
I still love her?


"I know deep down, you want me in your life",I said, holding his hands.

"your heart beats only for me",I added, controlling his hands to rub my chest.

He is still the same way I left him...he still loves me, I can feel it!

"i am your first love",I said, and hugged him.

He is still so weak when it comes to me!

Anyways, if you care to know, I am cherry.

His first, one and only love!

It happened years back


"leave me, leave me",I struggled in the arms of an unknown rapist!

Then out of nowhere, jimmy came , and saved me.

"thank you so much",I said, feeling grateful.

That's how we became friends, until one day.

"uhmn.....I don't know how to say this but, I love you!",jimmy blurted out!

"i love you too baby",I replied, and we kissed.

We had already fixed a date for our wedding!


      A day before the wedding!

I met chase, a cute guy with all the wealth a woman needed....

He claimed to love me, and we planned on eloping together, but somehow, jimmy found out.

"i never thought you could do this to me, I loved with all my heart! You were my first love. I still love you. I never want to see your face again",he yelled, and that was the last time I saw him, until today.

Flashback ends

As at then, I loved him, but .....he wasn't the rich guy I wanted.

Money speaks, now that he is filthy rich, am back!

He still loves me, and I will use this to my advantage!


"so you mean to say cherry is his first love?",she asked.

"yep",I replied.


"she made him the jerk he is today....sleeping around with various bitches",I said.


I just feel weak around her...my physical body wants her to go....

Buh deep within,I think she still have a spot in my heart!


"i still have one more question",I said.

"go on",he said.

"ok, I have been really observant, and I just wanna know, why is he so interested in Virgins?",I asked.

