
The girl

Waking up in what seemed to be a deep sleep, Zakai felt something peck at his face, causing him to slowly get up

it was a bird.

but it wasn't an ordinary one as Zakai sensed its mana

"Holy shit.." Zakai said. this birb had the mana of at least the 2x the mana of him

"That girl will be overpowered." The dryad muttered, "You need to place restrictions on her, or she will be captured by an enemy and exploited."

Zakai nodded, before noticing his mana was full

"How long was I out?"

"2 minutes."


the bird pecked as his face, causing Zakai to sigh

"Im not your master." Zakai muttered, before saying "The spirit is bound to her blood right?"

"Yeah, you cant steal it." Dryad said, "Besides, having more than one spirit is how you internally explode."

Zakai nodded, looking at the bird that was pecking his face

the bird was large , with a large blue figure , and a yellow outline that ran across its wings. its eyes were crystal emerald , along with most of its body. it had a large wingspan , being able to stretch out its wings across the large and spacious cave. its feet were yellow , but the most striking thing about it was the ghostly manner of how the colours of the body moved. the vitality almost seemed like it moved around it. it almost seemed , like it wasn't psyhical at all.

"Thank god that spirit doesn't have any offensive capability." The dryad muttered before saying "How bizarre. didn't expect that."


"My little light show had cause a swarm of faith..." The dryad muttered , before shrugging

"What does that mean?"

"A spirit gets stronger with its age , yes , but us dryads stay the same. after all , we are fake spirits. we come from belief and "Hope." The dryad muttered "The more we are respected , the more power we gain. the elfes respected me as a tree , which allowed me to grow stronger."

"So basically , the "Power of friendship will overrule all! is true?"


"Huh , makes sense." Zakai thought , before leaving the cave and spreading his wings , flying to the hidden castle

opening and locking it , Zakai flew to the little girl , who seemed to be waiting for him

"Big brother!" She shouted , running in with a hug

"I dont even know her." Zakai thought , before asking her "is there any rooms with any paper near you?"

The little girl came and give him some Documents , which had childish drawings and graffiti on it.

"[Transmuation magic : restore]" Zakai muttered , causing the the graffiti to be removed


It was a success. a daughter for the lord, who's wife craved for the child. but the lord didn't want a ordinary child , but a one that could rule the race of dwarfs after his death. he named the child

"Subject #0129328"

the child will be taught by her "Mother", a woman from the village that is paid well to take care of Subject #0129328. she was made out of a stillborn embryo, that was brung back to life with the power of Laplace, Alchemy and the power of a Magic stone Subject #0129328 parents were silenced, making sure nobody knew about her. she is to be contained in a cell and guarded at all time's, and her "mother" is the only one who shall have contact with her. in fear her losing control over her power and not being able to provide nutrients to the magic circle , a mana syphon that connects her to the magic circle has been established , her large mana pool provided by the magic stone implanted by Laplace gives her enough mana to charge the magic circle that keeps the island running 10x. after the death of terra , she is expected to make her appearance. however , terra wants the body for himself to live on and breach the rule of life , so she shall be nothing more than a host.


Zakai gave a sigh. what a tragic past.

Freya seemed to be her fake mother.

but first, he addressed a problem

"If she dies, the island falls huh. but I need that gem" Zakai thought , before stopping "You knew, didn't you?"


"You wanted me to kill her and collect the gem," Zakai said


"What would happen to the villages below?"


"You disgust me." Zakai spat on the floor, before looking at the young girl with a kind smile on his face

"Big brother is going to put you to sleep"

"NO! Mother said that the villagers above merely on me!" the girl shouted

"What's your name?" Zakai asked

"# subject 0129328" She replied with a sweet smile

giving a sigh, Zakai created some sleeping poison with creation magic and made the girl unconscious

"[Transmutation magic]" Zakai muttered, trying to disattach the gem from her forehead

Seeing the girl dying , the Dryad was screaming

"What are you doing!"

Zakai quickly grabbed the gem and placed in the girls head , muttering "[Transmatation magic]"

Her rapidly declining Vitality was replaced with anew as the young girl's body was enveloped in Greenlight

Waking up on the floor, she saw a bird that was lightly tapping on her face

"What..." She muttered, before lightly stroking the bird's feather "Are you the pet mother promised to give me?"

the bird gave an affectionate squeak as the girl quickly looked around her room, expecting her mother, only to see a man

"Your awake," Zakai said, before muttering "Your mother is dead..."

The girl looked at me "What's dead?"

"Your mother has gone to a better place."

"Can I go there too?"

"One day." Zakai smiled, before watching as the island started to absorb the girl's mana once more

The girl was stroking the bird, before looking at me

"Big brother, what does the sun look like?"

Zakai laughed

"It's yellow, warm, but burns your eyes if you stare at it for too long."

"What about the stars? mother told me she used to watch the stars with my daddy."

"Yeah, the night sky is nice too." Zakai muttered, before saying "You'll be able to go out of the island soon, but not now. "


"Cheer up! you can watch the sun and nighttime from here!" Zakai said, before opening the door and saying "Follow me"

Not wanting to show the ruined buildings of her people, Zakai muttered

"[Compound magic: The Spirits Residance]" Zakai muttered, slamming his hands together and hitting the floor

(Blessed gem magic + chronokinesis magic)

All of his mana was gone as large trees erupted from above him, as lakes filled with mana infused water and tree's infused with mana erupted. the ground was filled with rich minerals, which gave life to the trees above

the trees consumed the buildings, leading them to become a relic of the past.

Seeing Zakai fall, the girl shouted

"Big brother, are you okay?"

The phoenix-like bird suddenly started singing, causing Zakai to feel great comfort as his mana pool was replenished

"Im fine." Zakai thought, feeling his mana regenerate quickly.

he couldn't take her off the island, in fear of it falling, as even the permation magic wouldn't work if she doesn't supply mana to that

"Hey, Dryad." Zakai thought


"What if we to make this a paradise, to races that fear that they will be killed by humans."

"Sounds great, but eleysia is way easier to find than a floating island in the sky."

"One of the diaries mention that the demon came from the south huh," Zakai said to the dryad

"Don't even try."

Zakai gave a shrug, watching as the little girl looked around the grand forest infused with mana with glee

"Wow, it's so nice up here!" She said running across the lake with her arms wide open, almost like she was flying in the air

"Yeah," Zakai said, before looking at the younger girl

"Big brother is going to look for some friends for you to be friends with okay?" Zakai said to the girl, who nodded

"Mother said that younger girls like me should have friends."

Zakai nodded before opening a portal

"Welp, see ya later."
