 40 Square meters big.

Which adds an extra 200 Square meters storage space with for certain types of goods.

That's all for now.

I will come back to it when I have stuff to store or when I can enter it.

Now I can simply wait for my mother and do the things she wants me to.

After she leaves me alone, I can try to begin my first foray in psionic energy and aura.'

Mikail opened his eyes stood up and proceeded to focus on his children's toys while waiting for his mother to come to him.

Thank you for reading.

Those that want access to advance chapters can find them on my patre*on.

I will start a poll on my patre*on, where you can vote on what Pokemon Mikail will begin his experiments, I mean observations with.

This choice influences his father's job, the experiments and the first member of his Pokemon Roster.

Sketches and pictures of my MC, OC's, Pokemon variants, and maps will be uploaded sometimes as an extra for patrons.


Azrail93creators' thoughts