
the dungeon

sorry if this chapter was a bit rushed, i had to do half of it before getting grounded and half now


After teleporting back to the capital in less than 2 hours, Zakai froze the head of Heath

why do this?

It's to give him to a person who knows retrieval magic, and somebody forcefully peers into people's heads and retrieves fragments of their memories, even if they are dead. although Zalak wasn't an expert in this kinda shit, but he was quite knowledgeable

Heath seemed to have a huge bounty, so it wouldn't be harsh to not get punishment for running away from the boar hunting mission

But first, he needed to report to Fuegeleon on the matter

clenching the magic stone in his hand, he sighed

"What should I do with it?"

keep it? give it away? if he was to give it away the wizard king would be the best option but he probably doesn't know what it is very well

sighing, he walked into the office of Fugeleon with the frozen head

"Come in." The deep voice of Fuegeleon resounded in the room as Zalak walked into a neat and tidy office

Fugeleon's eyes locked onto the head and then looked towards me and sighed

"Heath grice, a wanted criminal for genocidal behaviour in countless villages." Fuegeleon said "You have a lot of explaining to do"

leaving out that he predicted that Heath will come and that he tortured him, he told Fuegeleon everything

"I see." Fuegeleon said, "Were they looking for anything?"

Zakai hesitated for a while but sighed

"Im too weak to protect it." Zakai thought to himself, justifying it

handing over the stone to Fuegeleon, he nodded and looked at the stone

"Sir, I think it's best to hand it over to the wizard king," Zakai said nonchalantly

Fuegeleon stared at me "Oh? why do you think that?"

"Well, they nearly killed a village for this stone so it's safe to assume they will do anything to retrieve the stone." Zakai said, "I think it will stay good in the hands of the Wizard king."

Fuegeleon put his pride away and sighed "Indeed, that man is many times better than me"

looking towards the head on the table, Fugeleon rang a bell and got a servant to collect it and send it off to the person required to get his memories

"You are to go back to your quarters." Fuegeleon said "Your previous mission has been overruled, so no punishment for you. the bounty of heath grice will be sent to your quarters."

Zakai nodded before leaving the office and sighing

"I hate things like those." Having lunch at the table, Zakai chose to do nothing for the next 3 days, until he was called into Fuegeleon's office alongside veronica

both looked at eachover with a confused expression before opening the door to see a Brown-haired man with a smile seeing Veronica


the man gave a smile, before putting his thumbs up and giving a hearty smile towards veronica

once a womanizer, all ways a womanizer

sighing, Zakai looked towards Fuegeleon

"A new mission? that was fast."

"An important one." He responded, his eyes scanning both of us "The wizard king has selected you to do this task."

Veronica and Zakai looked at eachover before both furrowed their brow

"A new dungeon has been found on the border of the Diamond kindgom and the clover kindgom." Fuegeleon said, "You must know what a dungeon is right?"

"Large places of condensed mana left by the old geezers that lived around 1000 years ago?" Veronica said, causing fugeleon to scold

"Have more respect for the ancestors."

Zakai laughed but kept it restrained

"There have been reports of Diamond kindgom mobilizing 2 squads of troops into the dungeon to secure the relics," fugeleon said "The mission is to go in and get to the treasure before them"

"What should we do if we come into contact with the diamond kindgom?"

"War needs to be avoided but if they attack first kill them," Fugeleon said without a trace of pity

"Anybody else going?" Zalak asked, causing Fuegeleon to nod

"2 new members of the golden dawn squad along as a superior, then 3 black bull members and then you."

"Overkill" Veronica scoffed, before looking at him "Why is he here?"

"You've been sent to the location with the help of Mr.roulacase" Fugeleon said, before looking at finral "If you would please."

"Okie!" Finral put his hands on his head and did a thumbs up, before summoning a large portal

walking through it , Zakai found himself in a meadow, filled with Fresh grass

suddenly. Veronica jumped down onto the grass and started to wiggle her hands on the grass, sighing

"Reminds me of doing this with my mother."

Nomu joined in as it also did star angels on the grass, causing Zakai to laugh

"You make it seem like we're not on a super important mission that could determine the fate of the clover kindgom if they get anything powerful." Zakai smiled, causing Veronica to roll her hands

"Oh please, with a squad of golden dawn members and black bull, were probably only here to get monitored on our strength." Veronica teased "Especially after your little stunt of killing a famous mage~"

Zakai rolled his eyes before looking at her "Come on, we need to go north from the tree"

after a 15 minute walk, Zakai found looking at a small stone entrance, fallen buildings, and other sorts on top of it

"Why have the buildings fallen?" Veronica curiously asked, causing Zakai to shrug "It's probably due to the fact that dungeons make a lot of mess with they come up, which includes tearing the ground up when they arise from the ground

walking into the entrance, Zakai used his flame magic to produce a flame

"Mhm, Nomu is enjoying the darkness," Veronica said, watching as her friend was getting bigger and bigger the more lack of light there was

Unfortunately for him, it seemed that his grimoire didn't fill up by being near the Little monster, making it hard to get the shadow magic he craves

after walking through the passageway for around 15 minutes, Zakai sensed some mana

"Damn, that's extremely strong." Zakai coughed, feeling the mana press down on his skin

"Uh, are you okay?" Veronica said, sensing the mana and being fine

he didn't know why, but Zakai was extremely sensitive to mana

touching the stone that blocked the entranceway to the actual dungeon, Zakai saw what a dungeon looked like in real life

in some dungeons, space and time could be distorted, but in this case, it seemed like gravity was distorted with waterfalls that climbed upwards and area's on the ceiling

it didn't seem like Zakai's and Veronica's gravity were distorted, just the ceiling

"Strange, I guess this is a dungeon for ya" Veronica shrugged, before stepping a step

using paper to restrain her, Zakai sighed

"You were about to step on a trap, Baka."

using his grimoire to float to the unactivated trap, Zakai made the grimoire absorb it

"So mana magic's in the dungeon." Zakai nodded, before showing a greedy smile

sensing other lifeforms in the area, he sensed 2 groups of 3 which should of be the black bulls and golden dawn, and a group of 12, led by 2 strong mana signals.

"Lets rendevous with them" Both flew to the location of the black bulls and golden dawn, paper wings for Zakai and riding Nomu for veronica

flying towards the 2 groups, they noticed 2 mana signals and got put onto high alert before seeing the crimson lion squad clothing

the man with golden dawn clothing pushed up his anime glasses and said "Hmph! finally, someone that can be respected."

the other 2 golden dawn members, being an unknown girl and Yuno both sighed hearing this

"WAAAAH! ZAKAI!" Asta screamed, rushing up to Zakai

the other black bull members were a girl with silver hair and purple eyes, her grimoire shining in a blue

A member of the silva household, that was for sure.

"Wheres the other one?" Zakai looked towards asta, who gave a sigh "He...ran off."

The girl gave a hum, before saying "It was your fault for letting him off, Bakasta!"

The senior of the golden dawn team gave a disdainful glance before pushing up his glasses

"Im Klaus Lunettes, alongside my teammate Mimosa Vermillon." He didn't bother to give Yuno an introduction as he glanced towards the silent boy with disdain

A member of the Vermillon household huh?

"Nice to meet you." Mimosa gave a kind smile before looking at veronica "Haven't I seen you before somewhere?"

"Nope." Veronica gave a toothy grin, but Zakai could see her hand was shaking

Yuno watched the scene quietly unfold as the next plan of action was set out
