
Side Chapter: You guys did it, didn't you? (IV).

Side Chapter: You guys did it, didn't you? (IV).

On the topic of continuing Kein's escort mission back for the second princess back to the castle, they were enjoying a peaceful ride with one another on the back of Vanilla. It will only take half an hour before they could arrive safely, no monsters in sight in the sky everything seems to be safe.


All of course, Kein and Rose enjoy the barrier that has been put up with magic. It's definitely taking a lot for the knight to focus her magic to not absorbit and now they could see the full view of some parts of the forest and the city below. 

Everyone down there looked like small tiny ant figures that were walking minding their own business. Living their everyday lives, possibly spending time with their family, going to work and even spending time with their lovers for the day.
