
Training the Spider's And the Serpent Society!

Norman was not happy with his spider's disappearing. I cannot blame him , but I can't let him keep them either. Gwen was already on internship under Kurt Connors and was telling about the workload. Guess the lizard might make an appearance before goblin. Peter has already gone on his first outing in pajamas.

I have been glaring at him all day. He noticed it and also realized why, so he keeps averting eyes. At lunch I was doing the same, while everyone else stayed silent. He hardened his resolve finally and looked me in the eye, telling me he had made his choice. We keep staring for a while, then I just sighed. Oracle messaged the four spiders to come to the training hall. When they went there, they found me with Jean, Wanda and Laura.

Jean and Wanda somehow found out about our talk and basically forced me around until I accepted to bring them as well. I also had to take them on a date as punishment. Though three are coming together, so is it really a date.... Wait, did Laura set this up?

After the came in,, Laura suddenly lunged at them, they barely avoided her with spider-sense. They were even more stunned when she took the claws out. She ran them around the whole area until they got tired. They only had some bruises, while Laura looked like she just had a warm-up.

"Why??", Miles grunted laying down with the other three. I waited them to recover a bit before saying, "Well, you can thank Peter for that. He got new power's so decided to fight crime in pajamas.". They looked at Peter in horror while he covered his face in embarrassment. MJ started yelling at him which he listened, but finally spoke up, "I have already made my mind MJ. The accident with Uncle Ben made me realize how many people could just die on streets because of people like them."

"Police exists for a reason Peter." Gwen argued.

"But where were they when he got attacked? Nowhere. If Enigma hadn't come on time, I might have lost him. I have powers to do something, to make a difference. 'With great power, comes great responsibility.' My uncle always say that. And I have decided to follow this so I will not back down." he announced.

Meanwhile the three girls were glaring at me as if telling me, "So it's your fault after all?". Jeez, gimme a break. "Is that your final decision?", Miles asked after the silence. "Yes", he replied without hesitation.

"Then you are not doing this alone", he announced seriously.

"Miles, you can't be serious, what will happen if your dad finds out. You know our dad's hate vigilantes.", Gwen replied scared by his decision.

"I know, but Pete's right. Why hide, when I could be out there making a difference. So I'm with him." They had a staring contest again, after which she backed down angrily and said,

"Fine, count me in too." Peter and Miles were surprised by her decision, when MJ sighed loudly and said. "I'll join too. Someone has to make sure you come back alive". Peter held her hand and the four just stared at each other with a smile filled with determination.

I coughed breaking the harmonious mood, making them stare at me, but a glare from Laura calmed them down. Peter realized and said, "Wait, are you guys metahumans? Is that why I always felt you were different because of spider-sense." He said making the other three realize while we nodded.

"That is why I bought you here, and made you fight Laura. You have just gained your powers, yet leapt in to beat some guys with guns. You may be able to dodge bullets, but you are NOT bulletproof. Plus, there are a lot of meta-humans out there with different powers, some even stronger than you. Laura adjusted her powers to your level, yet you got exhausted easily while she didn't break a sweat. And now you want to go superheroing? First you will be training here for the full summer break. Controlling your strength, fighting skills, learn how much metahuman power's can wary so you don't get caught off-guard, with many other things." I said with a sinister smile making them get a shiver down their spine. "Welcome to the Summer Spider training program ."

* One week later*

The summer break will start tomorrow, starting the four's training. I banned peter from going out as well. He argued but MJ shut him down. Right now I was on my way in my dodge challenger to pick up the three girls for the date. I reached the school to see Storm standing outside.

"Good Morning miss Ororo." I greeted her, which she smiled and replied back.

"Good morning Alex. Keep the three safe will you." She asked me.

"I would be more worried about those who would even dare to do something." I said at which she chuckled. I had noticed Logan glaring at me from the window, so I looked towards him and gave a serious nod. He was surprised by it, but just nodded back. We have talked a lot in these three years. He did confront me about me not telling my real name, which I had to explain. He realized why I told a lie, ever since then we were cool. Laura his her daughter, so no doubt he's worried.

