
Chapter 89: One way ticket to the demon lands (III).

Chapter 89: One way ticket to the demon lands (III).

Kein's POV

"So do you guys have any ideas on how to deal with sirens?" I asked them and all of them shook their heads except for Iyashi.

Avery groans, looking really tired from all that's been happening on the ship. "I've only saved a mermaid but I didn't really ask her what should we do if a whole flock of sirens starts attacking our ship."

Kazari takes out her gauntlets from her inventory before cracking her fingers into a satisfying sound. "...we must not delay. If we will need to kill them then so be it."

She was not willing to delay their adventure any longer, they are so close to demon territory she won't let a couple of Sirens get in the way of that. 

"Hold on surely we can hold on to the violence a little-" (Avery) nervously laughs.