The three finally came out, short-circuiting my brain. They noticed my expression and just smiled bringing me out from my daze. Jean had her hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a red top over blue jeans, displaying her curves. Wanda had a blue laced T-shirt over black jeans looking gorgeous as well. Laura had a black top over black jeans looking sharp as well as stunning.

They quickly got themselves seated, and we went on a drive. After some distance I noticed Logan following us and surprisingly, Raven. They had noticed each other as well but said nothing. Mystique had already investigated who I was when she noticed a lot of people snooping around school keeping an eye on me, so Magneto probably knows as well. And he's gonna learn of this date too.

We visited an amusement park first, enjoying all the rides me could. After that we went to The statue of Liberty as well as Captain America's museum. Museum may not sound like a good date spot, but most kids of my age were his fans, the girls included. After that we had lunch and went to watch a movie. It was romantic and action. They really loved action more than the romance.

We then had dinner then had a slow drive back to the X-mansion. I found Charles and Hank waiting for me and greeted them. I also gave Hank a box, which he looked at confusedly. I asked him to analyze the thing in it later in the lab. It was a bioelectric field generator, I made for Anna. I did leave a note inside telling what it is and it was for her.

After that I left them reluctantly and went back. Eliana teased me saying I had a stupid grin plastered on my face. I realized I was smiling all the way. I just teased her back for not having a boyfriend and ran out of there before she could throw something at me. Alfred just smiled when he saw her chasing me and went back to his work humming happily.

*Next month*

The spider's have only a few days left of training. Peter had prior training because of us whereas Gwen had due to her father. Each of them absorbed knowledge like sponge. Whether fighting or technical. I taught technical like hacking or disabling different kinds of bombs. I also told them about Shield. Though they realized I hated it, I told them if Fury ever finds out, then join them, but keep their identities and things about me and other three girls secret. They were confused why I asked them to join when I hated them, to which I had to explained how Fury would probably use their Identities against them, which they were angry and horrified at, and agreed in the end.

I did focus them on using their brains more than brawns, like taking care of lights before attacking an enclosed area, or dealing with those stronger by looking for their weakness in their powers, like water to short-circuit someone with electric powers(like Electro), with a few other things as well.

The varying powers of metahumans blew there minds, and they were learning fighting from me and Laura, whereas developing telepathic resistance from Jean and Wanda. I still kept my mouth shut when they asked about my abilities. They could actually grow stronger, the more they work out, so they themselves increased their training. Their parents did get a bit worried though, but they convinced them somehow.

Right now, I was out patrolling when Oracle notified me of a kidnapping report, which I started following. But I felt discomfort wash over me. It was the same feeling when to police laid a trap for me. Was this one as well? Only one way to find out. There was a hell-spawn out somewhere so I had to be cautious as well. I reached a considerable distance from the building and decided to use aura sense. They had the whole building rigged with explosives even when people were living in it. I discovered 4 people hiding on the roof with a bound-up lady nearby. Oracle told me there was a camera set-up towards the roof which was ready to go live on a webpage and had e-mails set-up with multiple TV stations as well. They really do anything to get coverage don't they. Oracle already noticed the signal frequencies of their radio and transmitter for the explosives. It looks like BOOM was plan-B.

I made sure to check all the bombs, to make sure I can transfer them to my shadow dimension, before they explode. Time to entertain some fools.

*3rd POV*

On the roof of a building lay a tied-up girl, hoping to be saved by someone. Suddenly a shadow landed on the roof startling her. She was scared but recognized the shadow, filling her with hope. it was Enigma. She was a big fan of his. His landing had activated the camera focused on roof, which started airing on multiple TV stations, getting attention instantaneously. They saw Enigma go towards the tied-up girl, when suddenly a big arm came from behind to punch him, but he easily side-stepped as if already expecting it. After that two guys jumped attacking him from each side, home he dodged moving back, and jumped back again doing a summersault to avoid the black spikes that came from the ground.

Enigma finally noticed who they were, but more so confused seeing the fourth guy with them and said "Why, if it isn't the no-balled snake, here to have revenge with your friends?". It was the Dragon guy, who he had beaten badly. Though he was more so confused how he got out since he had a life-long sentence.

"My name is DRAGON you imbecile. You have been a pain for far too long Enigma, and today you will die by the hands of the Serpent Society.", he declared, while the other's looked at him as if he was an idiot, but said nothing. Enigma recognized them as Cobra, who had enhanced flexibility of a snake, Anaconda, who had enhanced body and senses, and can stretch her limbs, and finally Black Mamba, who can channel Darkforce energy, but in a limited quantity. She also has to concentrate a lot. And lastly was the burned snake, but he seemed to have higher speed than before.

Enigma noticed this but didn't stop taunting, "OH! Looks like you finally realized you were a snake all along. Congratulations!". A recorder was hidden in a nearby vent recording everything, so people at home heard this and laughed as well. His teammates were snickering too.

"Arrgh, SHUT UP AND DIE", he yelled lunging forward followed by other's. Enigma easily dodged all their blows and threw smoke pellets with nauseous gases mixed as well, to slow their movement. The camera couldn't notice anything happening in the smoke, when suddenly cobra flew out with some faint sparks on him followed by Dragon. Anaconda rolled out of the smoke but was hit by Mamba who Enigma swung at her with his Grappler. Police were trying to find the location still so he had to make sure the girl is alright.

The smoke uncovered showing Enigma standing with his gauntlets and boots glowing with electricity which was sparkling around it. It was the first time they had even heard him use this. Cobra tried rushing at him, which he avoided and punched him right in the face. Cobra couldn't dodge because of the sluggishness and got a tazer-punch right in the face, knocking him out.

Dragon tried attacking from behind, only to receive a swift tazed back-kick to the head knocking him out. Enigma quickly side stepped a shadow spike again, then threw two Flashbang batarangs right at their faces stunning them. Black Mamba's concentration broke disabling her powers, and received a swift punch in the gut knocking her out. Anaconda was dizzy, both from sluggishness from the gas, as well as the flashbang, due to her enhanced senses.

Enigma attacked her pressure points with twice the power of a normal human, then tripped her while holding her face, smashing her head into the ground finally knocking them out. Police had finally found the location, as he could hear the sirens approaching. But first, he sent all explosives to the shadow dimension, cutting off the signal, then threw a batarang at the camera suddenly, breaking it and stopping the footage. Oracle destroyed the recorder. He then untied the girl who thanked him repeatedly while crying, he just kept patting her head till the police came. When they reached the top, they found the four kidnappers knocked out and tied up, while the kidnapped girl holding the piece of paper happily, as it was the first-ever signature Enigma has ever given.

*3rd POV end*

"The building didn't blow up. He knew about the explosives" the man with lifeless eyes said on the phone looking at the building surrounded by police, with three other people with the same outfit and life-less eyes.

"Hmm, Kingpin will not be happy about this, but we got important data on this Enigma. Fall back and report.". An female voice repeated on the other side cutting-off the call. The three men packed the stuff and left the building and drove away. They finally reached their base and went to report in to their head. The were all dressed like ninjas. This was the most important base Hand had in New York. They entered the room to see an old lady sitting in the sofa who said "Speak." She was Madam Gao, one of the five fingers of hand.

The man opened his mouth to speak, but all three suddenly fell lifeless on the ground. The hidden guards came out, but smoke started filling the room and each of them got knocked out. Madam Gao tried pressing the emergency button, but a table slammed into her which she dodged. The smoke cleared to show an cautious Madam Gao looking at the guy who caused this. "Enigma!"

"I didn't expect Hand to do something like this, so I had to hitch a ride to come greet you, and you have not disappointed me Madam Gao..., not yet" said Enigma sitting on the chair right now in middle of the room with fingers intertwined and one leg over the other, opposite to Madam Gao, and she was shocked by the revelation that she couldn't sense him even when he was sitting in front of her.

*Stay tuned for more...*
